I get an issue in both the builder and published page :
Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/zeroonefirst/public_html/wp-content/plugins/tx-onepager/src/Onepager/Block/Collection.php on line 5
]]>The amazing plugin seems to be adandonned by his developper. Pro version still works, but some feature are impossible with latest wordpress.
Be carefull.
When i upgrade from php 7.2 to 7.4 all Texts aren’t visible anymore. As soon i get back to 7.2 everything works fine
Installed Version 2.4.1 with WordPress 5.8.1
Kind regards
]]>Error contact form duplicated in contact footer
Could You please advise me what to do to have good mobile view?
The rows of formfields don’t brake (line after line) and Register button is not to see on my iphone. On simulation by builder is though to see.
I am not firm with css so please understand this.
Please help me. I’ve created some pages on my site and saw a new update with blocks I really need. But after update the pages are ruined and impossible to edit. How can I come back to a previous version?
]]>Installation fails. Downloaded and tried to install three times. All cases I get the error: The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
Theme installation failed.
Recently I’ve bought premium version. How should I install it?
Thank you in advance.
First, thank’s for the very goog plugin…
But i’m trying to add a link in portfolio block, but it does not working, no way to clic or open the link. Perhaps there is something i have not understand. Is someone abble to help me ?
I have purchased premum version and have 2 issues
1. I would like to set menu different from primary menu sat in theme.
However, I tried to set created menu for Onepagerpage, different primary menu from Theme I installed however ‘Update’ button is not workin.
2. I see Onepager menu can work with sub-menu at PC view but mobile view only show TOP level menu and not displaying sub-menu
Thank you for patience and look forward your comment
O got the OnePage Builder plugin installed along a custom theme. In the theme’s settings I set the header Andrés footer info, but when I create a page using OnePage doesn’t show the theme’s header and footer.
Should I set something special to achieve this?
]]>I know the Plugin is only supported to 4.7.11 yet.
But maybe it′s just a little fix to make it work on 4.9.8.
Actually it′s working fine, so far. Only the text-field “DESCRIPTION” in the blocks (Header-1, Header-2, Header-3 and Content) doesn′t work properly. Any changes to the default-text will be ignored in the Frontend. The backend doesn′t even recognize the change and won′t let me save the changes or doesn′t even display the changes in the preview.
]]>Inserting Images from external URLs.
Would like to check if you guys can implement an option to insert images using One Page builder via external URLs or links instead of uploading by Media Library. Is this possible? Thanks!
just installed Onepager and enabled it on the page editing mode. clcking on “preview” give an error page (“Service Unavailable” or “internal server error”
what can it be?
Can I copy pages that I have already created?
]]>Is there any multi language plugin compatible with OnePager?
]]>Is there a way to make all the background (parallax) images show max width 100% across all devices? Right now, it looks great on my desktop screen but the images are way to big on mobile.
Thanks for your help!
When viewing the website on my modile device the text under the logo in the first section shows in dark instead of in the yellow color. The same happened with the second text section, I had to change the backbround and keep the text colour dark, otherwise the mobile device IOS would not show the text in the yellow color. Headings work well, only text fields do not work.
Also with the products – they are easily clickable in the web formate, when visiting the website on mobile device they are very hard to click with the touch screen (again IOS)
]]>Unpacking the package…
Installing the theme…
The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
Theme install failed.
Can you tell me if this is the latest update 1.2.7 and where can i find the style.css file ?
]]>Hi guys,
is it possible to use “anchor links” despite this plugin?
To my mind, the plugin unfortunately does not support this elementary function of a onepager.
Thanks in advance!
Regards, Timm
the interface of my onepager seems to be different from that of the tutorial. So I can’t seem to find a way to create the one page menu. Please help!
Hi, we have set up a page with tx-onepager and the <title> of this page is in a strange order like this:
<title>» Title of the pageTitle of the WordPress site</title>
On other pages the <title> elements look like this:
<title>Title of the WordPress site | Title of the page</title>
Is this a kind of bug? I couldn’t find any setting for this.
]]>before, sorry my english very bad,
i have a problem with menu on this plugin, i’m not find edit or delete menu function in onepager front-end. i want to edit menu without login to backend. anyone can help me?
I have this message,
“unable to sync make sure you are logged in” when i change anythings in the one page builder
Just a question about another plugin, if a plugin like gravity is installed , it’s possible to use with onepager or not ?
]]>Hello, I installed your plugin on a wordpress 4.7.5 with php 5.6 and I can not seem to make it work. Every time I click on Starblank or Corporate 1, I get a “failed to insert layout” error message. How do I do it please?
]]>Hi, I don`t know why, but my site is not showing me the live edition. I tried to turn off cache system, minify plugin, heartbeat control. But nothing worked. It loads the edition just after I close the editor. Any idea why? Thank you very much! Your plugin is awesome!!!
]]>Hi, guys.
When I try to load the editor, I get stucked on the ‘Initializing Onepager’. It keeps initializing and don’t open the editor.
I found on another topic an answer from @nadimtuhin saying that the problem was a Google Maps shortcode but I’m not using it. The only shortcode I’m using is from Contact Form 7 on the contact block.
Please, if you could help me, I would greatly appreciate it.
I noticed that for some reason that only the page slider has some weird use of <!– [if gte mso 9]> xml related coding, which are really slowing down my website.
Is there any direct way to remove this?
This is the website: https://www.beeple.eu
I have a issue with the onepager-plugi. If I create a new page and click on the button “Enable onepage”, never happens. The button is still “Enable onepage”, i get no error messasges and i have no new items.
Where ist the mistake?
Thank you for your help