Uploaded a file called KagomeHome.oam
No spaces, numbers or underscores.
It does nothing. Never leaves the upload screen.
When I hover over it, it gives me the error [object object] in red.
Hasn’t worked since last year really. I’ve kept an old version around that works, but the new version does not.
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()
Hello. We have been using this plugin on our site however the latest release (version 1.9.11) is causing conflicts with some functionality on our site relating to viewing and downloading pdf files.
Is there somewhere I can access the previous version (1.9.9)? I’ve tried rollback plugins but no joy there. Also looked on your GitHub page but couldn’t see it, and couldn’t find it on your website either. It would be useful to have the last few stable versions available.
This plugin is not compatible with PHP version 8.1 and crashes the site.
My host imposes this version of PHP and my site is no longer usable.
Will this plugin work for any OAM created by non-Tumult apps?
While trying to debug why we were not getting an ID on upload of our .oam file I noticed that your variables.php file seems to be incorrectly written. You do not declare global $wpdb before using the variable. Also the first line just outputs a boolean: defined(‘ABSPATH’);
Is there a reason you wrote this plugin this way?
]]>I have hype animation (js) error. Can you help or give some tips.
Status: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
Miha Grbac
I use Elementor to build my WordPress website. I’ve used Tumult Hype Animations to embed my Hype docs into 3 pages of the website. Always worked no problems. But since updating to the latest Elementor (3.2.2) + Elementor Pro (3.2.1), I hit problems. When I upload new animations and add the shortcode, using Elementor’s shortcode widget, the docs no longer display. If I change the container to ‘iframe’ in the Hype plugin settings, then the doc displays but doesn’t fill the container height. This is only a problem for newly uploaded animations after updating Elementor. All animations uploaded before the update still work fine, just as they always have with no need to change ‘div’ to ‘iframe’ in the plugin Hype settings. Do you know if there is an incompatibility and how to fix it. I don’t code!
]]>I am embedding my animation with a shortcode. The animation does not appear on the front end. It seems to be looking for the files of the animation (JS, CSS, images, etc.) in the same folder as the page (. However when I inspect the folder though my FTP client, none of the files are there, instead they are all stored in folder /wp-content/uploads/hypeanimations/9/mapping-animation.hyperesources/. Why is this?
My animation worked but showed an error message in Chrome> console
I used the plugin with an .oam export but the animation does not display.
Error message (conflict with Joyn theme ???):
(index):377 GET https://www.monsite.fr/wp-content/themes/joyn-child/animation/anim-accueil.hyperesources/animaccueil_hype_generated_script.js?31158 net::ERR_ABORTED 404
Best Regards
]]>Hi,this plugin seems to be very nice!
I’m testing right now this plugin and hype4. The project is set to always fit the screen. It works nice if I export as an html folder. But with the oam file and this plugin I get always a blank page. If I remove the fit to page settings, it works.
Is this an issue of the plugin or a problem between wordpress and hype?
Thank you! ??
For anyone suddenly having strange hover issues where things like code editors or fields are suddenly turning white with blue text, this plugin over-rides the default PRE class. This will especially effect anyone using VisualBakery, themes that include a visual editor, or any custom CSS line editors. It will basically over-ride the WordPress default and and reset.css files in your theme.
Just comment out pre:hover on line 45 and 93 in the hypeanimations.css file in this folder: /wp-content/plugins/tumult-hype-animations/css/
I used a link with anchor (example: #etage) in a hype animation.
I want to link the row that is upstairs below (One page site).
The link works well but it is very abrupt, no smooth scroll. On my site, the smooth scroll is ok with the links without animation hype
I used plugins like “Page Scroll too id” but it does not work.
How to get a smooth scroll from a Hype animation?
The error message on dashboard was:
Deletion failed: <? if ( !defined( 'WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN' ) ) exit(); global $wpdb; $wpdb->query( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$wpdb->prefix}hypeanimations" ); delete_option( 'hypeanimations_db_version' ); function hyperrmdir($dir) { if (is_dir($dir)) { $objects = scandir($dir); foreach ($objects as $object) { if ($object != "." && $object != "..") { if (filetype($dir."/".$object) == "dir") hyperrmdir($dir."/".$object); else unlink($dir."/".$object); } } reset($objects); rmdir($dir); } } $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $anims_dir=$upload_dir['basedir'].'/hypeanimations/'; hyperrmdir($anims_dir); ?>{"success":true,"data":{"delete":"plugin","slug":"tumult-hype-animations","plugin":"tumult-hype-animations\/hypeanimations.php","pluginName":"Tumult Hype Animations"}}
I should manually delete table, options and upload directory.
]]>Sorry if it’s not support related, I’ve just discovered that this existed, and I look forward to trying it soon ??
]]>For more information about this plugin and ongoing discussion, please visit: https://forums.tumult.com/t/hype-animations-wordpress-plugin/11074
While you are welcome to post here with support questions, it is more likely that the Tumult team will respond when posting on the Tumult Forums directly.