I’ve just update AUM and had a lot of issues…
I had to inactivate UAM Nextgen Gallery extension before reinstall UAM, update UAM next.
When I try to activate UAM Nextgen Gallery extension, Activation is impossible and I have a system error message :
“Catchable fatal error: Argument 5 passed to UserAccessManagerNextGenGallery\Controller\FrontendController::__construct() must be an instance of UserAccessManager\AccessHandler\AccessHandler, instance of UserAccessManager\Access\AccessHandler given, called in /home/carnetde/pdv-photo/wp-content/plugins/user-access-manager-nextgen-gallery-extension/user-access-manager-nextgen-gallery-extension.php on line 118 and defined in /home/carnetde/pdv-photo/wp-content/plugins/user-access-manager-nextgen-gallery-extension/src/UserAccessManagerNextGenGallery/Controller/FrontendController.php on line 41”
Can you help me ? Did you ever know this issue ?
Thank you so much.
]]>Hallo, wie ?ndere ich denn bitte diese Zeile die bei mir leider auch bei Seiten erscheint: ?Entschuldigung aber du hast nicht die Rechte um diese Seite zu sehen!“? Kann ich das nur in der user-access-manager-de_DE.po ?ndern? Ich habe leider keinen FTP-Zugriff.
Since updating User Access Manager – NextGEN Gallery Extension to the 1.00 Beta version, I can’t open the WP admin panel any more. It fails with a HTTP 500 error.
Renaming the plugin directory user-access-manager-nextgen-gallery-extension re-enables access (but losses plugin functionality).
I had this problem before in the previous version and fixed it by following your advice to change some instances of $aUamOptions = $oUserAccessManager->getAdminOptions(); to $aUamOptions = $oUserAccessManager->getConfig()->getAdminOptions(); in UamNgg.class.php.
I see you have done the same in the file from the 1.00 Beta version, but apparently something else is breaking it now.
By the way: I did upgrade User Access Manager to v2.0.11 and upgraded the UAM database also.
I ‘am using the UAM NextGEN Gallery Extension in conjunction with NextCellent Gallery Version 1.9.31
Thanks for any help
]]>Hello, the settings will remain despite the changes to the not saved.
]]>Just a heads up to whoever has a problem with this plugin not saving settings.
Open the UamNgg.class.php file in Notepad, find:
update_option($this->AdminOptionsName, $uamNggOptions);
Replace with
update_option($this->_sAdminOptionsName, $uamNggOptions);
This file is located here:
Save it, upload to the server and that’s all.
]]>Hello, I want to create a private area for the employees of the company where they can download their documentation. Do not know if this is the right plugin.
As I can not put a form to enter your password and diriga them to your Private and unloading area. I can do this with this plugin or do I lack any more?
Thank you.
]]>I keep getting a message to update the database of the user access manager. I am not very familiar with wordpress or the plugins. It says to update the database before I update. First where is the database to update and second what happens if I update. Any help and clarification would be most appreciated.
I’ve just tested this for a client, and it does to my knowledge not work with the described setup.
I can still upload the files, but they won’t be displayed ??
]]>Servus Leute,
bin ich der Einzige bei dem das Plugin nicht mehr funktioniert? Ich kann weder Bildern noch Alben Gruppen aus dem UAM zuweisen.
Viele Grü?e
]]>I have configured my galleries to only be visible to users who are logged in (subscribers). However, ANYONE can see my images. I can hide the pages containing the album from the public, but still, this is not what I want as the direct link to images still works.
]]>I run the latest version of NGG and WP. I am facing the problem that when I click a thumbnail in a page-embedded gallery, the user appears as if he was logged out. However, if the user goes back in browser history or resumes browsing some other pages on the blog, he is still logged in.
I have no idea why it does not work anymore, nothing changed. I also checked the error log, nothing is related to this issue. Memory limit is 256M, also apc is set to 256M.
Tried to reinstall, no success. Any hints on what to do?
