Hi everyone, I’m a graphic designer with extremely basic knowledge about coding and CSS.
I’m juste trying to fix one thing on my website, I would like the spacing between images and blocks to always be 9px, somehow I managed to do that on the home page but the margin is not consistent in other pages.
here the margin is good between images, always 9px between all blocks / images
here the margin is bigger between images as well as between text blocks below
when I looked at the chrome developper tool I noticed this :
:root {
–wp–custom–spacing–tw-small: 40px;
–wp–custom–spacing–tw-margin-medium: 48px;
–wp–custom–spacing–tw-medium: 60px;
–wp–custom–spacing–tw-large: 80px;
–wp–style–columns-gap-default: 32px;
I have spotted this, when I change the values from 48px to 9px and 60px to 9px manually in the developper tool, it works. But I have no idea how to implement it for real.
I use the theme “Dawson” and I have installed the extensions “Twentig” and “Duplicate Page” only
Any clue on how to fix my issue?
]]>Dear Support:
I am using TWENTY TWENTY FOUR Block theme.
The tw icon shown on your guide doesn’t show on my styles
I found that I can not post image here.
After activating/deactivating my plugins one by one to find what could be causing a problem editing large 320+ image Gutenberg galleries that are restyled using the extension Essential Grid, I saw that there seems to be something related to Twentig. Essential Grid support has not yet replicated my issue and is suggesting that I search outside of their plugin. Hence this post.
The context: I’m a professional photographer, 56, trying to redesign my aging website from scratch using WordPress, FSE, Twentig, the Twenty-Twenty-Four theme and the fewest extensions possible.
The issue: Essential Grid has an add-on plugin/feature named ??Essential Grid WP Gallery Replace Addon?? which basically takes over site-wide the standard Gutenberg Gallery block layout and replaces it with a personalized grid configured with their main extension. I activated this feature to have a masonry layout on the photography galleries of my site.
The pain point is coming from the fact that some of my galleries hold year-long series of over 320+ 1600 pixel-wide images in a single gallery block. This has been working fine until now, but since I added Essential Grid to the game, these large galleries load okay on the front end, but choke when trying to edit them in the WP admin. In other words, they don’t load and result to a blank page.
Server and memory config issues have been investigated and I am quite confident that the issue is not there. If so, I would probably see other problems. In my tests, I have found that deactivating the Twentig plugin, let the pages load again in the WP admin. Not using the Essential Grid feature obviously too, but my whole point is to use it (and twentig too).
My WordPress setup and config is new, quite vanilla and my hosting service is quite generous with server resources. All versions are up to date and I tried different browsers (on Mac). I am obviously not a dev, but I have configured and managed WordPress sites since early versions. Also, I have not run into this issue when testing other gallery extensions like Modula or other.
My not-very-rational gut feeling is still leaning towards a problem on the EG side, but since their support person is in a ??not-us?? position, I am constrained to take some time to investigate elsewhere.
I would be happy to share configs, screenshots and screen movies in private messages, but for a few reasons, I do not wish to do this publicly here. Thank you for your bearing with me.
And thank you for any hints or clues that could help me investigate further and hopefully find a fix. I have a work around currently, which is deactivate plugins, edit my galleries and reactivate, but it is far from ideal!
Kind regards.
]]>I have the countdown clock set up and it loads properly when in the page editor but when I go to the actual page from a browser, the block itself doesn’t load properly. This is how it loads regardless of the browser that I use:
the Twentig plugin seems to apply overflow: hidden on the drop down menu which cause it to go under content.
]]>Hi, I am trying to appear in google discover but there is something I want to do to appear in google discover with this theme and it is in the featured image in its intrinsic Size is very small and I would like it to be of the original which is 1280 and width 720. How could I change that. Thanks
Image: https://ibb.co/Z29GpcF
]]>Please not work Twenty Twenty-Four Child
]]>I just installed the Twentig plugin, but I can’t find out how to use older starter themes. I’m using WordPress version 6.6.1, and I cannot see the option to import older themes. Can the older themes still be used? If so, how? Hope someone can help!
]]>Maybe this is a feature request, but I cannot see a way to get the number of comments to show in the latest posts block grid/list. You have implemented this for the default blog page in the customizer, functionality that would be very useful in the block options.
Or is there an alternative way to add the number of comments by some other route?
]]>I’d like to use Twentig’s portfolio features on my site. However I need to remove the portfolio base so my portfolio post slugs are sitename.com/post, and I need to set the category base to be sitename.com/projects/category-slug. How can I achieve this? I’ve tried everything I can think of in the twentig portfolio and category base fields but can’t crack it. Thanks!
]]>Hi there,
When I click any links, black background shows. Can I remove it completely. Also I want to remove underline from Site title.
Give me some code or CSS.
Thanks for.
]]>I have this issue on all sites where I use twentig: When you click on a link (e.g. a navigation item) there shows up a square around it, that shouldn’t be there. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Buttons also get this black square around them, when you click on them.
