Hi everyone.
I have this code embed in my post:
<iframe class=”igd-embed mb-4″ style=”width: 100%;” src=”https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hTncIqq8UGxvMp7t_Hss738iVpoOHzYj/preview?rm=minimal” width=”100%” height=”480″ frameborder=”0″></iframe>
I Put in settings, the API, but not work.
in Debugging tab > Test Video Providers > Google Drive
iFrame Embed ? Failed – File not found: 0B2tG5YeQL99ZUHNja3l6am9jSGM
iFrame Embed (Apps account) ? Failed – File not found: 0BxQsabDaO6USYUgxSUJ3T0ZBa3M
Flash Embed ? Passed View Image 31cf8e05f981c1beb6e04823ad54d267
Flash Embed (YouTube player) ? Failed – File not found: 0B9VJd4kStxIVellHZEdXdmdSamM
Can help me?
Pedro Braga
Thank you for this plugin !
I’am using it for embed videos to use featured image as thumbnail
You plugin copy featured image and use it as thumbnail, I have a lot of videos and that fill quickly my storage space.
Is there a way to use featured image as thumbnail without creating a copy?
how i can Selfhost video auto generate thumbnail in wordpress ,Can you please tell me
]]>I have a post (custom post type) submission form created with Gravity Forms where the user inputs a Youtube link. The posts are automatically published after submission. I expect the featured image to take the Youtube thumbnail automatically but it doesn’t.
I tried manually creating the post and it works.
Am I missing something?
]]>Hi Team,
Just a small query, as my platform is video-specific and we are using s3 bucket for our videos and images. So, for videos, thumbnails can be supported by your plugin?
Please let me know.
]]>I run a membership site that plays videos embedded from Vimeo in a portfolio format. Sometime in the last couple weeks when clicking on a video the error message “The image could not be loaded” appears.
When using the WordPress video player everything works fine, but none of the embedded videos seem to work. In the developer tools, when click on a video a 404 error is shown after the GET request. This is said to be related to privacy and permissions, but everything is fine on the Vimeo end. It seems to be a plugin issue.
Please advise if you have any ideas. I cannot attach a link to the site problem as it is a paid membership page.
does the plugin also work with locally loaded mp4 files?
Thank you
Hello, does any one tested this plugin with the last version of wordpress.
Author, can you please make an update or o check the compatible of your plugin?
Thank you
Hi im new to wordpress and my blog is all videos from this link https[:[//gounlimited[.]to/ and i am trying to embed my videos from that link and the thumbnails is not workking . will you help me solve this please… thanks in advance!
I am having trouble setting this whole thing up. I am not familiar with custom fields or how to enable my uploaded videos from WordPress into the post. Can someone help?
I installed VideoTube theme which use the plugin video thumbnails.
I try a lot of things /debugs (is ok!) / scan (no generate thumbails) .
Well.. an idea?
Tanks from France
I was looking for a plugin like yours to solve a specific issue and I noticed is not maintained anymore.
I would be more than happy to take over his development.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Is there a way to pre-define or change the thumbnail image file name when it is saved to the media library ?
]]>I have followed the instructions on the Video Thumbnails Options page, going through each and every step.
1. I have saved the post multiple times.
2. I am not using a special field, I am pasting a Vimeo standard embed, and even have cut and pasted the video URL itself at the top of the post on a line followed by a CR so it can find it, nothing.
3. I have done the “Test Markup for Video section, no thumbnail is found
4. The Test Image for Downloading” option no longer exists, so I tried the “Test Video Providers, and Vimeo fails the iFrame Embed, returning a 404, the Flash Embed with a 404 and the Channel URL with a long string of characters.
5. I then tried the “Test Saving to Media Library” option, worked fine
6. Nothing particularly relevant in the support threads
7. Here is the embed I have been using, it’s the bog standard Vimeo embed:
<iframe src=”https://player.vimeo.com/video/358557481″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; fullscreen” allowfullscreen></iframe>
The URL of the page I am working with is nothing special, every video fails to get the featured image, so just putting the page in for the reference.
Can anyone recommend a similar plugin, now that this one has not been updated in 3 years.
I want to automatically make a thumbnail when I add an embedded youtube video.
Hello dev!
Have supported ok.ru?
It’s larg russia youtube video socials network
Hi there
I’ve used this plugin for years to get thumbnails from Vimeo videos to display as a featured image on my site.
It used to return images that were 640px wide which is a good size for me but in the last couple of weeks it seems to have started returning images that are 295px wide.
