Are there examples of how I can style the tweet stream I’m pulling in? I need to change the color of the text, and I’d like to put some space between tweets (maybe a line too). Thanks!
Does the plugin work with shortcodes?
Thanks Simon for a great plugin and thank you for making it work with Twitters 1.1 API, I suspect that was quite a lot of work.
I fixed the inability to override / overwrite the default search criteria this for TT Version 3.3.6. The $post_id variable was never getting set and there was a problem with the code to determine under which circumstances using the override should occur.
My code only works for the search, not the Profile tracker (though a similar change would probably suffice) and removes the ability to set a default through the Appearance | Widgets section.
You do this by selecting the Plugin through Plugins | Editor.
Choose the file: twitter-tracker.php if it is not already chosen.
Find the line:
// Allow the local custom field to overwrite the widget's query
After this line enter:
global $post;
$post_id = $post->ID; // Get the $post_id of the current page
Then comment out the next line.
This section should now look like this:
// Allow the local custom field to overwrite the widget's query
global $post;
$post_id = $post->ID; // Get the $post_id of the current page
//if ( is_singular() && is_single() && $post_id = get_queried_object_id() )
if ( $local_query = trim( get_post_meta( $post_id, '_tt_query', true ) ) )
$twitter_search = $local_query;
Once your code looks like the above, click Update File, set an override on the Page and this should now work. If you want to do similar with the Profile tracker, there is similar code a bit further down in the file. I’ve not looked hard at it but I suspect you can do a similar thing.
]]>Hi guys,
first of all: thanks for that amazing plugin!
I just stumbled upon some behaviour that I would not have expected:
I’m using your plugin as a widget and just searching for one hashtag. I don’t want the Retweets to be included, so I checked that off. But it seems that when there are many Retweets in the search result, it just shows nothing (in my case just one tweet, although I would like to have 3 (that’s also my setting in the ‘Max tweets to show’ field). If I check the “include Retweets”-box, I get the desired amount of tweets..)
Is there a way I can make the “max tweets to show” something like “tweets to show” (so it’s the exact number of tweets and not the maximum) (and still not including the Retweets)?
that would be awesome!
thanks in advance,
Hey there mate!
I’m using your plugin and am loving the flexibility of search parameters and general all-round minimal approach.
Have a few issues though and hoping you can help out:
1. I’m trying to override the HTML to make some changes and have followed your guide on creating directories within my “themes” folder.
So this is what I’ve done:
– Copied your file widget-content.php into the following directory –
I should note that my theme is a child theme of another theme. I’ve also tried placing the view/category-images-ii directory in my parent theme, which worked for about an hour, then reverted back to your default widget-content.php file.
Ideally I’d like the override to work with my child theme so I don’t have to replace this folder and file each time they have an update.
2. I’m using the Twitter Search Tracker widget, and wanting to display the username of the person who’s tweeted (the @insert_name_here username). Currently, as you would know, it displays the name (Firstname lastname) on the tweet, but I’d like to add the @username beneath it. I tried twit_uid, but this just shows a number. I’m probably missing something very simple.
Your advice on these two questions would be much appreciated.
Also, would you consider creating a checkbox with “display username” in the settings of the widget? I think it would be something many people would be interested in.
Thanks! Looking forward to your reply.
]]>Is testing ‘Twitter Tracker’ on local host possible?
Trying to authorise with Twitter I got these error messages:
]]>Notice: Undefined index: oauth_token in D:\Server2Go\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\twitter-tracker\class.wp-twitter-oauth.php on line 70
Notice: Undefined index: oauth_token_secret in D:\Server2Go\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\twitter-tracker\class.wp-twitter-oauth.php on line 70
Notice: Undefined index: oauth_token in D:\Server2Go\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\twitter-tracker\class.twitter-authentication.php on line 136
Notice: Undefined index: oauth_token_secret in D:\Server2Go\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\twitter-tracker\class.twitter-authentication.php on line 137
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at D:\Server2Go\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\twitter-tracker\class.wp-twitter-oauth.php:70) in D:\Server2Go\htdocs\wordpress\wp-includes\pluggable.php on line 1121
I have had Twitter Tracker on a page for a few months now.
It has worked fine, but now it has suddenly stopped working.
Instead of tweets, it just says “no tweets found”.
Is this some compatibility problems with a new WP version…?
First off the obvious, great plugin! Works like a charm. As for my question, how do I remove the options for twitter tracker from user’s views–specially the add/edit post page? I use adminimize for things like this generally, but for some reason I’m not seeing the option for twitter tracker there.
How can i display tweets with multiple hashtags which have OR condition. Like i need to display tweet which has #hash1 OR #hash2 OR #hash3 then what will i have to do?
After an hours trial and error, i managed to style the widget the way I want
The first line that removes background image is due to Suffusion theme that uses a background image to display bullets.
