I saw in the posts here 3 years ago you had said you planned to add multi games to the list, has this been done? I can’t find the short code, looking to modify this to support multiple games, but the same key word in the title. in all of the addons ideally [streamweasels layout=”wall” game=”GTA V” title-filter=”NoPixel”]
Before you create your own topic here, please read the guidance below. Twitch Wall has had some major upgrades and things have changed. If you are having issues or have a specific question, we may already have an answer for you below:
As of the latest update, Twitch Wall is now an Add-on plugin for our new plugin – StreamWeasels Twitch Integration. You must install this new plugin for your Twitch Wall to continue working.
If you’d like to know why we created a new plugin, what the new features include or what you need to do to get it working, please check out our StreamWeasels Twitch Integration migration guide.
All of the StreamWeasels plugins have been rewritten, and the shortcode has been updated.
Old Shortcode:
New Shortcode:
[streamweasels layout="wall"]
If you don’t want to use the new version of Twitch Wall with Twitch Integration, you can return to the old version easily and all your data will still be there.
Simply delete the new Twitch Wall, now named StreamWeasels Twitch Integration – Wall Add-on. Then re-install the old Twitch Wall by searching for Twitch Wall in the wordpress plugin library.
If you’re having some other issues with the plugin, there are a few ways you can get help. You can reach out directly on our Contact Page which includes both a contact form and an option for live chat. You can also search the StreamWeasels Knowledge Base, where we might have already addressed your issue.
Premium Support
Our new plugin – StreamWeasels Twitch Integration has both a free and a PRO version available. PRO users get premium support, in the form of priority email support, answered within 24 hours. PRO users also get access to real-time support in our Discord server. If you want premium support, upgrade to StreamWeasels Integration PRO today!
Like Both?
In my Admin center i always see this message: Twitch TV Easy Embed (Wall): Show offline streams, use multiple walls and more with our new plugin – Twitch TV Wall PRO. Buy Now. I can pres the X and its gone, but as soon as i go to a next page, the message wil come back. Its there a way to remove this massage?
Greets Linksquest
]]>The plugin stopped working a few days ago.
It gives me the following error message:
Undefined index: twitch_appearance_colour_theme
in …/wp-content/plugins/ttv-easy-embed-wall/public/class-twitch-wall-public.php
on line 104
How can I fix it?
I would appreciate a helpful response
In option “Game”, i can set only one game. Can we enable more games in future?
FOr Example i want make an categories for Dark Soul I,II,II and others fromsoftware games for cs streamers. ??
I have SyntaxError with the plugin.
could you help me, please
I have him access her email address “[email protected]”
Is it possible to disable the chat feature once the channel has been selected and loaded?
]]>How can I make all the twitch streams autoplay when i load the page?
]]>The plugin is very clean, is it possible to integrate mixer and Youtube as well?
]]>Hi there,
just like stated in another dude’s topic I am only getting thos loading cubes, and the console ist printing “Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token”.
Firstly spotted here:
<script type="text/javascript">
( function( $ ) {</p>
var id = "<?php echo $id; ?>";
The </p>-Tag doesn’t even appear in the code, but there has been a blank space/line break that I removed. When I reloaded the page the error jumped to line 1512 (1513 in original file):
var html = '<li class="stream"><a target="_blank" href="'+url+'" title="Watch '+display_name+' Now!" data-channel-name='+display_name+'>';
In the console there is yet again a blank line break, which this time I cannot remove, so I am sitting here wondering what invalid token it could be pointing at.
In my console it’s showing like this:
var html = '
<li class="stream"><a target="_blank" href="'+url+'" title="Watch '+display_name+' Now!" data-channel-name='+display_name+'>';
html += '</p>
which is not even the stated code in the file. Not the “html += ‘</p>’ part in any case. Yes, it seeme to be the right file, since it reacts to changes I am doing.
Hope this can help to solve this issue. :>
Best regards!
]]>Could you add support so that I can specify a twitch communitiy and it will create the wall based on who is live at the time?
