Hi, the latest version of ultimate_ga didn’t solve the issue.
Could you fix line 1047 in ultimate_ga.php
if (!user_level) {
in this block
function uga_track_user() {
global $user_level;
uga_debug('Start uga_track_user');
if (!user_level) {
// user nog logged on -> track
uga_debug('User not logged on');
$result = true;
} else {
function uga_track_user() {
global $user_level;
uga_debug('Start uga_track_user');
if (!$user_level) {
// user nog logged on -> track
uga_debug('User not logged on');
$result = true;
} else {
thanks (need a $ in if condition)
]]>I’m interested in the dashboard stats viewing function of this plugin, but I’m not interested in using it to install tracking code on my site — I already have the code installed. Is there an option NOT to install the code, just to provide dashboard stats?
]]>Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0! Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead. in /var/www/wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php on line 2722
The following patch should fix this:
diff –git a/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-google-analytics/ultimate_ga.php b/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-google-analytics/ultimate_ga.php
index 945252e..94aa705 100755
— a/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-google-analytics/ultimate_ga.php
+++ b/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-google-analytics/ultimate_ga.php
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
uga_debug(‘Adding options page’);
add_options_page(‘Ultimate Google Analytics’ /* page title */,
‘Ultimate GA’ /* menu title */,
– 8 /* min. user level */,
+ ‘manage_options’ /* min. user level */,
basename(__FILE__) /* php file */ ,
‘uga_options’ /* function for subpanel */);
]]>I have been using GA Google Analytics for a long time, but in the last week I have noticed that is has reset my GA ID to UA-XXXXXX-X. I set it again, checked it a few times and it was still set correctly then the next day it is back to UA-XXXXXX-X.
I use UA Google Analytics on a number of other WP Installs with similiar other plugins but no problems.
Any ideas.
]]>Is it possible to target/track specific pages at all?
I wrote a patch to avoid notices and warnings when in WP_DEBUG mode. I hope it can be integrated into trunk.
Index: ultimate_ga.php
--- ultimate_ga.php (revision 462584)
+++ ultimate_ga.php (working copy)
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
uga_debug('Adding options page');
add_options_page('Ultimate Google Analytics' /* page title */,
'Ultimate GA' /* menu title */,
- 8 /* min. user level */,
+ 'level_8' /* min. user level */,
basename(__FILE__) /* php file */ ,
'uga_options' /* function for subpanel */);
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@
function uga_track_user() {
global $user_level;
uga_debug('Start uga_track_user');
- if (!user_level) {
+ if (!$user_level) {
// user nog logged on -> track
uga_debug('User not logged on');
$result = true;
]]>How do I add Google Analytic PageSpeed code the plugin? According to Google this is the code that should be added.
]]>i have an onclick event that launches a file download. with this plugin that onclick event is replaced by the outbound link tracking for google analytics. i’m not sure what to do to make the two onclicks play nicely together.
]]>Theme: twenty ten
I can go into the settings for Ultimate GA, but there’s no other sign of it anywhere.
I want to add the new tracking code
for tracking the load time in the new analytics site. It is possible?
]]>Hi, could i separate the tags from the same post
['_setCustomVar',3,'tags','abadejo recetas-de-pesca',3]
could i change the name of the custom variables
Thank you very much
]]>With debug mode set to true in the config file this error caused by ultimate google analytics is triggered.
Notice: Use of undefined constant user_level – assumed ‘user_level’ in /home/content/80/7580780/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-google-analytics/ultimate_ga.php on line 525
]]>It seems that WordPress has moved from levels to roles in version 3.0 and above, so code appears even when logged in.
]]>For everyone else trying to find a Google Analytics plugin for Multisite, this one appears to fit the bill and allow input of unique analytics code and display on the individual pages for that blog.
]]>I installed the Ultimate Google Analytics in WordPress 3.0, and the plug-in failed, but with a little digging I found the solution:
There are two lines of code missing and one slightly different line from the code now provided by Google. The code on my site now reads:
<!– tracker added by Ultimate Google Analytics plugin v1.6.0: https://www.oratransplant.nl/uga –>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var gaJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://ssl.” : “https://www.”);
document.write(unescape(“%3Cscript src='” + gaJsHost + “google-analytics.com/ga.js’ type=’text/javascript’%3E%3C/script%3E”));
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(“UA-16468802-3”);
} catch(err) {}
Note the additional lines:
“} catch(err) {}”
and check the line with your account number in it as there may be unnecessary info.
I fixed these lines and now it works.
NOTE: IF YOU ARE USING GOOGLE ANALYTICS FOR THE FIRST TIME, you must create the account BEFORE you install the plug-in or it won’t find your account number. To sign up for your account, go here:
NOTE: IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A GOOGLE ANALYTICS ACCOUNT for your website and are using WordPress for your blog but not the whole of your website, then your blog will lie in a separate folder on your server distinct from your website folder. You will thus need to create a secondary profile, using the address of your blog and treating it as a NEW domain, in your Google Analytics account BEFORE you install the plugin, otherwise it won’t find the right account number, or an account number at all; and Google will not find the code because it won’t be looking at your blog home page, only your website home page.
To illustrate: my website is https://www.mademers.com, not created using WordPress; and I have Google Analytics installed in the code of my home page. My blog, built using WordPress via an option in my server account, lies in a separate folder and has the URL of https://www.mademers.com/bad_egg/. Thus I needed to create a profile in my Google Analytics account for the new domain of https://www.mademers.com/bad_egg/. The profile was given the account number UA-16468802-3, that is my main account number with an additional “-3” attached (it should have been -2 but I thought I screwed up the first time and deleted the profile, so I had to redo it, and thus I ended up with -3). It is THIS account number that needed to be in the code illustrated above.
Hope this helps.