These are too low res for me to use, is there a fix you can help me with? I’m guessing Vimeo has changed something in their API?
Any help gratefully received
All the best
]]>This plugin is invaluable, I would have paid for a premium version. Sad to see it go.
Aparat.com is a video Sharing Site like the youtub for Persian People
Please add this Site to the plugin
]]>Hi, there are three problems with thumbnails generated from facebook videos:
1. Thumbnails generated are too small (max dimension 150px). This makes a huge problem when I want to post my article in facebook because facebook requires bigger thumbnails
2. og:image property in header is not existing in posts with facebook videos. In the other hand in posts with youtube videos it exists as expected.
3. When embedding a video from facebook you get the message “Previews for this are unavailable in the editor, sorry” in the editor and no preview is available.
I believe that all these 3 problems are correlated and probably caused by the same root cause.
As a note I want to add that facebook supplies a very big preview image for every video. In the example video I’m referencing here it is a 843×843. So the module could be modified to use that image…
Any clues how to fix?
]]>Good morning,
I am using this plugin but I can not download the Thumbnails. I created the APP on vimeo but I can not find Token Secret to make the search for Thumbnails work well even for private videos. how can I do?
Every video creates 4 different thumbnail sizes (up to 1024x576px). This could fill the uploads folder and the disk fast. Can we avoid the quadraplation of every thumbnail?
]]>Hi, the thumbnail created from a facebook video is too small. The maximum dimension created is 150px. This is a major problem because when I want to post the article with the video back to facebook, facebook doesn’t recognise the thumbnail because it is too small and uses the site logo instead.
In the other hand Video from youtube creates correct thumbnails, so it may has to do with what thumbnails can facebook provide. Video thumbnail cannot get the first image of the video as shown in the full page?
Actually in the single post the thumbnail of the video that comes directly from facebook has size 843×843. I think the module should create the thumbnails using this image. It looks like a bug to me…
The plugin page indicated it was last updated 2 years ago so it appears it may have been abandoned. But when I tested using it on my website, it still works like a charm. I’ve read articles many times that it’s not advisable to use this kind of outdated plugin for it creates safety risk. Since I only know how to use the plugin but nothing beyond that, I’m just wondering if it is a good idea to still use it? This plugin really works great with my website and I can’t find any other alternative that is as “to the point” as this one. Can anyone please offer me some insight? Thank you very much.
]]>First I saw only an Icon symbol for each picture, them I deleted via FTP all pictures but they was all in Mediathek there.I deleted folder uploads and recreated again. So I deleted all pics by Media.
After this I uploaded pics from backup, but they don’t show in Media. By FTP I see them..I run scan again and again I don’t know where this thumbs will be created. What is wrong with this uploads folder. I don’t use seperation on date but all together.
Please help me to have them again on my site…
]]>I have some problems with names for posts and thumbnails. Searching brings thumbnails as result, Also fb and twitter scrabe false or no picture ;(
maybe it would be better for furher updates to name thumnails with slag:
domain/postname-thumb or so to avoid this annoying issue. Because now some posts have -2 or -3 in title and some thumbnails also ??
I also don’t understand why I have sometimes up to 10! thumbnails for one post. I recreated them after disattaching but still there are to many.
]]>Hi everyone and a newbie here! I installed this plugin and everything works perfectly having youtube thumbnails showing in the category. However, I don’t want it on the post or product page just the video itself. How can I do this? Thank you.
]]>i cant find the name of the custom field my youtube video post is being saved in, So i can enter the name of the custom field where my embed code or video URL is stored to make the plugin work and make automatically Set Featured Image.
I am using Jupiter theme and the post type is video.
]]>I’ve written my own providers, it works fine but when trying to upload images to media library it dies on “Unsupported MIME type image/jpg”. There’s no way how to manage the MIME type because it’s being downloaded via wp_remote_retrieve_header directly from remote source.
I suggest to add a filter for MIME types before throwing an error, i.e. at line video-thumbnails.php:375, something like
$image_extension = apply_filters('vt_filter_mime_types', $image_type);
if ($empty($image_extension)) {
return new WP_Error( 'thumbnail_upload', __( 'Unsupported MIME type:', 'video-thumbnails' ) . ' ' . $image_type );
+ create hook routine for lines 377-385
]]>I am trying to use this plugin to generate thumbnails for youtube videos.
It works fine for regular, single youtube videos.
But I have some youtube video playlists, and it doesn’t seem to work for those.
I put in the Youtube URL for my playlist, but it doesn’t find the playlist thumbnail.
Any ideas?