Love the plugin and if this can be resolved i’ll buy the pro too.
Im trying to add the game Rainbow 6 siege but it continually searches for it, i’ve copied and pasted the exact game title off twitch too to see and it still doesnt work.
Can you make it some the plugin starts to autofill the search bar as typing to make these challenges that bit easier please ?
]]>The streams not show on my homepage, only see the cubes rotation of loading.
My Theme is: Total Theme
Need Help please! Great Plugin.
]]>Hey !!
…You have no idea how happy.. no relieved…No Saved! That i am now..
I have been trying to do or find a way to do something like this for over a year now… how the hell i never saw this is beyond me !
And For Some Reason… Me and API.. is like me and Algebra back in highschool…
Looks simple..i get it.. i should be able to do it, i do way harder…
Yet… i just cannot even get a dailymotion Api key lol so imagine integrating
Lost my job 3 weeks ago, though was abusive.. 70h+ a week for less then 200.. so im actually so relieved!..only positive, except rent wont pay itself lol
So i need to revive my sites Asap !
Has they are my only source of revenue and has been neglected for well over 7 months now.. Decided i would simply wipe them all
And finally applu a paid theme.. has mine is a self coded pile of crap i give up on trying to make fully responsive xD
And.. For The Past 3 Weeks i been Wasting Soooo Much Time
Just Thinking About 2 Themes..
Youplay and GoodGame..
Then Suddenly found PlayerX which i almost instantly bought..
It looks great and that Streambox of theirs seemed like an API integration..
But not only is it not integrated.. it is a target=_blank .. simply will not play from the website.. which not only yours does but i really love how it also fetch the chat
I even just looked at goodgame and it has the same _Blank… i need people to stay on my websites..
so basically gg’s theme integration is useless…
I do intend to use twitch on the site so this is great =)
But Ironically my Sites main goal,
Is to Be a Hub for NSFW Stream You Could NOT play on twitch,
Ex: Visual Novels or Games With Nudes Mods
And has Hosting Rtmp would be way out of my budget
The Only Platforms i found who offers Both Embed+Private
is Goodgame.ru and chew.tv or if i could figure out the new dailymotion api..
Didnt look to much into Chew since it is mainly a dj platform so doubt id really use it
But for GoodGame.ru, mixer and smashcast,
i would expect it to be the same API Layout has twitch?
Like would it be possible to Rduplicate and edit Your plugin into a Mixer one etc
Or Would it be something you intend to do in the future?
Because especially for goodgame.ru
me and hopefully alot of people should use that one mainly even if distance causes a bit of instability,
Maybe using an idea like PlayerX Streambox for single person multi stream share
or simply,
well actually, both would be best ;3 to add walls for those other platforms has well.
Was thinking,
i could try to merge Your plugin inside that streambox
And have it do /channel/* only, make it wider to receive the chat
But then again i could not figure out how to have a Post that goes Live be Bumped at the top of the list has a wordpress embed,
So in the end,
your plugin would just save time and work way better on single pages
it would simply be perfect to remain has a single plugin with multi integration ;3
Could be an extra reason for people to buy Premium,
The ability to have multiple walls is enough for me to buy it later once i bought my theme, so =)
Only thing though, is it unlimited walls once premium? or any softcaps?
Very Sorry for long text but ya..
didnt sleep in 3 days you have no idea how much this saves me from strangling my OCD’s
i can skip youplay and gg themes and just go with playerX
though after the answers i had from them concerning if this was possible…
im very skeptic of the theme quality now.. even sent them link to the theme in question that very well describes the integration..
And especially ! after seeing how the streambox..
is nothing else then a redirect box..
So Would adding goodgame.ru integration be something ud be willing willing to do for a fee or ya make this plugin even better by adding more ;3
Thank you !
]]>The new update causes a error 500 in my admin panel. I do have a number of addons and Network mode is enabled.
No errors are reported in a log at all though so i can not provide much more information.
]]>it would be possible display offline channels too and a random(from my list) always display and chat embed video ?