I have extended the plugin a little bit in order to block also the page where the posts appear (blog page). In this case the login-page (or start page) should be a statical page.
I simply added || is_home() in line 32:
if( is_category() || is_archive() || is_single() || is_tax() || is_tag() || is_feed() || is_comment_feed() || is_attachment() || is_search() || is_home() )
]]>Restriction work on one site but not other one.
]]>This is really a simple and easy to use plugin. But it just redirect to login page without any error message. Is it possible to send error message like “Please login to view this.” to login page through your plugin’s code?
]]>At first I love this plugin. It is simple and it does just what I need. Then I discovered that my entire screen would go white. Oh no!!!
It’s a pity because I loved the simplicity and straight forwardness.
I am looking for another one that will do something similar.