]]>When I expand my mobile menu, the menu presents within the space of the navigation bar only, rather than opening up fully so I can see the menu.
I can see it properly when previewing in the template editor. But I cannot see it properly on the live site.
It’s possible to remove Menu and Close Text from mobile menu.
]]>I created a child theme of Frost and it seems to work fine on a singe site. But when I activate it on a multisite config, I get “Error: The parent theme is missing. Please install the “frost” parent theme” when I have the Twentig plugin activated. This does not happen when I use a child theme of the Ollie theme. My testing is on a new install of WP 6.5.3 and Frost 1.0.9. I tested with no other plugins activated other than Twentig v1.8.2. I see nothing logged to debug.log. My PHP version is 8.1.2.
]]>Hi there,
I’ve tried to import the Twentig “portfolio” demo using the WordPress twenty twenty four theme and it always shows the same error.
I’ve tried deactivating and deleting all plugins with no luck.
Some screenshots of the problem:
]]>When I use Twenty Twenty-Four no comment section is shown.
When I choose Twenty Twenty-One the comment section appears again.
]]>Hi, I didn’t put any link, because I’m working locally (with Local) and I’m using Twentig with theme Twenty-Twentyfour. I also imported content from my ‘old’ website, still running online.
Now if I go to > Portfolio > all projects I can see them all, I can also edit them, but I cannot view any of them. Also from the portfolio grid block on my “projects” page no link is working. Everything leads to a “page not found”.
Secondly, I cannot find any google font section within the settings of the plugin, as you say in an already closed topic about styles menus not showing.
I hope you can help, the plugin is nice, but it must work to go online ??
Bests, Roberta
]]>I have set a custom site font of Lora through Twentig and it’s been working great! But suddenly, the main font reset and I can’t seem to get it fixed. The problem appears to be CSS issues?
For my site header, for example, I see this rule:
:where(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) {
font-family: var(--wp--preset--font-family--tw-font-1);
font-weight: 400;
line-height: 1.4;
Which sounds pretty good. The first font I installed is the font I want to use! But no luck. That’s because no such CSS variable appears to exist! I see these snippets in the CSS:
body {
--tw-font-1: 'Lora', serif;
--tw-font-2: 'Oswald', sans-serif;
:root {
--wp--preset--font-family--tw-font-1: var(--tw-font-1);
/* ... Lots of other variables ... */
It appears that you can’t refer to a body CSS variable in the :root context, but that’s what the code is trying to do.
]]>Hey, there a way to add more shape to the image mask and dividers? I tried adding svg code to inc/shape.php but that wasn’t succesful. Any help appreciated. Having the option to load more shapes on the backend would be awesome.
]]>Hi, thank you for the great plugin. I have a question: When you select ‘None’ for Footer Credit, are the footer credits like ‘Powered by WordPress’ hidden by CSS or removed by PHP code?
]]>I am having a very strange behaviour issue that appeared suddenly. I am having a duplicate footer no matter which setting I choose from the twentig options. Here is a screenshot.
I noticed a css issue that affects these elements:.wp-block-media-text.is-style-tw-overlap.has-media-on-the-right
There are wrong properties for margin-right: -80px;
This causes the mobile view to be incorrect, see screenshots here:
Please fix this in the next release.
]]>Hi! How does one use plugins that are used to make fully native multilingual sites with Twentig? I need domain.com/en/ ; domain.com/es/ ; domain.com/fr/
Will there be any issues that I should be aware of if I use WPML or Polylang with Twentig?
]]>I solved the problem by myself. ?? Instead of using the “Project Categories” block – which is actually intended for that purpose- I used the “Tag Cloud” block and transformed the taxonomies to “Project Categories”.
]]>Dear twentig team,
when I add the “Project Categories” block to my Project/portfolio start page, no categories are displayed, even though I definitely have some. I can see them in the admin interface under “Project Categories”.
I have now used a normal paragraph as category navigation. But I have to change it manually when I change the categories.
Any idea how I can solve the problem?
Best regards
Is Twentig Theme support Woocommerce also multisite, my project is using Greenshift Page Builder, thanks
]]>I want to hide feature image in a post. But not in blog or category archive. I tried using some custom css & wordpress plugins; it hides in the post but not in the blog or category archive.
Is there any right custom css which will work?
]]>is it possible to provide the same dropdown setting like in the cover-block please? ??
]]>I’m sure I’m missing something silly, but when I go into the block editor, I’m not seeing the Twentig styles menu in the top right corner anymore, so I don’t have any way to access things like global typography styles.
I’ve tried disabling all other plugins and uninstalling and reinstalling Twentig, but it’s still not there. I’m on WordPress 6.4.3 with Twentig 1.8 installed.
]]>Hi There!
When I activate the Twentig plugin on my site on Twenty Twenty-Four Theme, mobile Menu doesn’t load properly, instead it reloads the page when clicked on the Menu. I’ve done in my production site but it doesn’t work so disabled it. please check it on my staging site where the plugin is activated, and let me know what can be the solution.