This is showing up on inspecting the code. It’s also hanging up my website in speed tests :
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) wp-content/plugins/tw-recent-posts-widget/tw-recent-posts-widget.css?ver=1.0.5
How get_the_excerpt with html out template,
i have see $show_post_excerpt = apply_filters ( 'show_post_excerpt', isset ( $instance ['show_post_excerpt'] ) ? ( bool ) $instance ['show_post_excerpt'] : false );
help me,
]]>I’m getting this:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
]]>After upgrading to WP 4.5 I could use the TPW-Widgets created under WP 4.4.2.
But I cannot create a new TW-Widget. There is no link to crate it on the Widget page. It disappeared…
]]>Would be good to enable this so that all category posts could be shown…
]]>How can I troubleshoot this?
OK I understand only works with excerpts. I wanted something which would show there are more posts in the category than only those listed…
Since the last update on a site this is on the wp-admin area throws a 500 error. Goes away when the plugin is deactivated.
]]>It is nice that the plugin picks up the posts tagged “sticky” and lists them at the top.
I would like to draw the user’s attention more explicity to these.
Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s just a matter of styling the css, as the entry appears to be classed the same as “regular” ones.
Any hope you could add some specific identifyier?
While I’m on suggestions/requests, could we also have a date limit on the listed entries to avoid “stale” news?
I would like to be able to specify things like : “list no more than 10 entries, not older than 45 days old.”
]]>Upgrading to 4.3.0 gives an error:
( ! ) Notice: The called constructor method for WP_Widget is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 4.3.0! Use <pre>__construct()</pre> instead. in [...]\wp-includes\functions.php on line 3457
Changing tw-recent-posts-widget.php line 48 from:
$this->WP_Widget('tw-recent-posts', __('TW Recent Posts ', $this->localization_domain), $widget_ops);
parent::__construct('tw-recent-posts', __('TW Recent Posts ', $this->localization_domain), $widget_ops);
appears to fix it.
]]>I installed this on a site running WordPress 4.2.2 and the categories dropdown only lists “All Categories.” None of the categories that have been created under Posts show up.
]]>I can only select ‘All Categories’ from the category dropdown.
]]>Hi – I have the latest version of this plugin installed. I only have one post (Upcoming Events) that I want to display in the footer but when I drag the widget into the First Footer Widget Area and look at my home page it displays the 4 separate Event lines as one long sentence without line breaks.
At the same time if I go to the regular blog area it displays the 4 separate Events on 4 separate lines.
I’ve tried it with several different themes (one being the default WP TwentyTen) and several different WP versions, 4.1.5 and 4.2.1 but it doesn’t work on any of them.
You can see what I mean at
?May 22-25 ~ Memorial Weekend.
?May 24 ~ Whitman Commencement.
?June 4-27 ~ Chamber Music Festival.
?June 18-20 ~ Celebrate Walla Walla Valley Wine.
displays as:
May 22-25 ~ Memorial Weekend. May 24 ~ Whitman Commencement. June 4-27 ~ Chamber Music Festival. June 18-20 ~ Celebrate Walla Walla Valley Wine.
Thanks in Advance
]]>In the widget I have set the “number of postst to show” setting set to “2”
This doesn’t seem to work at all. At the frontend it is showing 6 posts instead!
Any idea on how to make this behave correctly?
Following the update, the posts are appearing in a vertical order when they were horizontal previously.
Please advise how to fix?
Thank you
]]>Greetings! I just updated your plugin to the most recent version (Version 1.0.4) and now my excerpts are missing regardless of the widget settings. Any ideas?
]]>I have this set in my sidebar but would like to reduce the length. Kindly advise how I can change this in CSS.
]]>When we switch from http to https using SSL it appears the font size within your plugin reduces in size by about half the original size. How do we edit your plugin to play nice on a site using SSL?
]]>The plugin has been running just fine up until just a few days ago. One day we opened the website and instead of showing the three most recent posts on the home page like it had been, it’s now only showing one. Do you have any idea why? Here is the link: . It’s the “latest news” section in the middle.
I have an alert “strict standards, redefined constructor” with PHP 5. You use “TW_Recent_Posts()” and “__construct()” for compatibility between PHP4 and PHP5. But, you must choose. I suggest that you use “TW_Recent_Posts()” method. This method is valid for PHP 4 and PHP 5 without alert. Even though I prefer “__construst()” too, but it’s well ;).
Thanks !
]]>Hello, I’m no good in php, I want the widget to display the hour of the post instead of the date, what do I need to change??
Awesome plugin btw!!
]]>I want to post excerpts from a category (new), but across different custom post_type.
Where can I add these in tw-recent-posts-widget.php or add that as an additional choice in the widget menu?
]]>Hi there! Love this plugin, works like a charm!
Too bad my php skills are close to zero. I really would like to see a “Title length (characters)” just like the post excerpt length. Reason: The plugin messes with my layout when a post has a title that is too long for 1 line.
If somebody knows how to create this by editting the php file, please share! I can realy use it ??
thanks in advance!
]]>Love this plugin! Would really like to be able to use a custom template for the display, by the same process as using custom CSS — have it look in my theme directory for a template file; if it finds it, it uses it, otherwise it proceeds as normal.
]]>Hi – I love the plugin and it works great. I was recently asked to add a “Featured Post” widget to our home page which is now side-by-side with the TW Recent Posts.
All of our recent post widget articles are assigned to the News category so they show up on a News page. Featured Posts are now assigned to a new category, ‘Featured’, as well as News. The problem is that now the Featured Post and the most recent News article are the same and appear side-by-side on the home page.
Can you help with a little code to exclude the posts that are also assigned the to the ‘featured’ category? I can manipulate PHP, but not exactly a “programmer”. Thanks for any help.
can this be shown on the homepage only?
]]>I have this widget in my sidebar. I have everything else in the sidebar center-aligned, but I can’t seem to get the thumbnails to align to the center. Any ideas?
My site:
How can I make my widget look just like the one in your screenshot?
I’m guessing that my theme’s fonts override the one’s in the widget… can this be?
I want to use your plugins inside the theme itself. It is a commercial theme, so i thought i should ask your permission first before i embed it in the theme.
Thank you,
]]>Widget was working well till very recently, then just stopped noticing new posts, or is taking a very long time to display them.
This happened after a WP upgrade, and also a change of the Site URL, (so I could use just my site URL, not https://www.siteURL/wordpress). Should I reinstall it?
]]>I can’t figure out what’s causing it, seems totally random, but TW widgets default to “All categories” after while.
I’m running WPML plugin, not sure if it interferes or not.