I get loads of spam in my: ublinks, but not anywhere else. What to do?
]]>I would like to deactivate the functionality that allows people to add their link to my site. Is this by turning off the “Reciprocal link” in settings?
On my “link exchange” page I have an website which never registered and it does not appear in the “manage linkpartners” list (on the dashboard). So can anybody please tell me how can I get rid of it? Any way to delete it? Thanks
Oh, and how this happened? You can see it here https://workhomescamfree.com/link-exchange#axzz2utHrH0Ij
It’s the cadeauweb…something
I use the latest version of the plugin.
Step 2: Submit your linktrade
website_url is not a valid url
Website reciprocal is not a valid url
Both url’s are valid! I don’t get this error on all links.
Certain links work.
]]>Hi n thanks for a great plugin!
I′d like to add several UB widgets/pages to my blog for different categories. ie something like:
One widget/page that says:
Submit Blog
Another widget/page that says:
Submit Store
and so on…
Hope i made myself understood.
If you want a donation to fix this right away let me know.
]]>In domain/UbMain.php the function sendMail() sends in charset iso-8859-1 which can problems with some languages like French for example.
Could you change it by something like that: $headers .= ‘Content-type: text/html; charset=’.get_option(‘blog_charset’). “\r\n”;
If it could help you here is what un modify:
public function sendMail($linkpartner, $id) {
$body = ob_get_clean();
$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html;' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'From: WordPress Ultimate Blogroll <'.get_bloginfo('admin_email').'> '."\r\n";
$subject = __("New link submitted at", "ultimate-blogroll")." ".home_url().''."\r\n";
add_filter('wp_mail_charset',create_function('', 'return \''.get_option('blog_charset').'\'; '));
wp_mail(UbMapper::getInstance(UbMapper::Settings)->getConfig("blogroll_contact"), $subject, $body, $headers);
mail(UbMapper::getInstance(UbMapper::Settings)->getConfig("blogroll_contact"), $subject, $body, $headers);
Best regards
]]>Why make Widget Title required then it’s not in WordPress Widgets ?
If i want to change one of the UB settings i’ve to complete the title, and then delete it in the Widgets Page in WordPress.
Best regards
]]>I don’t understand why noFollow option is disabled when you are in the home page ?
I comment it in my side, because it’s useful for me.
Best regards
If my description input text contains a quote and if my link is still in the database, after submitting the form the quote is displayed but with a backslash before.
Best regards
]]>I’d like to avoid php mail() function to call wp_mail() (thanks to a plugin called WP-Mail-SMTP). There’re not many people who like mail().
Do you think it’d be useful for you to modify domain/UbMain.php ?
Here’s what i propose (line 25)
wp_mail(UbMapper::getInstance(UbMapper::Settings)->getConfig(“blogroll_contact”), $subject, $body, $headers);
mail(UbMapper::getInstance(UbMapper::Settings)->getConfig(“blogroll_contact”), $subject, $body, $headers);
Are you interested by including it ?
Best regards
]]>..submitting the same site many times by refreshing your page.
I mean that it still inserts in the database each time you refresh the page.
Could you test it ? I think it’s because of ‘$sql = $wpdb->prepare(“select website_id from “.$table_name.” where website_url = %s.. ‘ in a function called ‘doWeAlreadyHaveThisSubmission’ in the file persistence/UbLinkpartnerMapper.php
It’s due to the prepared statement which can be sometimes concerned as a cache.
Do you see what i mean ?
May be $wpdb->query would be better than $wpdb->prepare ?
Best regards
]]>In domain/UbMain.php line 25, get_blogingo is deprecated.
from WordPress site: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Function_Reference/get_bloginfo
‘siteurl’ / ‘home (note this is deprecated! from version 2.2)’ / ‘url’ – Returns the ‘Site address (URL)’ set in Settings > General. This data is retrieved from the ‘home’ record in the wp_options table. Consider using home_url() instead.
Not really important but it’d be better to avoid it.
Best Regards from Paris, France, under the snow..
]]>I can’t find any:
<link rel=’stylesheet’ id=’…’ href=’..ultimate-blogroll/assets/css/style.css’ type=’text/css’ media=’..’ />
Am i wrong ?
]]>in gui/header.php, could you include the word ‘Errors’ in your dictionnary (po file) ?