When I click all of the Hide options to Yes, it says they are updated after saving. But, when I go away from the settings page, then back, it is back on No. I need to have these albums/pages/photos hidden to groups without access.
Please help!
if i set the radiobutton from option “Hide Gallery” – the galleries from other users (where i have no access) still display in “Manage Galleris”.
The checkbox for this “locked” galleries is not visible, this is ok, but they shouldnt be displayed…
Is this an Bug?
]]>Would it be possible to add the ability to set access groups when uploading images or importing folders? (or have I missed something) Or at least to be able to set a default group(s)
This would be a huge time saver when uploading a large number of galleries.
]]>Is it possible to use UAM + NextGEN Gallery Extension to control who can edit a Nextgen album or gallery?
]]>the page NextGEN Gallery Extension Settings does not save any settings on wp 3.5.1
]]>I’m trying to install your plugin but the system give me a fatal error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function getAdminOptions() on a non-object in /web/htdocs/www.mjrka.com/home/mjrkaprova/wp-content/plugins/user-access-manager-nextgen-gallery-extension/class/UamNgg.class.php on line 50
Could you help me?
Best regards
]]>Hi, I find the tools UAM and UAM for NEXTGEN great. Unfortunately updating the function “Hide not pictures, etc.” works. For a new call to the hook is out again. Unfortunately, you can not lock a single photo for certain user groups as well. This only works for the entire Gallery, although check boxes are available at each photo. I have restarted the server and WP completely rebuilt. Is there a future extension or I have an error. The versions are the latest. Thank you for a speedy reply. Sincerely Jottha Eff.
]]>We need an update that works with the current release of NextGen plugin.
]]>Was really looking for a plugin just like this. I was disappointed when I realized that it is broken and will not activate. Please let users know if this plugin will ever be updated or if it is dead in the water.
Thanks so much!
]]>I have the same problem as Buddy99:
“The plugin works fine in Album and Gallery view using the Picture-Mode. But when showing a slideshow (monoslideshow), then all images are showing. Also those, where the acces is not allowed with user-Access-manager.”
About an update I would be very happy ??
]]>Dear developer, please, PLEASE update this plugin so it works with the latest version of WP.
As it stands, I am unable to activate it after I install it – it crashes and gets deactivated.
]]>I’d like to use this plugin, but it doesn’t work with my installed versions of Nextgen 1.8.3 and UAM 1.2.1. Is there a chance that there will be an update of this plugin?
when will this plugin work with the stable-version of the nextgen-gallery?
]]>This is the message i get:
Fatal error: Call to a member function getAdminOptions() on a non-object in /home6/willemja/public_html/willemjan/wp-content/plugins/user-access-manager-nextgen-gallery-extension/class/UamNgg.class.php on line 52
can do nothing with it ??
]]>Hi, Please kindly help how to add login form for those who do not have the rights. I added “[Login Form] into the Album or Gallery content field, but the login form cannot be triggered. Kindly advise on how to trigger the login form. Thanks a lot!
]]>The plugin works fine in Album and Gallery view using the Picture-Mode. But when showing a slideshow (monoslideshow), then all images are showing. Also those, where the acces is not allowed with user-Access-manager.
Do I make any mistake?
]]>Fatal error: Call to a member function getAdminOptions() on a non-object in /homez.34/penseeli/lespauvresvoyagent.fr/wp-content/plugins/user-access-manager-nextgen-gallery-extension/class/UamNgg.class.php on line 52
]]>Fatal error: Call to a member function getAdminOptions() on a non-object in /xxx.com/wp-content/plugins/user-access-manager-nextgen-gallery-extension/class/UamNgg.class.php on line 52
]]>I have tried to protect images with the plugin using WP 3.0 and NGG 1.70a. The image is only hidden but if a person has the specific URL to an image is still shows so the plugin is useless ??
Would it be possible to protect the images with a real .htaccess control, so it is not possible to deep link (using the real URL) to protect the images?