How Can I show testimonials in some columns?.
these two attributes have no effect WP 4.1.1 with theme based twentytwelve
<?php echo do_shortcode(‘[Sliding_WordPress_Testimonials slideshowSpeed=2000] animationSpeed=2000]’); ?>
Great new plugin! And no real problems so far, except for one little thing:
I run the Meta Slider plugin, which also uses Flexslider. When I activate Viavi, a strange extra character is added to my “Next Slide” button, on top of the arrow sprite…
You can see it here: (hover over the homepage slider and look on the right side, over the arrow)
Any ideas?
I tried to add a shortcode to a widget area, but the pagination shows. Is there a parameter that I can add to prevent this from appearing? In a sidebar area it would look much better without pagination.