also broken for 3.4.1
can’t publish new post. curl-error in WordPress.
]]>Unfortunately, this plugin fails to install.
]]>It has been zipped incorrectly. (tumblr folder > another tumblr folder with the actual files)
You need to download, extract and ftp the 2nd tumblr folder (containing the files).
It’s a big basic and simple but it does what it says on the tin.
]]>Manage tumblr does not work…
]]>Installing Plugin: Tumblr 1.0
Downloading install package from…
Unpacking the package…
Installing the plugin…
The package could not be installed. No valid plugins were found.
Plugin install failed.
]]>The plugin does not have a valid header.
Removed only using SSH from my WP.
WordPress tells me that “this plugin has an invalid header” when I go to install it.
]]>Well, as the subject says…