I installed the free version of the plugin , i use a shortcode inside a block in the header of the template but it is only working in the home page when i go to another page the timer disappear from the header
This is the shortcode [ujicountdown id=”default” expire=”2023/02/20 0:0″ hide=”true” rectype=”second”]. This should display https://prnt.sc/JIedSkOq_07u. After update it shows https://prnt.sc/XMWWw_q5eTeZ. The widget is on https://carecraftmeeting.com/ header.
Please help.
Thank you!
We have updated the plugin to the latest version and it’s breaking up on iOS devices, see the screenshot at https://prnt.sc/vhhehz
On Android it works okay.
Did you see this behaviour on other sites?
Looking forward to your reply.
]]>All of a sudden it’s vertical. Can you help me get it back to horizontal please?
]]>Plugin version 2.1.2
class-uji-countdown.php, Line 677 – refers to the column ‘link’ which does not exist in the wp_uji_counter table.
WordPress database error Unknown column ‘link’ in ‘field list’ for query SELECT style, title, link FROM wp_uji_counter ORDER BY time
DESC made by require(‘wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php’), require_once(‘wp-admin/admin-header.php’), do_action(‘admin_enqueue_scripts’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, Uji_Countdown->ujic_shortcode_scripts, Uji_Countdown->ujic_styles_get
al personalizar campos me aparece en lo ultimo una vista previa en mi temporizador pero al ponerlo en la pagina se pone el color predeterminado (fucsia)
]]>How to open a URL in new window or new tab once the countdown timer expires
currently its open is same tab
Hi! After updating my WordPress Website/Theme/Plugins the Countdown isn’t working anymore on Mac (Safari), Windows (Internet Explorer) and iOS (Safari, Chrome, Firefox). But it is still working on Mac (Chrome, Firefox) and Windows (Chrome, Firefox, Edge).
Can you check if there is something wrong with the Plugin?
I was update the plugin to the lastest version and now i can’t do nothing i have juste an error message : Fatal error: Call to undefined function register_block_type() in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/uji-countdown/src/blocks.php on line 65
I think i need to modifie the blocks.php file but i don’t know what i need modify.
Somebody have the same erreur ?
Thank u
Before installing I want to clarify something.
I see you declare the feature of using Server or User Time Zone.
Can you explain to me how does this work?
The shortcode will be loaded from the template, so with the datetime for the expiry in GMT+1 (that’s what we’re using). For a user on GMT+6, will he see a countdown for the expiry date that was input into the shortcode, with 5 added hours, or will your JS interpret the expiry date as being UTC (GMT+0) and add 6, because I’m not sure what the server’s TimeZone is.
Thank you
I just tested this Plugin and would love to buy the premium part because it is easy and it looks good. But there is one problem: I tested the redirection if the timer is down to zero. Works the moment, the timer goes down to zero. Good. BUT: If I afterwards go again to that page, the timer is just not visible and there is no redirect. This is bad. Use Case, e.g.: You have an offer which expires at a certain time. You do not want the page visible after that time. Now only the timer is not visible. Can you change this? I would immediately buy it…
]]>wrong calculation. I have set the expiration date to 2020/10/05 and the plugin shows 71 days. The correct value is 171, so you may not see hundreds of days or the third position of the number
]]>This morning, Wordfence reported the following issue:
Modified plugin file: wp-content/plugins/uji-countdown/js/jquery.countdown.js
Type: File
Details: This file belongs to plugin “Uji Countdown” version “2.1” and has been modified from the file that is distributed by www.ads-software.com for this version. Please use the link to see how the file has changed. If you have modified this file yourself, you can safely ignore this warning. If you see a lot of changed files in a plugin that have been made by the author, then try uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin to force an upgrade. Doing this is a workaround for plugin authors who don’t manage their code correctly. [See our FAQ on https://www.wordfence.com for more info]
Is this something I need to be concerned about and if so, how do I correct this issue?
Thank you,
]]>So first, the update to the plugin broke all of my existing countdown timers.
Second, I could not reinsert the shortcode from the visual editor in the classic editor.
Here is the shortcode I was using: [ujicountdown id=”World19new” expire=”2020/05/01 23:59″ hide=”true” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”” rectype=”second” repeats=””]
I had to roll back the plugin.
All working fine before last updates WordPress 5.4 and Uji 2.1
I using this shortcode under Avada Theme
[ujicountdown id=”NEXT CAMP START IN” expire=”2020/06/28 00:00″ hide=”true” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”” rectype=”second” repeats=””]
And the Uji button in Bloc Editor doesn’t work. Nothing on click.
