Hope you still monitor this board.
I notice that the JSON returns all the post data and not just the fields in the View. For example it returns the Private Post Password etc. Is this how it is supposed to work or do I have to enable something additional?
Lastly, is it possible to filter via parameters (e.g. Search) or pagination?
Thanks again.
I want to update an static .js file, using Views would be great!
Does this plugin update the file each time a custom field is modified or does it use a cron scheduler?
]]>Hi, sencha proxy is not compatible with this plugin
]]>We have a website, where we are in the process of building an app. For this, we have a list of freelancers, where their profiles are created with gravityforms (the signup/registration process) and linked into Custom post type with types, and then displayed with Views.
Now we have several lists like this one: https://freelanceren.dk/appsider/app-art-director/ (don’t mind the design in browser, it looks better on mobile ?? ) that we each want to diplay in an app, using JSON.
To get the content to be grapped, we use Views Output Formats and everything is fine except for one crucial point: The featured image (which is used for their profile image) images do not show in the JSON file, only the written ID.
In the JSON file I only get this for the image part: "_thumbnail_id":"1083"
, which then displayed the numbers 1083 instead of the image.
I have tried other JSON plugins (Like JSON API and others) that actually displays the Featured image but where I do not have the same control of the content itself (or so it seems, this is the first time I’m working with JSON), which I do have with the Views Output plugin. Except for the images, that is.
Now, we have quite a few profiles on that site, so to create another field for this specific list image alone in Types, and where they manually have to upload their image once again, would really be a hazzle.
It must be possible somehow to get the Views Output plugin to display the actual images in the JSON file – But how?
As is, I’m calling the featured image through the
in the view for the list. But even if I wrap it in i.e. a “P” tag and with a class, neither the P nor the class is shown in the re-rendered JSON file.Like it was never there. Only the thumbnail_id.
I really do not know what to do, hope you can help. And please let me know if you need anything in order to help.
Thank you