While the plugin is active a critical error in happening on my website pleas help.
]]>Hi, I just created a new project and uploaded several files. How do I find the URL for this specific project?
There is an issue with Divi. When the plugin is activated, impossible to modify a page; builder not loading.
]]>Hi, there
There is a critical problem when I active your plugin in WordPress 5.9. Error message is “Warning: require(/wp-content/plugins/uploadcare/vendor/symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer/bootstrap80.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /wp-content/plugins/uploadcare/vendor/symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer/bootstrap.php on line 15”
Could you help me? Thanks for help.
After install 3.0.7, I have this fatal error =>
FastCGI sent in stderr: “PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 2 passed to UcFront::getImageSrc() must be of the type int, string given, called in /www/releases/4f3af322917f0a5966a3a61685c86804249f4c6b-{2006e733-d509-413a-a2c1-45a4aca3acf3}/web/wp/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 303 and defined in /www/releases/4f3af322917f0a5966a3a61685c86804249f4c6b-{2006e733-d509-413a-a2c1-45a4aca3acf3}/web/app/plugins/uploadcare/includes/UcFront.php:212
Stack trace:
#0 /www/releases/4f3af322917f0a5966a3a61685c86804249f4c6b-{2006e733-d509-413a-a2c1-45a4aca3acf3}/web/wp/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(303): UcFront->getImageSrc(false, ”, ‘full’, false)
#1 /www/releases/4f3af322917f0a5966a3a61685c86804249f4c6b-{2006e733-d509-413a-a2c1-45a4aca3acf3}/web/wp/wp-includes/plugin.php(189): WP_Hook->apply_filters(false, Array)
I’ve upgraded my blog to PHP 8, and I found that the Uploadcare plugin doesn’t include part of the required files for this PHP version.
I’ve manually downloaded and copied these files to patch the plugin:
BTW: I’ve noticed that you include Composer libraries on your plugin. You may find our PHP prefixing service useful to avoid conflicts with other plugins: https://php-prefixer.com/
Best Regards,
I just wanted to enquire if Adaptive Delivery works for the free account?
The upload button in Gutenberg does not work – nothing happens when I click it:
Same button in Media – Add New works fine.
Here is a video of the bug: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18X-rvbPYWX1y1N54gHACkTlI3yRrc4o-/view?usp=sharing
Tested on WordPress 5.6 and the latest version.
]]>I integrated uploadcare into my website and the only way to transfer the images through this plugin is by 20 images at a time through Transfer File module.
Is there any way i can transfer images by post/page and is there any way to transfer the entire images to uploadcare by a single click (not 20images at a time).
]]>I integrated uploadcare into my website and updated all the keys required and started transferring, but only 20 file transfers occurred and got stuck.
And I couldn’t start the upload process again. The “Transfer all files to Uploadcare” button is still deactivated and the download file number in uploadcare dashboard is the same (20).
Im using the free version now.
]]>I didn’t find any precise information, saying that it works like other CDNs that automatically convert all images …
If I’m not mistaken on Shopify this plugin converts all GIFs into videos, right?
Can we have the same effect here in wordpress?
Can I use this plugin to receive images from my clients after the purchase?
For exemple, my client will pay the order, and then he can upload the images to personalize the product he bought.
]]>I’m having issues while trying to manage media translations with along WPML plugin, when the following scenario is met:
– On uploadcare’s plugin settings, I have unchecked the option “Download images to server from Uploadcare before publish”, which for now on will enable uploaded images to directly link to uploadcare’s cdn
– On WPML Media Translation interface (while translating an image), all uploaded images through uploadcare which are linked directly to uploadcare’s cdn have an attachment link url path such as https://example.com./?attachment_id=6237
rather than the full uploadcare’s cdn url e.g: https://ucarecdn.com/d5dc6271-225d-3456-b99c-8378468aa131/
That also means I’m not able to select an image uploaded for a post listed on “language A” as the “featured image” for another post listed (translated) to “language B”, neither on the post edit screen or the media library itself, images uploaded through uploadcare are not useable.
The only “workaround” I could find is switching the language while on the post edit or Media Library screen and then re-uploading the same image through uploadcare again, which is widely redundant.
I really love uploadcare’s plugin, please let me know if any enhancements regarding this issue is considered.
]]>I simply can’t understand the purpose of the plugin. All images I upload through uploadcare (on the media library or the post content) is saved to wp-content directory, that means they’re served locally as opposed to use the uploadcare’s cdn.
If I upload an image named my-image.jpg through uploadcare, it is saved to and pulled from /wp-content/uploads/uploadcare/2019/11/5f5131ff-20e1-408d-a921-4bdb2eb1808f.my-image.jpg
On prior versions of the plugin, images used to be linked with their respective UUID as such: https://ucarecdn.com/beee984d-daca-4c0d-a12c-9b5b433cfd0a/-/preview/
The plugin is set up correctly, I’ve got my API key and secret in place, as also my billing info is in order.
