I wanted to confirm that this is compatible with PHP versions 8.2 and 8.3. If not, is there a timelines of when it will be. Thanks!
]]>I just uploaded my staging site from https://www.staging2.tedioli.com/ to https://www.tedioli.com
I have a lot of pages like this, with numerous links to pdf pages.
After switching from staging to the “official” site, these links have not changed and the plug in does not see them and therefore cannot change them. You can help me?
]]>Now google search console is showing a bunch of redirects from posts with no forward slash to one with a forward slash at the end of every URL. This could screw up seo in a major way. Especially if somehow revert it. What do you suggest to fix this?
]]>For example, say I have these in posts
and then I tell it to change
Will that then change these links:
https://exampleOld1234.com/old-link-01 to
https://exampleNew1234.com/old-link-01 ??
]]>Bonjour a tous
je viens de changer de site et mon ancienne url se terminait avec .html, donc les permaliens ne correspondent pas,
là j’ai un site wordpress et il faudrait que mes permaliens se terminent par .html
donc j’ai besoin d’ajouter .html a mon permalien sur toutes mes url sauf sur la page d’accueil
est ce possible avec ce plugin et comment le configurer
merci pour votre aide
]]>I currently updated the permalink structure of my site to include a slash at the end. I need to update all custom internal links created in blog posts to reflect this change. With this plugin, I tried to update a link by adding a slash at the end of it.
However, after updating the URL, I go to a post where that link is inserted and it’s still the old one. Flushed the cache, and nothing.
]]>I was replacing non trailing slash urls to urls with slash at end.
Eg: example.com/contact-us (turns to) example.com/contact-us/
So when I old url as prior one and new url as the latter one, it replaces the url but at some places the hyperlink is correct with the trailing slash and it turns to example.com/contact-us// (double slash at end). Please add an exact match option
I am using OpenLitespeed webserver. Today I tried to upgrade my server to version php8.2 and I received the following error message.
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Kaizencoders\Update_Urls\Loader::$classes is deprecated in /usr/local/lsws/mydomain.com/html/wp-content/plugins/update-urls/lite/includes/Loader.php on line 92
Then I had to downgrade my php to 8.1 to get everything working again. Please release a patch for your plugin. I’m very grateful for that. Thank.
I can’t find any instructions on using this plugin so I’m a bit nervous using it without asking questions – I don’t remember blue velvet having the same issues.
The forms asks for “old URL” and “new URL”. Sounds simple, but what does it mean? Do I have to do it image by image, or can I do it in bulk?
https://www.domain.com.au/upload/12/image.php to https://www.domain2.com.au/upload/12/image.php seems safe enough.
But can I somehow change everything in the /12 folder or perhaps the /upload folder? Can I do something like https://www.domain.com.au/upload/12/* to https://www.domain2.com.au/upload/12/*?
]]>For some reason you managed to introduce a minor bug that was present in a very old version of Velvet Blues Update URLs as well. Go to the plugin’s backend page and click on the label (not checkbox) of any but the first option – they all use the same label and therefor all toggle the first checkbox.
]]>Some URLs still showing old ip address i.e, . How to replace those?
]]>We use a cloning plugin (NS Cloner) that works well, but doesn’t update the URLs. We would like to hook our update process into the update URLs e.g.update_urls($site_id, 'old-phrase', 'new-phrase');
Can you advise it this is possible?
Happy to wrap in a custom function e.g. switching to the blog, then calling the method.
Thanks in advance,
Alex Furr
Can you add support URL from Elementor plugin?
(wp_postmeta table, meta_value field)
if i use cyrillic domain (e.g. https://ритуал-21.рф/ ), will your plugin work?