Hello uberweb,
It seems that your Uber Login Logo plugin has been abandoned or you don’t have time to maintain it, since it was last updated 8 years ago. There are deprecated functions that need updating and also Notices/Warnings that should be resolved to make it compatible with the latest WordPress and PHP versions.
Instead of letting this plugin stagnate, I would be interested in adopting it and continue development where you left off, especially since there is still a large number of people using it.
Would you be willing to add me as a committer as explained here? I will then be responsible for future development, maintenance, updates and to ensure the plugin complies with all WP plugin guidelines.
Hello @uberweb,
The plugin was last updated around 6 years ago and there have been some functions present in the plugin that are deprecated with newer versions of WordPress.
I would be interested in maintaining and releasing updates to the plugin so existing users can update without seeing deprecated warnings.
Looking up a test on this one in a PHP7 setup, it seems it isn’t compatible due to a javascript error and deprecations.
Anyone found any alternatives they like? Heck, this feature may be built into other plugins by now as an extra feature….
Great plugin and I would prefer to continue to use it.
However just so you know – because you haven’t updated it for over 2 years. My wordpress security plugin reports it as a “Major Security Risk due to abandoned plugin”
Please can you maintain it or update it somehow to stop this? I would really appreciate it.
]]>Hi, everyone. As default, the logo link being shown in the website is www.ads-software.com. However, I tried adding the website’s URL, but the change doesn’t reflect in the login pages’s logo. Why is that? Thanks in advance.
]]>Tal vez no sea compatible con el plugin All In One WordPress Security and Firewall Plugin, ya que desde este se puede cambiar la url de login
]]>I saw someone else posted the same issue and it was resolved. I tried the solution and it did not change anything. Plugin was working fine until installed iThemes Security and hid the login URL. Now can’t get it to work. Appreciate any advice.
]]>hi, the plugin is working, its also accepting svgs in the backend.
but it puts the svg as a background image with 1px 1px as a logo.
well that way you can’t see the logo even its there.
i make it work by changing line 188 of uber-login-logo.php to:
$style .= sprintf('.login h1 a { background: transparent url("%s") no-repeat center top; height: 150px; width:150px; }', $img_data['src'], $img_data['width'], $img_data['height'], $img_data['height']);
where as height and width accords to my logo.
it would be great to have a future update where svgs aren’t resized to 1px and you can set the width and height for them in the settings page.
best regards
Thanks for the simple plugin. This was a great option for a freak about optimization. ??
I was wondering if you have any plans to make the logo image retina ready? On my Macbook Pro the logo looks very granulated. I know this is not a big issues yet. But as computer screens get better, more and more people will be making the switch. Retina display is pretty impressive. But when I look at images thats not retina ready they look pretty bad honestly.
Hope this was an excepted questions.
Thanks for the great plugin! ??
]]>Pardon my ignorance but………
I downloaded the Uber Login Logo plugin and the only thing I see to work with is in settings where I can upload a logo and that’s it.
Can’t find anything else to tell me how to work with it or even to display it.
Am I missing something? HELP!
]]>I rename my wp-login.php with all in one security plugin but it uber logo stop working.
]]>How do I change the display of the URL for the ‘Projects section of this theme?
For example https://www.mywebsite.com/projects/page.html
Within the projects tab of the dashboard, only the ‘page.html’ section of the URL can be amended.
In short I would like to rename the ‘projects’. this doesn’t need to be renamed within the dashboard but just for visitors to the URL.
]]>Similar to: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/stop-working-after-renaming-wp-loginphp , I think I have a conflict with a plugin — my Uber Login Logo image is not showing on many sites on which this plugin is in use… Can anyone assist?
Steve C.
Hi author,
Thanks for this plugin!
I want to do some styling to the logo:
border:1px solid #CCCCCC;
border-radius: 3px 3px 3px 3px;
Is it possible? What is the better way?
Thanks in advance,
]]>I just tried the plug-in on WordPress 3.9-RC2 andcould nou find any way to load an image from my media library. Also the Upload button does not work.
I thought that you might appreciate a heads up.
