Is there some way of including the User’s Email or Login within the email sent when they update their profile?
Our shortcode looks like this:
[usermeta class=”” submit=”UPDATE PROFILE” success=”Update Successful” error=”Update Failed! Please Retry” fields=”A,B,C” vars=”” email_to=”[email protected]” email_from=”UMM” subject=”Online Profile Change” message=”%s”]
We get all the relevant field data emailed to us using the “%s” parameter, however unfortunately none of those fields tell us which user it was that updated their profile. None of the fields A, B, or C or unique identifiers for the user.
Is there some way of using a parameter of some sort to include the user’s email or ID as part of the email that is sent to [email protected]?
]]>I’m not familiar with code. I need to display meta data that I created for an user as the default value in a gravity form. How can I do that? The shortcode doesn’t translate to the value. Any help is appreciated.
]]>We are using the User Meta Manager plugin for out site. But now when we try to use it, it just shows a blank page. It’s a big problem as we have about 8500 users on our site.
]]>I have added custom fields (select menu and text box). The fields show up in profile and on the registration form (membership2) just fine. When adding a new user via a registration page or in user profile in WP, they custom fields dont save. If you go back in and edit in WP user profile, the fields update.
]]>Hello there!
As the title says, meta orders won’t actually save when I try and drag them. I do receive a notification confirming the orders are saved but upon checking the profile and refreshing UMM custom meta page, they are back to square one.
What could be the problem?
I’d like the editors of my site to be able of seeing and modifying the meta field in the users profile. But for now, there is a little problem : in other user profile, editors see theyre own informations.
Only administrators can see the right informations, can you see where the problem is ?
The user meta manager plugin doesn’t update anything anymore.
I cannot sort or edit any of the meta I’ve created.
Have some solution ?
]]>Required field don’t work !
]]>add age field ??
]]>Hi, I have a little problem in user’s profile :
<img src=”https://img15.hostingpics.net/thumbs/mini_141140Capture.jpg” alt=”Heberger image” />
As you can see, the lasts label meta are blanked. Can you help me ?
Great plugin! ??
Is there any way to add a custom meta to an existing form (like CSSJockey Membership Modules)?
Tried to use the custom meta key in the field ID but it didn’t work :/
]]>I’ve come across a bug since upgrading to UMM and UMM Pro. Whenever we add a new user and we place all the information in the custom fields we created, upon saving, all the text fields have “Array” in them and not the text we typed in. The dropdowns are fine but the text fields are not. When we go back in we can then overwrite the “Array” text and then it will save. I’ve done this a couple times. The first time it saves nothing and places “Array” in each text and textarea field. Then when I go back in I tried it again and it didn’t save my new changes but when I went in a 3rd time, it finally saved my entries. Sometimes this works on the second try and some times not until the 3rd.
We’ve also tried this where we only enter in the email address, save and then go back in and it doesn’t enter the “Array” fields and then we can update the person’s custom fields from UMM and the 2nd time it saves and updates.
Any suggestions?
Thank you!
]]>I just tried your plugin for the first time. Searching for users by ID, user login, or email do not appear to work. Sometimes it returns results, bot often it does not. Is this due to the limitation of 100 that you’ll only show search results if it happens to be in the first 100 users of the entire database?
For example, when I search for ID=17, I get three rows back, one for user ID=117, 171, and 177. I do not get user 1770 or user 1771, etc, even though they exist. Searching on ID for 1770 or 1771 returns zero results, even though it works perfectly on the default users page. Note that I have not added display columns for meta keys. I’m just searching and trying to display the default 3 columns of information on your “Home” tab.
This is open to anyone to advise. I am attempting to add custom meta.
I inserted the following info:
Key: Company_Name
Value: left blank
Use This Value For All Current Users: left blank
Field Type: Text
Label: Company Name
Classes: left blank
Additional Attributes: left blank
HTML After: left blank
Required: No
Allow Tags: Yes
Add To Profile: Yes
Unique Value: No
Role: All
Then hit Submit.
Returns = Meta data successfully added.
When I go to Edit Custom Meta, states No custom meta to edit. If it was successfully added, then where is the custom meta?
Also, last year I stumbled upon a guy with the Youtube account name of John King that provided an excellent tutorial where he utilized User Meta Manager with Gravity Forms User Registration addon. His account on Youtube and video of this tutorial is no longer available. Anyone know how to contact this guy, please advise, as his demos of using this plugin was very helpful.
Also, does any other tutorial(s) exist on using this plugin?
]]>no way to upgrade
I would like to know if there’s any way I can translate the custom profile meta fields via WPML. Right now, WPML can translate only the plugin labels and fields.
Thank you!