.widget_twitter-tracker li { background-image:none !important; }
.widget_twitter-tracker ol ul li { list-style-type: none; !important; }
ol.tweets { padding:0px !important; margin: 0; !important; }
ol.tweets .avatar {
in Suffusion theme I can include this as custom includes.
]]>I want to use a different required hashtag on some pages.
For example on the page “Group 7” I want to show the tweets using #group7
I guessed that on this page in the field ‘Twitter Tracker widget query:’ I had to fill in #group7 but that does not work.
How does this work on the pages?
]]>Wondering if there’s a way of making the twitter search tracker widget display the search results as an ul rather than an ol.
]]>Is there a possibility to have this plug-in not a widget and just be displayed on a single page? Thanks!
]]>the plugin “twitter search tracker” get no result from the last week.
is it the new 3.6.1 WordPress? or new API Twitter?
I am alone with this matter?
Minor issue:
On the Twitter Tracker Authentication page at /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=tt_auth
the link to the authorized account is broken.
It is currently$screen_name%20);%20?%3E
Hope this helps!
]]>i can’t seem to get the per page query to work. it always reverts to the main widget.
]]>It seems like there is a date limitation? (maybe only a week, but I’m not sure exactly)
So when I search on Twitter, I get a full page of results, but through the plugin I only get one result from the last week or so. Is there a limit placed by Twitter on outside search calls or…?
Thank you
I just installed Twitter Tracker, authorized with Twitter, and added Twitter Search Tracker to the sidebar. After that the HTML page generation stops immediately after the title for the Widget with a PHP error in the error_log.
Here are the settings (if not listed, blank):
Title: Twitter feed
Twitter search: #this_that
Max tweets to show: 6
Hide @ replies: checked
Include retweets: checked
Hide all Emoji: selected
I have the WP Widget Cache plug-in installed. I found this in my error_log:
07-Aug-2013 13:33:10 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function remove_replies() on a non-object in …/wp-content/plugins/twitter-tracker/twitter-tracker.php on line 251
]]>Hi, thanks for a great plugin, it’s just what I was looking for. Could somebody please help me wrap the text to the user profile images? I tried the following using css, but I think I am doing it wrong?
.TwitterTracker_Widget {
text-align: top;
I’m trying to search for a hashtag with a geographical location. (#hashtag near:”london”). It works fine on twitter search but doesn’t seem to work (return any results) in the widget. Anything I can do to fix this?
Adding two terms (#hashtag london) seems to pull results for either just fine btw.
]]>Just scared the * out of me after installing the update for Twitter Tracker.
The site “crashed” because class.twitter-authentication.php couldn’t be found.
Renamed the plugin directory temporary and site shows again… fhieeewww ??
Do I have to download this file manually and if so… where?
Thanks in advance for your replies.
]]>It seems like some emoticons are breaking the twitter feed. The tweets following the bad tweet show up, but none of the older tweets show up.
Is there a find/replace option for emoticons?
]]>Since Twitter updated there API from version 1.0 to v1.1 Twitter-Tracker is not working anymore.
Will this be fixed in short time of must we use another Twitter Widget like:
I really hope Twitter-Tracker will fix this very soon,, because i love this widget!
]]>All of a sudden my twitter profile tracker feed has disappeared! It was working up until yesterday. I haven’t changed anything. I’ve noticed a few people have had similar issues and it’s just resolved itself.
I get a strange thing that says “about 43 years ago”…very random
Im using the same search term that I use in twitter search but it shows no results in the plugin. It works perfectly in Twitter. Perhaps my snytax is wrong?
I want to show all tweets with @jimmyicedcoffee and #SummerCoffee.
My search term is:
@jimmyicedcoffee #SummerCoffee
ive tried using the ‘Mandatory hashtag: ‘ box but if I put anything at all in this box it stops working. So how do I show only the tweets with @jimmyicedcoffee and #SummerCoffee?
Many Thanks!
]]>I noticed that the hashtags did’nt work with special swedish characters in UTF-8. So I changed something in model/twitter-search.php to make it work.
line 74 was:
$content = preg_replace( '/(^|\s)#(\w*[a-z_]+\w*)/i', '\1<a href="\2">#\2</a>', $content );
changed to:
$content = preg_replace( '/(^|\s)#(\w*[a-z_üà-??-??-?]+\w*)/i', '\1<a href="\2">#\2</a>', $content );
]]>Hi Simon,
I have a theme with a sidebar. Inside the sidebar I have added your plugin, which is working fine.
Inside a page I have edited the profile username – if correct, it must override the default username – which is not the case. It uses the default. I tried to left the default blank without succes.
Can you test this for me?
]]>Hi, someone installed Twitter Tracker on my site, but I do not see where to change the terms or hashtags to filter the feed on my site? Where do I do this?
How can I access this plugin within my theme? Thus not as widget via the WP admin, but hard coded inside the template.