Would you have any websites with multiple adsense codes inserted?
Could you show the correct way to insert?
I couldn’t do it.
Best Regards
How can I change your plugin to allow the ads to stay in a rectangle of the width of the website, with the matte background and the ads 728 x 90 px in the center.
See : https://www.gazetadopovo.com.br/
I appreciate your attention.
Today I went to adjust the height to download the ADS exposure and could not find the options in your settings.
Did the WordPress 5.8.2 update prevent this action?
“Enable custom css and margin.”
]]>Congratulations on the excellent development of your plugin.
The margins of the sticky ads footer are ok but, the top ones are not.
When placing custom ads in customizer, how do I set the link to open in a new tab/browser window. Adding target=”_blank” to the end of the link does not work.
]]>Hello folks ??,
Thank you for using the Universal Google Adsense & ads manager plugin.
We at themebeez.com do not visit support forum here at www.ads-software.com to resolve support questions. Instead, we do have themebeez.com support forum where you can visit & post your questions.
If you have any questions & queries related to Universal Google Adsense & ads manager plugin please do not hesitate to contact us via our own support forum.
Go to the themebeez.com support forum here.
Thank you,
Themebeez.com team ??
As in subject. The theme is full of notice, that block updating of widget.
For example, editing post and uncheck “Hide AD content”, or leave unchecked show author, category, date or number of comment checkbox in widget data.
Here some example of blocking error. (please note that error are blocking also with WP_DEBUG false)
This on save post/page:
Notice: Undefined index: disable_ad in /path/wp-content/plugins/universal-google-adsense-and-ads-manager/includes/custom-fields/class-ugaam-post-field.php on line 81
This on edit widget:
[02-Sep-2019 17:30:41 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: show_categories_meta in /path/wp-content/themes/cream-magazine/inc/widget/news-widgets/class-cream-magazine-news-widget-one.php on line 249
[02-Sep-2019 17:30:41 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: show_author_meta in /path/wp-content/themes/cream-magazine/inc/widget/news-widgets/class-cream-magazine-news-widget-one.php on line 251
[02-Sep-2019 17:30:41 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: show_date_meta in /path/wp-content/themes/cream-magazine/inc/widget/news-widgets/class-cream-magazine-news-widget-one.php on line 253
[02-Sep-2019 17:30:41 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: show_cmnt_no_meta in /path/wp-content/themes/cream-magazine/inc/widget/news-widgets/class-cream-magazine-news-widget-one.php on line 255
Please install on our site properly. Your plugin is not working correctly. We were happy to use you. Please return.