]]>This plugin suffers from serious security vulnerabilities such as privilege escalation, information disclosure and SQL injection.
If the plugin author is interested in details please contact respond with an email I can use in order to provide them.
]]>Hello there,
i got a Meta Manager Form on my Website. The Configuration should send a Mail every time the User sends the form.
But nothing happen.
Are there any Solutions?
]]>Hello there,
my user Meta Manager plugin dosn′t send Mails, when a Users sends the Form.
Are there any Workarounds?
thank you
]]>I am trying to update the meta values of a user using php code. Is there something I am missing trying to do this? Here is a bit of my code that I use to do this:
#Retrieves Current User's ID
$user_ID = get_current_user_id();
#Retrieves Amount Left To Pay
$lefttopay = get_user_meta($user_ID, Left_To_Pay, true);
#Gets This Payment Amount
$lastpayamt = get_user_meta($user_ID, Last_Pay_Amount, true);
#Subtracts This Payment From Total
$newlefttopay = $lefttopay - $lastpayamt;
#Changes Left To Pay Amount To Above Amount
update_user_meta($user_ID, Left_To_Pay, $newlefttopay, true);
So this chunk of code retrieves the user id. Then plugs it into the next line to get the Left_To_Pay meta data (which is at 10 by the way), it then gets the Last_Pay_Amount meta data which was set to 1 further up in the code. It then subtracts 1 from 10 and then updates the Left_To_Pay meta data to 9.
When I run this code and then go to edit the meta data for a specific user, I see no change for the user. Any help? I assume all the update and get formats are similar so if there is a problem up you should see the same problem in the code above.
Thanks in advance.
]]>With User Meta Manager installed and activated, and with all other plugins deactivated, if I edit a user account and click Save, It get a 404 page not found error.
If I deactivate User Meta Manager and activate all other plugins, changing a user account works just fine with no page not found error of any kind.
If I activate DEBUG options in wp-config.php and attempt to reproduce the problem by deactivating all but User Meta Manager, I don’t get any errors in the logs, but I do still get a 404 page not found error.
]]>Hi, I have to import several hundred users, and the free version successfully adds an individual user’s meta, which is great.
I’d like to update all of the imported users at once, but the only bulk option I see is to update “all current users.”
I would not like to overwrite meta for administrators and other users.
Is there a way in either version to select which users’ meta is changed? For instance, only if their role is “customer”? I’m not sure if this is what Pro’s feature of “Advanced field validation using match or search methods” means.
I am trying to build a system where users (with specific roles) are entitled to create new users (implemented with plugin members). Those users shall be assigned to specific companies (metafield – dropdown).
The values in the dropdown shall be restricted to those that are created by the creator of the user.
I hope I made myself clear – Each of those creators is a service provider with its own customers. I do not want him to see other’s customers.
Thank you
]]>When I use this code:
[ummquery before_result="<section class='umm-query-result'>" after_result="</section>" before_item="<ul class='umm-query-user'>" after_item="</ul>" item="<li class='umm-query-item'><strong>%k</strong>: %v</li>" key_format="ucwords" value_format="ucfirst" list="user_nicename, dept"]
I get a huge list of repeating lines for each user_nicename. It seems like maybe it’s repeating the whole “list” of items for each item in the database, instead of just per user.
]]>WordPress: 4.2.2
Theme: Catch Evolution
User Meta Manager: 3.4.6
Clicking ‘Add New User’ resulting in ‘endlesly’ inserting custom field(s).
Browser: Firefox 37.0.2, Chrome 42.0.2311.152 m
Thanks for the great plugin.
Hi, is it possible to show all user meta on fronted, with search field?
(e.g: like in the backend…)
I would like to have a password-protected page to search users without accessing the backend.
Thanks a lot.
]]>How to make United States be the first country on the Country drop down list.
]]>How do I add a terms and condition check box on the registration form and also show the terms and condition. Allow user to register only after they have checked the terms and condition box.
]]>The plugin works great in Chrome, but whenever adding/editing a user in Firefox, it will not save the custom meta fields. The Datepicker also does not show up. Thanks in advance for your help!
Is there a getting started somewhere?
I can’t find info on how to use shortcodes, use forms and change user data anywhere. I have looked at the page under users/User Meta Manager, but I only see the buttons:
Add Custom Meta
Edit Custom Meta
Delete Custom Meta
Edit Columns
Backup & Restore
Go Pro!
There is no settings or anything else. Is there another page?
On the new page I don’t see anything that has to do with forms.
I would like to make a form that allows the user to see their current info in text boxes and edit it and click save.
Also, is it possible to show the user’s Avatar?
It would also be nice to know if there is any built-in integration with Facebook or google? I would like to fill data with info from there, above the data other plugins give.
Thank you,