Best regards
]]>Hi Just installed this plug in version 2.5.1 and got error message on admin page: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare admin_menu() (previously declared in D:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\wp-e-commerce\wpsc-widgets\admin_menu_widget.php:99) in D:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\ultimate-blogroll\ultimate-blogroll.php on line 180, looked for you support and then gone back to version 2.3.1 as per latest on your support site and now getting this error: Fatal error: Call to undefined method Widget::GetLimit() in D:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\ultimate-blogroll\domain\Widget.php on line 27
Any help would be appreciated,
]]>I’d translated everything in French and i wanted to send you the .po file.
BUT i’ve update this evening and the update failed and everything was deleted.
Could you do anything to avoid it for the next update ?
I’m really disappointed, i’d spent many time to translate it.
Best regards
]]>in persistence/UbLinkpartnerMapper.php, function doWeAlreadyHaveThisSubmission(), $wpdb->num_rows always returns 0 although there are matching results. I’ve replaced it by count($wpdb->last_result)
..and it works.
If it could help you to check this function.
Best regards.
]]>Line 162, why constant variables instead of:
$data = array(
‘website_owner_name’ => $your_name,
‘website_owner_email’ => $your_email,
‘website_name’ => $website_title,
‘website_description’ => $website_description,
‘website_domein’ => str_replace(‘www.’, ”, $domain),
‘website_url’ => $website_url,
‘website_backlink’ => $reciprocal,
‘website_last_update’ => time(),
‘website_change_id’ => UbMapper::getInstance(UbMapper::Install)->makeRandom(50),
‘website_date_added’ => time(),
‘website_has_backlink’ => $has_link_back,
‘website_ip’ => $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’],
‘website_image’ => $image
Best regards
]]>My Dev server shows me every troubles even PHP Notices in the page. My Prod server of course not.
Could you modify your plugin to avoid notices with $_POST variables ?
I mean regarding to the settings, notices may be displayed.
For instance:
My plugin is configured to NOT ask for an image/logo, but after submitting a notice is displayed: Notice: Undefined index: website_image in (…)\plugins\ultimate-blogroll\domain\UbPage.php on line 120
Same thing for this, if i don’t want any backlink:
Notice: Use of undefined constant website_backlink – assumed ‘website_backlink’ in ultimate-blogroll\persistence\UbLinkpartnerMapper.php on line 169
Do you see what i mean ? there are other notices but i need to understand your code.
Best regards
Sorry for my poor english, i’m french..
after defined my UB page, i see an empty page.
It’s not a blank page, i see my whole theme but nothing as ‘content’.
the_content() return nothing.
could you help me ?
Best regards
Could you tell me how to call it directly without including it in a side bar ?
Best regards
Is it possible to have Widget on 2 Sidebars?
In my Theme is a Sidebar for Homepage and for the other Sites.
At this Moment i can have the Widget only on One Sidebar
]]>Ultimate Blogroll used to work but now all I get is a blank page.
]]>Security error
]]>Just two days ago everything was working fine
Now I checked the page I had set as the ONE page for the plugin and nothing is displaying, the page is simply empty ??
Please help
]]>After your update of the plugin my German translation is cancelled by you – why?
The AntiSpam Captcha does not work fine anymore with your plugin because each captcha says it is wrong. Any entries are correct because before you updated the plugin worked fine.
Is there any support in future? If not please leave a message in this support forum or delete your plugin from WordPress area. For that case I will turn off the plugin and won’t angry my customers – thank you
]]>I installed the ultimate blogroll and set the page it should appear on.
Then I added the widged in the rightside column.
When I go to the page, and click the “addlink”, nothing happens… when I click the “more” link, the same page opens.
The links only work on the designated(?) page itself.
]]>This seems to be an issue.
People can still add a link, yet they can also add website as their link, and it will of course accept it since it sees it as a link,
Can anyone fix this so that they cannot do this?
Website Hosting 1
]]>Is there a way to break out the plugin to place specific categories on respective pages instead of them being listed one after another?
]]>I have installed the Ultimate Blogroll widget and have it on the right rail of our site https://honeytrek.com/ However the “Add Link” button simply links back to the homepage, doesnt take the user to a page where they can submit their blog. Also the MORE button is there but that also does not function to any purpose.
This is most likely due to something i did, just wondering if anyone has any tips.
Thanks guys,