I’m not sure if I understand the settings…is there a way to change the big circle/little dot to an arrow? I chose my color…and set it to mobile and desktop..and I understand about opacity…but not seeing how to change the size or shape of the cursor.
Thank you
После установки плагина Ultimate Custom Cursor при наведении на активные элементы остались курсор с рукой (указатель). Как его удалить?
]]>Hi, I have installed your Ultimate Custom Cursor plugin and I find it really beautiful and interesting.
I would like to ask you how I can use the custom cursor on links or maps without also displaying the hand (open on maps or with index pointing on links – the default cursor).
Hello guys!
Your plugin is amazing, it’s really really good.
I’ve installed it on my portfolio but I notice a strange behavior:
the hover “bubble” doesn’t work all the times. It shows up only in homepage (and not always). It doesn’t work in ‘archive’ and ‘about’.
Any idea why? Cheers, thanks in advance.