This plugin appears a bit incomplete. Reading through the feature description I definitely didn’t feel like I got what I expected.
“Provides an HTML form for posting image content” – I’m wondering how I’m supposed to create an image upload page, like if there’s a page tag to insert or something. After reading the readme (which I never do) I found the twitter-image-host page though. However I still don’t get how I can go about putting this on another page.
“as well as an API modelled on that of” – Where do I find this API, and what am I supposed to do with it?
What is “Use Lightbox, etc.” supposed to mean? There are literally hundreds of lightbox plugins available. How am I supposed to know which ones are compatible with your plugin?
Also, doesn’t twitter utilize a different form of default authentication now?
It’s harsh, but I said all these things because I think your plugin could be really great. I’d love to set up a user-contributed gallery for my users.