Errors in the Firebug console:
Error in parsing value for 'background'. Declaration dropped. mediaelementplayer.min.css:1
Unknown property 'box-sizing'. Declaration dropped. mediaelementplayer.min.css:1
Unknown property '-moz-border-radius'. Declaration dropped. mediaelementplayer.min.css:1
Error in parsing value for 'background-image'. Declaration dropped. mediaelementplayer.min.css:1
Unknown property '-moz-background-size'. Declaration dropped. mediaelementplayer.min.css:1
Expected 'none' or URL but found 'progid'. Error in parsing value for 'filter'. Declaration dropped. mediaelementplayer.min.css:1
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element '-webkit-input-placeholder'. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. colors.min.css:1
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element '-ms-input-placeholder'. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. colors.min.css:1
Unknown property 'box-sizing'. Declaration dropped. options-general.php
Error: bindAll must be passed function names load-scripts.php:10
TypeError: e is undefined
I LOVE this plugin but just one thing that would make it better would be to have an option to use an image from a URL.
I know that you can upload an image from a URL but I want to be able to use that version and not have 2 copies.
For example,
If on the rest of the site I use the logo from ‘website.net/assets/logo.png’ and then I use that URL in the WP uploader which creates a copy at ‘website.net/uploads/2014/01/logo.png’ then I (months later) change the logo, I have to replace the copy at ‘/assets’ and re-upload or replace the copy at ‘/uploads’ but this makes it easier to forget.
Just a suggestion (sorry for the long explanation!),
Thanks again for the AWESOME plugin,
~ Sam
P.S. Sorry if this has been said before, I couln’t find it in a search but (I.M.O.) it’s not very good ??
]]>I uploaded the logo to wordpress successfully, but when I put the file link into the box on the plugin page and click upload nothing happens. I opened Safari and tried there and it works. I’m not sure what the issue is and if maybe it’s only me, but I thought I would let you know!
]]>Dear author,
First thanks for the nice plug-in, which worked fine. But after I rename my wp-login.php to directory /login/ using plug-in “Rename wp-login.php”, I see the logo of wordpress returns again. How to solve this problem? Many thanks and happy new year.
Best regards,
Hi über guys,
Plugin works really really great. Thnx for the quick fix for WordPress 3.8. It would be nice if we can change the text “username” or “password” to anything else. Is that something you can consider?
Like to hear from you
]]>WordPress 3.8 introduced the new CSS
.login h1 a {
width: 80px;
that truncates the custom login logo to width: 80px.
]]>I am using Uber Login Logo with the Password Protected plugin. The site logo links right past the pw-protection to the site itself.
I would like to have a static logo, no link at all. Is that possible?
]]>Just upgraded to the 0.51 version and in the media manager I selected our company logo. However, the logo is in 2k resolution, so I selected “medium” for the size and it inserted the full size, not the medium size (which is 320 pixels wide).
So it doesn’t appear to support the size option in the media manager selection.
Thanks for creating the plugin.
There is one small thing I would like to have in this plugin.
Please provide option to change the url link when we click on the logo image.
Also I need to change the alt text.
I would really appreciate it!
]]>Getting the following error with WordPress version 3.5 and version 0.5 of the plugin when visiting the configuration page at https://wordpress.install/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=uber-login-logo/uber-login-logo.php
[09-Mar-2013 00:59:01] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_enqueue_media() in /path/to/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/uber-login-logo/uber-login-logo.php on line 88
[09-Mar-2013 00:59:01] PHP Stack trace:
[09-Mar-2013 00:59:01] PHP 1. {main}() /path/to/wordpress/wp-admin/options-general.php:0
[09-Mar-2013 00:59:01] PHP 2. require_once() /path/to/wordpress/wp-admin/options-general.php:10
[09-Mar-2013 00:59:01] PHP 3. require_once() /path/to/wordpress/wp-admin/admin.php:149
[09-Mar-2013 00:59:01] PHP 4. do_action() /path/to/wordpress/wp-admin/admin-header.php:72
[09-Mar-2013 00:59:01] PHP 5. call_user_func_array() /path/to/wordpress/wp-includes/plugin.php:403
[09-Mar-2013 00:59:01] PHP 6. UberLoginLogo::myAdminScripts() /path/to/wordpress/wp-includes/plugin.php:0
I’ve just wondering how to use this plugin on a wordpress multisite? Because i don’t want to go through every blog and set up the settings for the login. Can i control this on my network admin? If i can’t, maybe you’ll know how to do this?
]]>For such a simple function there are a lot of plugins that dont work at all….
]]>My biggest concerned was some bloated plugin. This is perfect, still works through 3.5. Uses images better than other plugins like this I have tried.
Still a good thing ??
]]>Amazing, Simple, Functional. Thanks!
]]>Does the plugin change the alt/title tag of the logo to the site name?
I am using another plugin, which seems to work fine but shows the “Powered by WordPress” alt/title tag.
]]>I love it when a plugin just DOES IT’S JOB and doesn’t take away resources.