When working under the “Administrator” profile we can see the column “Edit Order #”. We can select that column in “Screen Options” and, after that the column appears in the “Orders” screen. So the “Administrator” user can edit the order number.
But, when working under the “Shop Manager” profile we can not see the column “Edit Order #”. So the “Shop Manager” user can not edit the order number.
How can I make it possible to work with your plugin under this profile “Shop Manager”?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Thank you for having just released an updated version of your plugin! I encounter the following issue: The highest order number that is present in my Woocommerce installation is #1517847. I have set your plugin to let the next order number to be 15600 (knowing that no order numbers between 15573 and 155701 are currently present in my installation). I was hoping that next order coming in would get number 15600. Instead the newest order that came in got number 1517848, it looks like your plugin is not helping me out here. Any clue why this is caused?
Your help is very much appreciated.
when I click the field to edit the order number, the page jumps to the order itself, no time to change the order number.
Thank you,
]]>like written above, this nice plugin won’t do it anymore.
so it’s not been updated since 2 years i would ask yo if there will be an option for that to do this next?
thx a lot!
The plugin will change my order number perfectly, but when I get a NEW order, the NEW number is not correct.
For example:
I changed order number 12485 to 145613102
Next time I get a new order, the new order number will be 12486 instead of 145613103
This plugin is superb and just what I need, but on activating this plugin Users cannot login on the site anymore.
Is there any reason why this is happening?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks and Regards,
]]>I have installed this plugin and all seems to be working well, however when I change an order number, I am unable to search using the new order number (only the old, non-visible order number)
]]>This plugin hooks admin_init to a function with this body:
if ( ! current_user_can( apply_filters('edit_order_numbers_permissions', 'manage_options' ) ) ) exit;
ie. if the current user cant ‘manage_options’, any hook that calls do_action('admin_init')
will fail.
In my case it affected frontend ajax which is I believe rightly hooked through admin-ajax.php, in any case it shouldn’t interrupt admin pages on backend either.
]]>After a recent update of WooCommerce, this plugin caused all users with user role set to “Shop Manager” to see a white screen upon logging in to the back end. When role was changed to Administrator, back end was visible again.
I’ve deactivated the plugin for now, thought I’d note it here so you can look into it. Running WP 4.3.1 and WooCommerce 2.4.8.
]]>Hi! I have installed this plugin. When I try to change the number of an order it displays the following message: “Request failed. That input conflicts with a post or another order.” However, there is no order with the same number. To be more understandable, I had two orders #30 and #31 and I wanted to swap their numbers cause the #31 was an order done before the #30 but I had to manually add it, I forgot to do it on time and another order was made (#30). And that’s why I have to change their numbers. What I did was to rename the #30 to #32, then the #31 to #30 done okay, but when it came for the #32 I cannot rename it to #31.