I have updated our host to the latest PHP version 8.2.6 (see https://www.php.net/releases/8.2/en.php ). Here the Querry console reports the following errors:
I translated your plugin several weeks ago, but the translation has not been available (downloaded by wordpress itself) to my wordpress site (www.ads-software.com).
Then I looked at your plugin code and found the following:
Plugin slug: uber-nocaptcha-recaptcha
* Text Domain: uncr_translate
They are different, but I see that other plugins use the plugin slug for the text domain (i.e. they are same). I am not sure this is the cause why my translation hasn’t been downloaded, but I appreciate you check (try) other language translation than Japanese.
]]>How can I align the recaptcha box to the left? It seems to be centered by default.
]]>I can’t log on my website because the Captcha is not visible.
Hopefully, someone here can help me. I recently downloaded the plugin and it seemed to be working fine for my comment section. But while testing for errors I noticed that if the user does not fill the recaptcha it goes to an error page saying that “CAPTCHA should not be empty”. So I don’t want it to go to a new page. I would like for it to remain on the same page with the error message below.
]]>I have entered the site and secret keys for this site, and enabled Uber reCaptcha for register and comment forms.
The site has a titled Contact Us page with the WP contact form fields entered, however I cannot get the ReCatcha “I am not a robot” to appear.
If I enable the Uber ReCaptcha check box for Login forms, then it appears on the login of the front Welcome page, however I don’t want it there or for registered users.
Can anybody guide me as to what I should do please to make it appear on the “contact us” page.
Thanks in anticipation.
respected sir ,
on my comment my capcha is showing unless and untill i make comment after making comment it shows me invalid capcha and when i choose return back then that capcha appears . i am getting this error in console ReCAPTCHA couldn’t find user-provided function:https://www.gstatic.com/recaptcha/api2/r20171212152908/recaptcha__en.js renderUNCRReCaptcha . i am not using invisible capcha .i have added google secret key . https://prnt.sc/hssugn . could you please help me sir
I read the description carefully. It says, “Adds reCaptcha protection to the WordPress login form
Adds reCaptcha protection to the WordPress register form
Adds reCaptcha protection to the WordPress comment form
Adds reCaptcha protection to the WordPress recover password form”
Yet under installation, it says to choose one. Can I place it on all?
I can’t see the captcha form in the comment form even though I enabled that option in the settings page. Also, when the user tries to leave a comment, “CAPTCHA should not be empty” error message is showing. Can you please help?
]]>When using Uber reCaptcha, when I enable, “Enable reCaptcha on: Comment Form”, My Contact Form 7 reCaptcha does not show in my contact form.
When I disable Uber reCAPTCHA on Comment Forms, then the Contact Form 7 built-in reCAPTCHA works.
So for now, I can’t enable reCAPTCHA on Comment Forms.
Please try to fix.
As of the latest wordpress update, the recaptcha doesn’t work anymore.
It just shows a white popup screen without the images.
Any idea what might be causing this?
I’m looking forward to your response.
Kind regards,
Tristan Willems
]]>I am getting the following error when the plugin exists in my WP directory.
Fatal error: Can’t use function return value in write context in /home/mtsmith/public_html/wp-content/plugins/uber-nocaptcha-recaptcha/includes/class-ncr-captcha-on-comment-form.php on line 40
I have to rename the plugin directory in order to get my site back. What’s the easiest fix?
]]>Good Afternoon Team,
I have recently integrated your plugin and love how simple it was to get it working.
Unfortunately the CAPTCHA box is throwing up the ERROR for site owner: Invalid site key message that you get if you use the wrong Site key generated at the Google reCAPTCHA page.
To rule out an incorrect key I have made sure to delete the key details, and generate a new one. The error message persists on the same Safari Browser.
Is there anything that I need to enable to on the plugin or changes I need to make?
P.S. I have made a change to my PHP to not show any invalid entry messages on my wp-admin page.
A quick response would be most appreciated as I would love to use your plugin moving forward.
]]>Trying to add recaptcha as a service to a ‘clean login’ form (wordpress plugin). Is there a way to add Uber to this form by implementing a code in their script?
