Hi Bass jobsen,
Is this plugin is compatible & tested with the latest wordpress version 4.7.4?
Please reply…
Vikas Sharma
I have shortcode ultimate installed already and using it. I installed your plugin but I cannot see the Twitter Bootstrap 3 tab now, on the list of shortcode UI, just as it is displayed on your screenshot.
Is there any additional config that I have to do in order to see this addon on my shorcode ultimate UI ??
]]>To Fix
inc/jbst.php line:724
‘values’ => array(‘none’,’glass’,’music’,
Replace line with object values array from line 70
‘values’ => array(”=>”,’glass’=>’glass’,’music’=>’music’ ..etc
the other arrays need fixing as well
line: 747
When using the accordion shortcode, the shortcode generates markup with classnames like “accordion-*”.
Bootstrap 3 uses “panel-*”, see “Major Class Changes” when migrating.
Is this by design or oversight?
]]>I don’t understand how to use columns and column rows in this plugin. I’ve messed around for some time and they basically don’t do anything.
There’s no tutorials I can find. I hate to say it but I could have hand-coded everything I wanted to do by now.
First of all thank you very much!
We have completed the installation, but can not find the code. On the menu? Article writing does not seem well.
Thank you so much please let me.
]]>bug report v.1.0.3 of this plugin:
plugin messes up “Shortcodes Ultimate” and throws error in admin
cause: shortcodes.php starts with “<?” instead of “<?php”
fix: use proper “<?php” opening tag in shortcodes.php
Thank you for the plugin. Keep up the good work! ??
]]>Hi all,
Had a problem earlier today when upgrading. Seemed like a runaway PHP validation error that ended up interfering with a few of my pages. It served me the message “install Shortcodes Ultimate first” despite having that plugin installed already. I was able to get around it by uninstalling Twitter’s Bootstrap Shortcodes Ultimate and downloading an earlier version (1.0.1) from github that worked fine.
I’ve been in email contact and it sounds like the problem is being addressed. It appears that the validation script is lines 34-38 of twitters-bootstrap-shortcodes-ultimate.php in case anyone has the same problem — you can probably comment those out and be fine.
]]>Simply shows the shortcode as (eg): su_
But doesn’t turn it into content. At least not in WP default theme: Twenty Twelve
Something to look into. Otherwise, an excellent invaluable plugin for SUltimate. And very happy to use it once fixed. ??
I’d really like to use your plugin, but it appears as though you’re missing the settings file. There isn’t a templates directory included with the plugin.