Is there not a way to rebuild the cash for a list? I have members to my site and unfortunately the plugin that I am using to manage the members does not have a way to display a list of members so I am using “User Lists”. However, since I am not wanting to log into the site every day to update the cache so that new members show up on the list I was hooping there was a way to automate the list cache. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>I have this plugin installed on 2 sites that are exactly the same except for the membership list. Somehow or another one site will display a section called “Extra profile information” when looking at a Users profile info (WP). The other site however will not display this. I need it to display this so I can see all the extra fields that I am proving for each user. How do i get this to show in the users edit page.
Many thanks,
Hi there,
Although i can read it’s reviews, it seems sound good but it is not working with my site’s short code. Can anybody suggest?
]]>I’m using this plugin to create a flexible member directory, and appreciating it very much, but having trouble getting the email addresses and mailto links it displays to be protected/encoded by plugins like this:
It seems that the particular kind of output this plugin creates on user profile pages isnt one of the places that the email encoder programs looks to do its work. Any suggestions from anyone?
]]>Is this possible? And how do i do that? Any help would be most appreciated.
]]>I’m trying to output custom user information. And it’s ouputting it … just not on the right spot on the page.
For some reason, the $uid’s placement is just fine. But when i try to output custom data, the custom data is being displayed all the way on the top of the page instead of where i think i’m outputting it on the page. Which is sepose to be at the bottom of the page.
$html .= "User ID: " .$uid;
$company = the_author_meta('company-name', $uid);
$html .= "<p>Company name: " .$company. "</p>";
User ID: $uid is outputting just fine. on the same line, just normal.
But when i try to output “Company name: Name of the comany B.V.”
Company name: appears on the right line, nicely at the bottom of the page like i want to. But on using the variable to output “Name of the company B.V.”, it’s being displayed at the top of the page, just below the page title. ABOVE the <<back to members page link.
Any help on the matter would be greatly appreciated.
This plugin worked ok for me, but since a few weeks, i get a blank page when viewing the specific page.
Even after a upgrade to 3.9.1 the problem still occurs. I tried several browsers, but all have the same problem.
Any idea what could be the problem?
[ No bumping please. ]
I check the option under User list options: Use user “Display name” for links to show user name in url at generated profile page, but for users who have the name or surname with apostrophe I can not display any information (name, profile, site, etc).
How can i do?
I use version 1.5.1 of your plugin.
Thank you in advance.
]]>Hi Folks,
I have an extremely large list, and my current list is stopping at 50. How can I extend it?
Kind regards, Chris
]]>This plugin used to work, but now I have my list of users repeated a few times on the page. Any ideas why?
]]>Hi, i’m still working with your plugin and trying to work some things out to work. One of the things is changing the size of the gravatar. when adding a number in the backend, the size doesn’t change.
Is there another way?
p.s. in the readme file you say changing the appearance could be done in the css, do you mean adding css by myself? of can i change existing css code to change the looks?
]]>Hi, how can i let the users in the list show in rows of about 3-4 users instead of all underneath eaachother in a list?
]]>Hi, is it possible to display the list by group and add multiple lists with each it’s own setting?
]]>I have been using the users list for some time and I am not sure where on my site is the link that people are subscribing to? I also use the Subscribe2 plugin/widget but only 8 people have subscribed using that. I have been recently gotten a lot of new additions to the Users List and I want to figure out why. I have looked all over the link for a users subscription link but I can’t find it.
]]>I am trying to filter user listing using multiple taxonomies from the usermeta table. Here is what I have so far:
//get the authors from the database ordered by user nicename
$query = "SELECT $wpdb->users.ID, $wpdb->users.user_nicename FROM $wpdb->users INNER JOIN $wpdb->usermeta ON $wpdb->users.ID = $wpdb->usermeta.user_id WHERE $wpdb->usermeta.meta_key = 'css' AND $wpdb->usermeta.meta_key = 'photoshop' ORDER BY $wpdb->users.user_nicename LIMIT $offset, $limit";
I am receiving no user results when using the above query, however, if I only use one meta_key filter, I see the desired results. How can I query using multiple taxonomies from the usermeta table?
]]>Hi, one feature I would need is the ability to have a filtered directory, and the filtering would be based on custom user fields. For example a filter rule such as “don’t display user whose custom field someField == someValue”. I guess for this feature you must interface with a plugin handling custom user fields though.
]]>Hi, I would like to display items in the Directory inside an HTML table. I can see the default uses divs, and I am not sure this is configurable by just editing the CSS. I think it would be nice to add some more customization options, maybe a template editor. Also as an alternative to referencing a page id for the directory, it would be nice to have a shortcode, this integrates better into a page. Your plugin is very nice though, thanks for providing it.
]]>I’m getting these messages on the front page of my site after installing User List.
Warning: Division by zero in D:\Hosting\11809206\html\wp-content\plugins\user-list\user-list.php on line 96
Warning: Division by zero in D:\Hosting\11809206\html\wp-content\plugins\user-list\user-list.php on line 561
Any suggestions?
Is there anyway to view members with other roles than what available? The plugin is only showing the standard roles but no additional roles that were created from other plugins.
It’s a nice plugin I’m using it on a membership page to display members of the site. I’m using the s2Members plugin which create membership roles and those membership roles is what I want to display in a members area.
I translated this plugin to Russian. If you want to include it into your plugin please let me know.
hi, what about showing user name in url at generated profile page or how can i do? like this: “” thanks and take care