Please add a class to the player container I could attach additional styles to it. The player container has only a unique id and I can’t style it in the CSS at this time.
Please move the VDO item from the main menu to the Settings. VDO settings are not needed every day to clog the main menu with an extra item.
How to list multiple video from a VideoCipher Folder on Single Page ?
]]>Learndash is mentioned in the description but does it work with video progression? I don’t see that it’s listed in LearnDash’s docs as being an officially supported plugin.
]]>I haven’t yet installed the plugin, just out of curiosity if this plugin and the whole system is already tested with the WPLMS theme and it new version?
that plugin is working well on chrome browser,but if i try use Firefox or Edge …Safari that will show error message “ISP could not resolve hostname. Try another network connection”
We installed the plugin for wordpress and we could not get it to work. We insert secret key and the shortcode of the video, we checked the PHP curl extension installed, which is libcurl 7.15.5 but does not work
]]>Any page that has [vdo] shortcode throws following error before the video output
Notice: Undefined index: version in /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/vdocipher/vdocipher.php on line 105
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0032 131060 {main}( ) …/index.php:0
2 0.0051 132928 require( ‘/var/www/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php’ ) …/index.php:17
3 1.8794 28538404 require_once( ‘/var/www/wordpress/wp-includes/template-loader.php’ ) …/wp-blog-header.php:19
4 1.9007 28719364 include( ‘/var/www/wordpress/wp-content/themes/relia/page.php’ ) …/template-loader.php:74
5 1.9934 28977136 get_template_part( ) …/page.php:27
6 1.9934 28977688 locate_template( ) …/general-template.php:167
7 1.9938 28977800 load_template( ) …/template.php:643
8 1.9971 28989840 require( ‘/var/www/wordpress/wp-content/themes/relia/template-parts/content-page.php’ ) …/template.php:686
9 2.0021 28991768 the_content( ) …/content-page.php:23
10 2.0024 28992532 apply_filters( ) …/post-template.php:240
11 2.0024 28993220 WP_Hook->apply_filters( ) …/plugin.php:203
12 2.0033 28995568 call_user_func_array:{/var/www/wordpress/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:298} ( ) …/class-wp-hook.php:298
13 2.0033 28995744 do_shortcode( ) …/class-wp-hook.php:298
14 2.0034 28999248 preg_replace_callback ( ) …/shortcodes.php:223
15 2.0034 29001580 do_shortcode_tag( ) …/shortcodes.php:223
16 2.0034 29001984 call_user_func:{/var/www/wordpress/wp-includes/shortcodes.php:345} ( ) …/shortcodes.php:345
17 2.0034 29002004 vdo_shortcode( )
I was wondering if it would be possible to add custom field support in the shortcode.
I’m doing this manually currently with the following modification by using the shortcode $content variable.
[vdo][field key=field_587a44be392fa][/vdo]
Edit of vdo_shortcode function
$content = trim(do_shortcode($content));
$video = $content;
function vdo_shortcode( $atts, $content='' ) {
extract( shortcode_atts(
'title' => 'TITLE_OF_VIDEO',
'width' => get_option('vdo_default_width') . "px",
'height' => get_option('vdo_default_height') . "px",
'id' => 'id',
'no_annotate'=> false,
'version'=> 0,
), $atts )
$content = trim(do_shortcode($content));
$video = $content;
return "Required argument id for embedded video not found.";
$params = array(
$video = vdo_send("videos", $params);
$video = json_decode($video);
if($video == null)
return "404. Video not found.";
$video = $video[0]->id;
if ($video == null) {
return "No video with given title found.";
$video = $id;
$params = array(
$anno = false;
if (!function_exists("eval_date")) {
function eval_date($matches){
return current_time($matches[1]);
if (get_option('vdo_annotate_code') != "") {
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
$vdo_annotate_code = get_option('vdo_annotate_code');
$vdo_annotate_code = apply_filters('vdocipher_annotate_preprocess', $vdo_annotate_code);
if (is_user_logged_in()) {
$vdo_annotate_code = str_replace('{name}', $current_user->display_name , $vdo_annotate_code);
$vdo_annotate_code = str_replace('{email}', $current_user->user_email , $vdo_annotate_code);
$vdo_annotate_code = str_replace('{username}', $current_user->user_login , $vdo_annotate_code);
$vdo_annotate_code = str_replace('{id}', $current_user->ID , $vdo_annotate_code);
$vdo_annotate_code = str_replace('{ip}', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] , $vdo_annotate_code);
$vdo_annotate_code = preg_replace_callback('/\{date\.([^\}]+)\}/', "eval_date" , $vdo_annotate_code);
$vdo_annotate_code = apply_filters('vdocipher_annotate_postprocess', $vdo_annotate_code);
$anno = array("annotate" => $vdo_annotate_code);
$OTP = vdo_send("otp", $params, $anno);
$OTP = json_decode($OTP);
$output = "<span id='vdo$OTP' style='background:#555555;color:#FFFFFF'><h4>Video not found</h4></span>";
return $output;
$OTP = $OTP->otp;
// $version = $atts['version']; //handled by extract function
$output = "<div id='vdo$OTP' style='height:$height;width:$width;max-width:100%' ></div>";
$output .= "<script> (function(v,i,d,e,o){v[o]=v[o]||{}; v[o].add = v[o].add || function V(a){ (v[o].d=v[o].d||[]).push(a);};";
$output .= "if(!v[o].l) { v[o].l=1*new Date(); a=i.createElement(d), m=i.getElementsByTagName(d)[0]; a.async=1; a.src=e; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m);}";
$output .= " })(window,document,'script','//de122v0opjemw.cloudfront.net/vdo.js','vdo'); vdo.add({ ";
$output .= "o: '$OTP', ";
if ($version == 32) $output .= "version: '$version' ";
$output .= "}); </script>";
return $output;
Hi we have multiple uploaders who will upload their content from frontend. Is there a way that I can add a link which will take them to your site to upload with my key? and once they upload the video will provide them code to that in their posts?
I have multi authors in my wordpress installation. would one client secrete key serve for their repective accounts on vdocipher?
If no, how will I archieve this? knowing too well that they did not have access to the admin vdocipher account dashboard?