Me podrian explicar más a detalle a configurar un buscador como:
El anterior sitio web usa el mismo plugin.
I want to show the listing based on the filter or specific agent Id. I want to show the listing only those related to the current agent page.
Is there any shortcode or something?
Hi, the search in the main page is broken but only for the users not logged!
The search is ok for logged in users
Please help! The site is live!
Image of the bug:
]]>When I search from basic form that is embedded in the homepage and it takes me to results page, the results are displayed correctly, but when I click on page 2, it’s showing all items (without filters) on page 2, meaning the current_page=2 is the only filter parameter in URL.
I have seen that you have had the same problem for more than two years and you have not been able to update the plugin to solve it.
I paste here the link to the resolution of the problem by another user who fixed it on his own:
These strings use the?esc_html()?function and are not translated:
These strings use the?esc_attr()?function, does not have the text domain and are not translated:
]]>Is there a way to export all listings from uListing?
My website is under development. I am trying to translate the listings, but it is impossible, it gives me too many errors.
I am using Polylang.
One problem is that when I have a listing type in the main language and I want to add it to the secondary language, it is added as a new item and not as a translation of the one I was doing. The same happens with listings.
Another problem is that in Settings when in the secondary language I go to choose the Listing Type Page, the pages of the secondary language do not appear in the selector, only those of the main one.
Please, how can I translate it?
Thank you
PHP 8.0, im getting lots of warning and critical errors like:
Warning: Undefined array key “carousel_dots”
/wp-content/themes/homepress/ulisting/region/region-list-short-code.php on line 24
I saw a recommendation from 6 months ago to switch php to version 7.4, thats not gonna happen since my hosting doesnt support it anymore and it is officially End Of life.
Can you please update this plugin so its compatible with php 8 or id just have to look for another listing solution?
I’m having a bug that I can’t resolve.
The problem is that the sidebar filter says, for example: Double Rooms (864), but in reality I only have 490 items with this taxonomy.
I’ve already gone to the database and there I only have 490 results if I query for this same taxonomy.
So where is this topic getting almost double the results?
There is a filter that is ok (the superior filter) that shows the total results, this filter is returning the correct value
I can add accordion item, but it cannot be deleted…
]]>Tengo un sitio donde estoy usando el plugin uListing y no me carga el mapa, lo único que puedo ver es que en consola me aparecen errores de que la petición esta siendo bloqueada haciendo referencia a esto:
Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) blocked a cross-origin response.
Hi there, i am using ulisting plugin to create a directory listings for real estate. everything is working fine. i have create 2 custom fields for adding links for location and to download floor map into the listing the listing is working fine on the home page but the inventory page won’t load and at the end get the error 504 gateway timeout. I have increase the Php limit in my wp.config file but that won’t help can you guys please take a look.
Thanks regards,
Hello Sir,
My website is a Community website based on BuddyPress.
This means that there’s already a Registration and Login system in place, on the website.
Does uListing come with its own Registration system?
I can go ahead and use uListing with my default and existing Registration system?
Now, the reason this is important to me, is because there can’t be two Registration and Login systems on one website, without it causing conflict.
So my question is really that, can I use uListing with my default Registration and Login system, while that of uListing can be disabled–if uListing actually has a Registration and Login system?
]]>WordPress is giving a warning against this plugin.
Do you have any plans to discontinue support for uListing plugin?
Or you will update it very soon?
]]>If I search for Cronulla NSW from the home page, I get a result but no listing is actually showing up, despite using the List widget. You can see the Cronulla property below the search box on the home page.
This issue happens even if I export a known working Inventory Template into my system.
I have a single Listing Type, but every property has multiple categories.
Also the Filters don’t display anything at all.
There are minimal other plugins installed other than those required by HomePress. What might cause the Lists and Filters to not display?
]]>Hi, i am using tolip theme with Ulisting free version i am having a trouble with gallery module in a listing settings whenever i click on trash button of the gallery the image is removed from the entire site which is very annoying . if i want to use it again or i am already using a image as a header or someplace else can you please guide me how can i change that. I am also editing the gallery-field.js file but the changes are not implemented on the front end.
]]>Hi Team,
Query string adding to all urls in the website. For example, if i performing search operation, after that my website urls looks like below url:
I tried to disable all the plugins and verified the website. In this case, query string is not added to urls. If i enable any plugin from my list query string starts adding to all urls.
Please someone help me to get out from this issue.
]]>We noticed that neither Yoast SEO nor Rank Math SEO works with this plugin to index listings. Is there any kind of workaround to this problem or another plugin that can be used for indexing?
]]>Issue the refund
]]>Refund Order #18872
]]>Hello Sir,
My website is a Community Website, made with BuddyX Theme.
Link to BuddyX Theme –
This means that the website already comes pre-built with a Registration system.
Now, I am looking at adding a Directory Section to this Community Website.
1.) How would a Community Website with a Registration system in-built, work with your plugin that also comes with its own User Dashboard?
I mean, how can I avoid conflict, and be able to send Community Login to Community Dashboard, and Directory Login to Directory Dashboard, on the same Website?
2.) Getting Dollars in my country is hard. So the only way my country people like to pay, is with our Local Currency.
They will either use:
These two Payment Gateways work through WooCommerce.
Does your plugin work with WooCommerce?— so that I can use these Flutterwave and Paystack payment systems?
2b) Can WooCommerce payment system work in the Free version?
Needing to hear from you soon.
Hi on the contact form at the top, I would like to change the phone#. The site is using ulisting and I cannot find the place to change the phone at the top of the form. Please see the form on the URL i provided. It is forms 7 but there is no settings within the forms so?
]]>When loading the page, the first value of the list is placed in the dropdown, how can I make it so that it does not load any value by default?
This is how it looks like when the page loads ->
This is how I need it to be displayed when the page loads ->
I would appreciate your help.
]]>How can I activate (find my location) for the location field in the add listing form?
I need this feature, please help if possible.
thank you
Hello, my client prefers to enter the specific value for the price instead of selecting it from a range field. How can I develop it? I need help please
]]>Fatal error: Cannot declare class Stripe\Stripe, because the name is already in use in?/web/htdocs/www.SITEWEB/home/wp-content/plugins/ulisting/includes/lib/stripe/includes/classes/vender/stripe-php/lib/Stripe.php?on line?10
]]>Hello, as of version 2.0 of your plugin, we have noticed that it does not allow you to edit the listings from the page (not from WordPress, we are using the homepress theme).
We get an error 500 error by the browser console, and the page is practically blank. Now we have returned the plugin to version 1.7.6, which still works there.
The PHP version we use is 7.4 and the wordpress version is 5.7.2.
I hope you can help us, thank you
]]>The accordion field can’t remove in
Hi, I would like to insert the map that is here but in the hmepage with shortocde. it’s possible?