In the plugin description, it is said that this plugin adds top level field of the featured image to the corresponding post object.
But, after installing this plugin, nothing is added to post objects.
Should I use different endpoints to find the link to featured image?
Your plugin looks great. Can we use it to add new endpoints?
For instance, we’d like to use it in place of this: https://github.com/WP-API/wp-api-plugins-themes-endpoints
*And also to add endpoints for new CPT’s
Setup – php 7.1.2, WP 4.9.8, Plugins activated: JWT Authentication for WP-API, Ultimate WP REST API.
I tried to make auth using JWT Authentication for WP-API and having your plugin Ultimate WP REST API turned on.
But when auth work(get token), then validate request won’t work, it was error 500, also create post etc.
Error lead me to ultimate-wp-rest\vendor\lcobucci\jwt\src\Token.php:175
OutOfBoundsException: Requested claim is not configured
Without Ultimate WP REST API everything is fine.
Im not sure how should I do auth without this JWT auth plugin from external app, im a bit new in it, and I dont know if im doing something wrong or something ??