WP Version: 5.3
PHP version: 7.3
uploadcare WP plugin version: 2.6.1
Hi there. First thing first, thanks for the plugin. I’ve been using it since v 2.5.3, but after updating it to v 2.6.0 on WordPress 5.1 the plugin stopped working due to an error. I run WP on php 7.2 by the way.
The error states something like the following: “Fatal error: Class ‘Uploadcare\PagedDataIterator’ not found in /uploadcare/uploadcare-php/src/Uploadcare/FileIterator.php on line 5”.
I’ve deleted the plugin and installed it again with no success.
I’d really appreciate any help regarding this issue, for now I reverting back to v 2.5.3
]]>Thanks for your wonderful plugin, works great. I am using it to move images 20-100mb in size into my WP Uploads folder, but I see thumbnails are not being generated (from Dropbox import). Is this my problem, or a limitation with the plugin? Any ideas how I’d solve the issue.
Should mention- this is true on images of 200kb, as well as the images I mainly import to WP which are 20 or 40mb. With no thumbnail, the media browser grinds to a halt!
]]>Hi there. I’ve just came across an Uploadcare’s article on medium.com. WordPress plugin is great!!!
I’ve been trying to use the plugin’s Widget Fine Tuning option in order to change the widget’s LOCALE to Portuguese by placing UPLOADCARE_LOCALE = "pt";
on it, but it seems not to work as English is kept as the main language througout the whole WordPress admin for the Uploadcare’s media button & widget.
Any clues why that is not working while it should?
Thanks in advance.
]]>goal 1: to allow a customer on my woocommerce site to upload images easily from facebook, instagram via their phones. Uploadcare can handle that part well with its widget.
goal 2: connect the uploaded images to the order somehow so that they can be processed after upload. maybe save file handle to the product? or change the uploaded file name to match the order number? not sure which method is easiest/robust/possible.
what would need to change in this plugin to get it to play nice with woocommerce?
(there are a lot of custom form plugins for woocommerce, i know, but none have a nice interface like uploadcare)
I tried uploading but I got a “can’t upload” erro whenever I tried. Do I need a pro account to use this plugin?
]]>Do the example mentioned in this thread will work the same with Gravity Forms?
Like placing a hidden field in the GF form and applying to it the jQuery snippet it will convert this hidden field into a Uploadcare widget?
The uploaded file url/link will be sent with the form and saved in the GF entry?
Sorry for the obvious question, just want to make sure I’m on the right track.
Thank you.
]]>Nice Plugin Make an update please
i’m clicking the button to upload to uploadcare but nothing happens
How can I save “uploaded” images to WordPress’s server, to the uploads dir (/wp-content/uploads)?
All uploaded files are uploaded to UploadCare’s CDN, I can’t find any option to save “uploaded” files from Dropbox to the server where WP is hosted. Is it possible?
is this possible to create Cronjob for this Plugin ? I mean after some time interval Files uploaded Automatically
]]>video/images uploaded by User goes to Media folder and media sync with dropbox So uploded by user display after Some time Like Cronjobs. I have no idea how this is possible.
help must be appreciated!
Your description says:
Begin adding a new post.
Press “Add Media” to insert media with the Uploadcare widget.
Upload an image using the widget.
Crop the image if you wish. Only the cropped area will be inserted.
Press “Done”. The image will be inserted into your post.
I’m not experiencing this. It’s inserting the full image from Gdrive. I tried inserting
uploadcare.openDialog(null, {
crop: “715×550 minimum”
}).done(function(file) {
into the settings “widget Fine Tuning” but that pops up the box when you start writing a post and doesn’t insert the image.
How do I activate the cropping feature and/or the image shrink feature?
]]>Is there a way to integrate this plugin with a form so that the image URL is sent with the form? I’m working on a site on which the original developer had simply added some HTML to a form with the uploadcare shortcode so the uploader was not actually part of the form and not associated with a field.
A programmatic solution would be fine.
Is there a way you could make your awesome plugin Buddypress ready ?
It would be great to offer the possibility for each user to manage and share their files from their front end buddypress profile (tab “My upload” or something like that…).
Even if it was a Premium feature, i would buy a licence for sure !
Thanks for your answer, advice, trick, … ! ??
]]>Honestly, I just now installed the plugin. I had to write. I have been searching through dozens of pages, hundreds of plugins – page by page – to find this exact plugin. I have been looking for a year, on and off, when I felt like milling through plugins for a couple of hours.
Now I can stop wasting my time. And collecting too many random plugins along the way.
I have loads of documents to deal with, and constantly add more. This is going to make a tremendous difference for me. I will get so much more accomplished, and have enough mental energy left to organize them.
If/when I find donations – yours will be the first I have ever done.
Please keep this plugin current.
Thank you, again.
When i try to upload files in a new post via the “add media” button, the dropbox tab is missing. Any suggestions why this happens? I can see the dropbox tab on the Screenshot s for this plugin.
Best regards..
]]>The following message is appeared at the top of my browser.
I’m using wptouch theme for mobile.
‘warning : implode(): invalid arguments passed in/…..MY DIRECTORY……/utils.pfp on line 35’
PLS help