Hi There,
I wanna stick my element on the desktop device only. But It’s working on all devices. And it looks peculiar!
So, how can I do this?
Thank you.
The sticky section (product image) is working but once roll down it over the footer. Do you know how to fix it?
…no need more! No doc, nothing!
]]>When you have multiple wordpress installations in subdirectories, the plugin gives an error 404 when saving or deleting.
Structure example:
? Domain.com/wordpress-1/
? Domain.com/wordpress-2/
I have been able to fix this problem by editing the following file:
Modifying the following text on lines 31 and 63:
After doing this, the plugin saves and deletes successfully.
I leave this information here, in case it is helpful.
When i go into the plugin setting page, following error displayed
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\xampp7\htdocs\demowebsite.com\wp-content\plugins\toast-stick-anything\backend\backend.php on line 79
Please check the screenshot from below link
tThe option “PARENT BLOCK STICKING?” remains disabled after checking off. It had already worked, but after various updates and installation of plugins it no longer works. I would be happy if you could help me.
Best Regards
]]>Cant delete existing sticking element nor make new ones?
Cant find a database table, where are the settings stored?
Thanks / Thomas
I am unable to create any sticky items and clicking “Add Sticky Item” doesn’t do any thing unfortunately.
Using WordPress 5.5
]]>First of all, very nice plugin! The only issue I have is that after resize of the screen the sticky elements don’t have the correct styling. After resize of the screen I first have to do a reload of the page to make sure the sticky elements look correct in that screensize.
]]>This does not appear to affect Divi elements. Is that correct or have I done something incorrectly?
At the referring url there is an id “project-title-1” applied to an element.
<div id="project-title-1" class="et_pb_row et_pb_row_1">
This id has been created within the Sticky Anything settings, but doesn’t seem to affect the page element.
]]>DL/installed/activated just fine. No ability to get to Settings through the Active Plugins area of the WP Dashboard.
]]>Hi there,
It may be worth having an Advanced Mode checkbox which swaps the fixed dropdown fields for number inputs so that the more experienced users can make use of this.
Reason being is that some themes don’t use the predefined values in the plugin.
E.g. the theme I’m using has a breakpoint of 1000px but the dropdown field for Minimum Screen Width has 768px and then 1024px.
I was able to remove the select options and replace it for number inputs but just a suggestion for you guys.
That being said, thanks for making this plugin available with multiple sticky elements! ??
This plugin breaks the layout on a WooCommerce Checkout page using 2 columns with the Order Review section in the right column, in an AJAX state.
Entered the following in the element class:
.checkout .col2-set .col-2
On load is fine but when you make changes to the payment section (i.e. switching from PayPal to Stripe to display onscreen card details), or any other section that triggers the AJAX state, the column heights aren’t adjusted and it seems to fall behind the footer portion.
Can you look into this issue please?
I use this great plugin and added a custom element in an earlier version.
Now when I update the plugin to version 1.2.0 the custom class I created was gone so I tried to add the class in the settings page of the plugin with the orange button.
But when I click on this button to add an element, there is nothing happening so I can’t add a custom class anymore and the plugin is not working right ??
Can you please have a look at it? I am working in the Chrome browser.
Thanks in advanced!
Kind Regards,
Hey! Your plugin works great but only on Chrome. On firefox and safari the sticky elements are flickering. Is there some kind of solution to repair it?