Great that you have implemented the invisible re-captcha. Updating didn’t work, had to delete and reinstall. One one site all ok, on one other I’ve got this error message:
Fatal error: Can’t use function return value in write context in mysite/wp-content/plugins/uber-nocaptcha-recaptcha/includes/class-ncr-captcha-on-comment-form.php on line 40
What’s wrong?
]]>Is it possible to integrate invisible reCaptcha to Uber reCaptcha? Would be great!
]]>Please add this line:
add_action( 'woocommerce_login_form', array( $this, 'uncr_display_captcha' ), 10, 2 );
add_action( 'woocommerce_lostpassword_form', array( $this, 'uncr_display_captcha' ), 10, 2 );
To constructor of “class ncr_captcha_on_login extends ncr_base_class” and you plugin support woocommerce ??
About 1 out of 10 or 20 login attempts either the noCaptcha fails to load or when submitted, just hangs with the spinning circle. I would blame the lack of response on Google but this issue does not appear to happen with other noCaptcha plugins.
The failure to load the noCaptcha also has not been observed with other plugins. The reason why I like your version is that it is clean and simple and easy to use and does not try to be too cute like most of the others. They all have idiosyncrasies that make them less desirable. Any clue on the failure to load?
Hi there,
We have the UberRecaptcha plugin installed for a while and everything works fine. That is, until a few weeks ago.
We now have people that try the log-in, click on the recaptcha box, but then get the “Captcha should not be empty” error. For no reason, cause it’s not empty.
The strange thing is, that a lot of our regular costumers experience this, but not all of them.
You can take a look here (https://youtu.be/U1mCQ9pNyv8), I recorded what I did.
Hope you guys can help, seems some kind of bug sneaked in the plugin.
Kind regards,
Would suggest to add an option to prevent sending comment notification to moderators if the captcha was empty/invalid.
Currently these comment are moved to trashcan by Uber reCaptcha via wp_delete_comment()
but the moderator still gets the ‘Please moderate’ email notification (if notifications are enabled in WordPress) which is quite a bit confusing.
WordPress since 4.4 provides a filter, whether to send the site moderator email notifications, overriding the site setting:
$maybe_notify = apply_filters( 'notify_moderator', $maybe_notify, $comment_id );
wp_register_style( 'uncr-back-end-style', UNCR__PLUGIN_URL . '/css/back-end-styles.css', false, '1.0' );
The /
before css/..
in not required and leads to double slash in link to styles.
If “Login Screen” is not enabled, the captcha is not shown on “Register Screen” and/or “Recover Password Screen”.
Settings: [ ] Login [X] Register [ ] Comment [X] Recover
Captcha: Not shown on selected Screens
Settings: [X] Login [X] Register [ ] Comment [X] Recover
Captcha: Shown on selected Screens
Please advise, client does not want/need Captcha for already registered users.
]]>Someone please tell me what I am doing wrong. I am using 2 different themes and this does not work on the signup page. There is no verification.
It works on the login page but that is not needed. Only in the sign up page.
]]>I have activated this plugin for my Recover Password form. I have configured the settings of the plugin including secret key and site key.
After filling all fields including captcha correctly, it goes to a page showing “CAPTCHA should not be empty”.
Is there any solution?
]]>After installing and activating Uber recaptcha I tried to log in as the administrator and it went to the word Press screen and there was this message “CAPTCHA should not be empty”
Now I am lock out. HELP
I don’t seem to be getting any data in the Analytics section of Recaptcha
Does the plugin support this?
]]>Hi there. Have to say I’m very happy with your plugin, light, updated. Would be great if you could add contact form and give some advise how to change the language. Hoping you’ll give me opportunity go for 5 stars instead 4. Thank you.
]]>I’ve installed the plugin, entered keys and it doesn’t work – the captcha is not visible, and I cannot register anymore.
]]>The plugin gives errors when using a secured connection. Would be great if fixed!
I installed Uber reCaptcha and I’m having an issue with it not displaying under the comment form even though I have checked the box for that feature. When readers leave comments, an error pops up that says, “the Captcha cannot be left empty.” Subsequently, the readers’ comments are getting rejected and not coming through for approval. Hopefully this is an easy fix. ??