Can you fix that? or maybe it’s a theme problem, but all working perfectly with the last Avada on WP 5.4 before Uji 2.1
]]>In default, we can set expired time using a shortcode. Can I create a system where automatically insert expire date time according to the post publishing time? Thanks
]]>I have send an email to ‘[email protected]’ regarding my request. We are not able to download the pro version plugin due to a username or email address of previous developer is [email protected]. Not able to get hold of him. The is urgent as the timer is not working or displaying. The site needs to be updates soonest.
]]>In the settings like this https://prntscr.com/m9lhct
It is necessary that every day the countdown starts 24 hours. Configured correctly! But he turns off at night and does not repeat time. How to configure? I do not understand !
Will there be an update to this plugin for WordPress 5.0.1?, right now I’m unable to use it because there’s no way to select it in posts and pages.
]]>I use the following code in header.php
<?php echo do_shortcode( ‘[ujicountdown id=”WTG Newcastle” expire=”2019/09/17 00:00″ hide=”false” url=”” subscr=”WTG Newcastle” recurring=”1″ rectype=”day” repeats=””]’ ); ?>
It is taking some space but nothing shows up.
Shortcode copied from insertion into a standard page.
Hi, can’t create new timer styles in multisite version of WordPress. Works fine in primary site. Please fix, and I will purchase PRO version.
My website https://slopiewnie.pl
I use cache plugin WP Fastest Cache and countdown plugin.
However, the counter always starts from the same moment. I need to have the cache enabled so that the page loads faster.
Fastest Cache forum suggests that “plugin should count via Ajax.”
]]>I checked the “User Time” option, but it still shows the countdown time from the last time the page was cached.
I have an issue with the Pro version.
I have a page with three timers. Occasionally none of the timers will show until I refresh the page numerous times.
All works fine when they do actually load.
Here’s what I have as the page content, nothing else (as a test to be sure nothing else on the page is causing it)
[ujicountdown id=”Event” expire=”2018/06/02 21:00″ hide=”true” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”” rectype=”second” repeats=””]
[ujicountdown id=”Event” expire=”2019/06/02 21:00″ hide=”true” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”” rectype=”second” repeats=””]
[ujicountdown id=”Event” expire=”2018/09/02 21:00″ hide=”true” url=”” subscr=”” recurring=”” rectype=”second” repeats=””]
Here is a clip of the outputted code when no timers are shown……
<div class=”entry-content” itemprop=”text”><div class=”ujic-hold ujic_center”> <div class=”ujiCountdown ujic-classic” id=”ujiCountdown1″></div></div>
<p> </p>
<div class=”ujic-hold ujic_center”> <div class=”ujiCountdown ujic-classic” id=”ujiCountdown2″></div></div>
<p> </p>
<div class=”ujic-hold ujic_center”> <div class=”ujiCountdown ujic-classic” id=”ujiCountdown3″></div></div>
<p> </p>
I have no cache applied to the site and the plugin and WP version are the latest.
Can you please advise how this can be solved? I have paid for the Pro version so hope I receive quick detailed support.
The plugin header should be declared only once, in the main php file (ujicountdown.php) like so:
Plugin Name: Uji Countdown
Plugin URI: https://www.wpmanage.com/uji-countdown
Description: HTML5 Customizable Countdown.
Version: 2.0.8
Text Domain: uji-countdown
Domain Path: /lang
Author: Wpmanage.com
Author URI: https://wpmanage.com
License: GPLv2
Copyright 2017 WPmanage (email : [email protected])
But in version 2.0.8, it is re-declared in three other php files:
With outdated information… probably a copy/paste mistake when these files were originally created. Please remove the superfluous declarations.
]]>Check file views/admin.php
<?php screen_icon(); ?>
and PHP notice:
PHP Notice: screen_icon is deprecated since version 3.8.0
The text below the timer (Days, Hours, Minutes, etc.) is specified as font-family: “Open Sans Condensed”, but this is not a standard font people have installed locally and it is not loaded as a web font by the plugin.
I think the font-family for these labels should not be set by the plugin so that it adapts to peoples’ theme by default and can be overridden by whichever way people like to add CSS to their sites.
]]>The plugin forces the download and use of a specifiable Google font, but not everyone wants to use Google fonts.
I suggest an optional setting to set the CSS font-family value manually in which case the plugin should not load additional resources from Google.
]]>File ujicountdown.php reads:
Plugin Name: Uji Countdown
with messed up symbols which are autocorrected here.