velocity/admin/css/admin.css line: 800 (width:100%) causes issues in the media library when FileBird is installed. The clear class is not specific enough and should be namespaced or set to width:auto. For now, we can override this css from the theme’s function file.
]]>Thank you for the great plugin!
It would be perfect for the project I am working on, which involves SoundCloud and YouTube embeds both as single items and playlists. But YouTube playlists are returning “An error occurred. Please try again later” message whatever I try. I have left the test page link where all the four embeds could be inspected (YT&SC as single items and playlists), and only YT playlist is not working.
Any idea what goes wrong?
Hi Darren,
by default the div with the class “velocity-embed” has a 20px bottom margin:
(Same on Sridhar’s quick tutorial page.)
Why is this?
Shouldn’t be all side margins set to 0 px?
EDIT: The link to the problem page is now included. Just resize the viewport or view on desktop vs. tablet vs. smartphone.
When designing a page for smartphones, I noticed that the Velocity video embeds lose the play button due to the .velocity-embed and .velocity-play-btn style code disappearing on mobile screen sizes. Here are two screenshots that illustrate what I’m seeing in the source of the page: at desktop/tablet size (where I do see the play button)
and at smartphone size (where I don’t see the play button).
What controls are there for ensuring that the play button does appear on all screen sizes?
]]>Hi there,
The plugin runs very smooth and it’s easy to setup. Many thanks!
There’s one problem I have:
The videos I’d like to embedd are from vimeo. And some of them are not in a 16:9 ratio, but e.g. ultrawide 21:9.
In this case, the plugin adds a normal 16:9 thumbnail. So far, this is something I can live with. But when a user clicks on the thumbnail, the vimeo player is being loaded with nasty white bars (top and bottom of the player, filling the gap to the 16:9 ratio).
Additionally, there are two white 1px lines on the left and right side of the videos.
How can I solve this problem? Any ideas?
]]>Will this plug in affect the SEO ranking of the page videos? Will google still be able to see the video present on the page?
I have to press play twice on all videos (once on the velocity button, once on youtube). Is that how it’s supposed to work?
I also can’t seem to remove the “More videos” popup on pause. (Tried rel=? and rel=0)
This is on a divi theme site, so wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the issue.
]]>I’ve been using velocity for about a year for all video embeds on this site. It’s worked beautifully. However, I just noticed that something strange is happening. When a video is played and loaded, the embed height suddenly shrinks. And it’s happening with every single video embed on the site.
When I click the play button the page scrolls to the top while the video begins to play. I noticed in the code for the div class=”velocity-embed” there is href=”#” in the . Is there a way I can remove this to stop the page scrolling?
We use Brid.TV for our site player, with either iFrames or WP Shortcode embeds in blog posts and carousel sliders. Will Velocity work in this instance, or is it only for YouTube, Vimeo and Soundcloud iFrames?
Hi, is there any way to add support to embeded map like this one
<script type=”text/javascript” charset=”utf-8″ async src=””></script>
Or google map…
On PC, if you click the start video button, it loads the video and starts it playing. On a mobile phone, it loads the video, but then you have to press play again. Is there any way to get videos to play immediately on mobiles? Note: the lazy load for video plugin has the same behaviour.
]]>Hello.Thanks for the plugin!
Is ist possible to add height via parameter?
Here is an example embed code from soundcloud, where I am able to change the height. (height=”450″)
<iframe width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src=""></iframe>
Hello.Thanks for the plugin!
Is ist possible to add height via parameter?
Here is an example embed code from soundcloud, where I am able to change the height. (height=”450″)
<iframe width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src=""></iframe>
Hello. Thanks for the great plugin!
I got an suggestion. Since a lot of bands distribute their music via Bandcamp, it would be awesome if the plugin would support it. ??
Where in the velocity shortcode creation panel do we place the http:url for either the youtube, vimeo or soundcloud iframe?
I also get undefined variable sounde_type.
Here is the code I have for getting and echoing the video from the content editor:
function thirty_eight_get_embedded_media( $type = array() ){
$content = do_shortcode( apply_filters( ‘the_content’, get_the_content() ) );
$embed = get_media_embedded_in_content( $content, $type );
if( in_array( ‘audio’, $type ) ){
$output = str_replace( ‘?visual=true’, ‘?visual=false’, $embed[0] );
} else {
$output = $embed[0];
return $output;
echo get_media_embedded_in_content(array( ‘video’, ‘iframe’) );
Thanks for the help and guidance.
]]>Hi Darren,
Here is another suggestion to make this plugin even better.
Would be awesome to be able to add the different parameters to Vimeo and Youtube videos such loop, hide the header, player colors, etc.
Maybe that could be done via a new parameter?
For instance:
[velocity type="vimeo" id="2smWSF_NGWk" options="autoplay=1&loop=1&title=0" img="" alt="Play Video" color="#000000" bkg_color="#FFFFFF"]
Or maybe even inside the id:
[velocity type="vimeo" id="2smWSF_NGWk?autoplay=1&loop=1&title=0" img="" alt="Play Video" color="#000000" bkg_color="#FFFFFF"]
What do you think about it?
Thanks again,
You rock!
Hi Darren, thanks again for another fantastic plugin.
Would be possible to add a fade out effect to the image after the play button is clicked?
Something like this.
]]>Soundcloud sets/playlist ? Hello – I can’t figure out how to get Velocity into working with my playlist at Soundcloud.. Any help please? ??
Thank you very much in advance!
i love your plugin, but i do not want select the image of my library, how i could leave the image that comes default on youtube?