WP 6.3.1 on PHP 8.1
When updating other plugins, I get sometimes such an error message:
Warning: Undefined array key “plugins” in …\wp-content\plugins\tk-google-fonts\includes\admin\admin.php on line 27
Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in …\wp-content\plugins\tk-google-fonts\includes\admin\admin.php on line 27
Everything seems to work (no error in website), but the error message is very irritating.
I hope this can be fixed, because I like your plugin! I recommended it to others in the past and would like to do so in the future.
]]>There was an update today for TK Google Fonts. I’ve noticed the Google fonts are no longer showing up on our WordPress website, even though the plugin worked continuously for the past week when first installed it. Can the developers check this problem out?
]]>In Customiser > TK Google Fonts, I had chosen for one class (.site-title) a font that was installed in TK Google Fonts > Settings from fonts.google.com.
I then wished to stop using that font (or any Google font) for the class, so I returned to Customiser and selected the blank at the top of the list of installed Google fonts.
The result was that the class was then styled by TK Google Fonts with “font-family: none !important”. This is overriding any font that I then try to set in Customiser > Addditional CSS, even when I use !important.
Given that the Customiser fonts list is blank and does not say “None”, I think that the expected result is that TK Google Font stop applying (i.e. remove) its font-family rule for that class. It should not apply a rule of “font-family: none !important”, for which a use-case is not obvious to me.
As a test, I disabled TK Google Fonts. The “font-family: none !important” rule disappeared and I was able to apply any uploaded or default font of my choice to the class via custom CSS as expected.
Wordpress: 4.9.8
PHP: 5.6.30
Theme: _tk
Hi, I’ve installed TK google fonts on our website and everything is working great apart from the fact that the font for bold/strong and lists aren’t using the new Google font. How do we fix this? Thanks
]]>Hi there,
I rescently tried to speed up my page and ranking. I dicovered that I am getting bad marks for my font plugin.
Do you have an Idea how to increase the freshness lifetime of the fonts?
Grade Suggestion
58 Leverage browser caching
The following cacheable resources have a short freshness lifetime. Specify an expiration at least one week in the future for the following resources:
https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato%3A4 … alic%2C700%2C700italic%2C900%2C900italic&ver=4.7
https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto+C … A400%2C300%2C300italic%2C400italic%2C700&ver=4.7
Hi, i dont see the https://fonts.google.com/specimen/GFS+Neohellenic font in the list. how can i include it?
]]>Hi all,
The fonts are being loaded through http instead of https, creating errors on https environments. Is there a possibility this is fixed in future releases? You really only need to add the ‘s’.