it is possible to show more vimeo galleries in the same page?
I tried it, but when I click on a thumbnail I have the same video on all the big thumbnail on the top,
Its a great plugin to use. But I am facing serious problem. When I select a video from the video gallery, a popup appears and plays that video. But when I close that video, the video keep playing in the background. I have used this on one of my client website.
Also is there any way to stop the popup to appear instead I can redirect to the Vimeo website.
Please go through it and let me know if any solution for that. I am looking forward for the solution asap.
Thanks & Regards
Ravi C.
Vivacity Infotech.
Had a major issue with cURL requests on one server resulting in fatal errors, which is never good… It produces this error a result of failing wp_remote_get.
To address this and do it more properly, the plugin should most definitely use transient caching instead of making the request for every page. Consider also that the Vimeo API has a hit rate limit, a very busy site could have issues.
So here are my changes (currently in production) for plugin update’s consideration:
//$videos_result = wp_remote_get($vmg_videos_url);
//$vmg_videos = simplexml_load_string($videos_result[‘body’]);
if (false === ($videos_result = get_transient(‘vmg_videos’) ) ){
if ($videos_result = wp_remote_retrieve_body( wp_remote_get($vmg_videos_url) )){
set_transient(‘vmg_videos’, $videos_result, 7200);//2 hours
$vmg_videos = $videos_result ? simplexml_load_string($videos_result) : false;
///$info_result = wp_remote_get($vmg_info_url);
//$vmg_info = simplexml_load_string($info_result[‘body’]);
if (false === ($info_result = get_transient(‘vmg_info’) ) ){
if ($info_result = wp_remote_retrieve_body( wp_remote_get($vmg_info_url) )){
set_transient(‘vmg_info’, $info_result, 7200);//2 hours
$vmg_info = $info_result ? simplexml_load_string($info_result) : false;
is there a way to display video titles ? Seem to be hidden…. Dunno if it’s my theme or your plugin..
]]>Hello. We just switched from your YouTube Channel Gallery to Vimeo Channel Gallery (YouTube is a problem for movie reviewers). Anyway, I just got our videos looking the same in the widget but I can’t find a way to turn off the titles and byline. They don’t look at all right with our site style (not your doing of course).
Is there a way to turn those off?
Interesting plugin.
I’ve just pasted the short code into my wordpress page with my user name inserted. It calls my channel fine but the thumbnails do not have the correct aspect ratio and they ‘flicker’ around when moused over.
Here’s the URL https://archiblog.normanfellows.com/?page_id=140
Please advise.
Best regards,
Norman Fellows
In using the shortcode, I defined a max number of videos to show. I set it to 100, but it will only show 20 videos. Is there a way to get it to show more than 20 videos.
]]>I’m trying to use your plugin on a site that is responsive. I use fluidvids already for all my videos. How can I get the video player in your plugin to acknowledge fluidvids.js like the rest of my videos?
]]>Player & List Layout breaks on IE9. Apologies if this bug has already been covered. The Player is not showing up in IE9, and the list of thumbnails has a broken layout and appears below page content.
Has anyone else had the same bug?
I have a page with multiple galleries but it seems like there isn’t support for this. the thumbnails scroll you to the top of the first gallery and load video into both video stages. I would think it is just an issue with the id.
Here is an example:
Hello there,
I’m getting the above error seemly out of nowhere at https://togetherliberia.org off and on suggestions?
Thank you so much for this wonderful plugin, quite nice.
Thank you again.
]]>I can successful pull my videos by using my username, but when it comes to an album, i get a error.
I even tried the shortcode provided:
[Vimeo_Channel_Gallery type=”album” user=”193475″ videowidth=”580″ thumbwidth=”135″ thumbcolumns=”4″ maxitems=”4″ link=”1″]
Any suggestions?
]]>Sample W3C Validation error:
Line 219, Column 305: & did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
i.e. Always escape & as & in your templates.
]]>I had a problem with two players on the same page using widgets: when pressing on a thumbnail both players started playing the video.
I also made the solution which maybe could be included in a future update: in script.js the variable f is called, but this refers to all players.
Adding the following f = to the existing click function in script.js:
$(‘.vmgallery .vmcthumb’).click(function(){
f = $(this).closest(‘.widget-container’).find(‘.vmcplayerdiv iframe’);
will solve the problem.
]]>Hi! the plugins works perfect, but today we upload a new video in our vimeo channel and the plugin dont show it. Why? the plugin show all old videos, but no the newone.
]]>Hi there, the video for the gallery on this page:
Is not appearing properly on ipad or mobile. Can you please advise? it seems it should be rendering as HTML5 but it isn’t…
Thank you!
]]>Hi, this plugin is great, however i have one problem, to the left side of each thumbail there is a dott showing up like if it was a list of something. Please help!
]]>Just to report a javascript bug, that needs fixing.
On line 17:
var data = JSON.parse(e.data);
should read:
var data = e.data;
The data is already json.
Trying to parse it twice throws an: “Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token #” console error.
You could also simplify by just doing:
switch (e.data.event)
]]>My WordPress site is using Rockettheme’s Gantry framework with their Zephyr theme. The gallery shows up as expected using the following shortcode, but the thumbnails all open up in their Vimeo.com page instead of playing in the plugin player above them.
[Vimeo_Channel_Gallery user=”2314878″ color=”2e96b7″ type=”album” videowidth=”720″ thumbwidth=”170″ thumbcolumns=”4″]
Any known issues with Gantry and WordPress 3.5.1, or any other plugin conflicts?
]]>The width of the Vimeo video stays 300 even if the videowidth in the shortcode is set to 630 (also tried to edit the .php file, but that didnt work either)? Can I change this?
See: https://eindhoven.tv/art-design/tactv/
]]>I keep getting this error when I try to use the shortcode in my page:
“Something went wrong. Check if the id 0 belongs to a 0 and if it exist.”
my shortcode is this:
[Vimeo_Channel_Gallery user=”worldfoodday” color=”fff” thumbwidth=”150″ type=”channel” videowidth=”700″ maxitems=”8″ thumbcolumns=”4″]
and my vimeo URL is this:
Why will it not show my videos?
]]>Thank you for great plugin,
But I’d like to have option to display title and description of video in the page.
I can’t find options in shortcode.
Could you help?
]]>Hey, awesome plugins man! Im not sure if there is a way to address this issue, because it could be an incompatibility issue between a plugin I have called UberMenu and the vimeo gallery plugin, but basically the UberMenu creates widget areas inside the mega menu drop down. I have not been able to figure out if there is a way to list the videos just as they are on the home page within the mega menu. It does have a “show more videos” option, so maybe I should start there?
Mouse over the “media” tab and you will see what I mean. Many thanks!
]]>This plugin says it can pull Vimeo channels in but it’s not actually able to pull a specific channel in under a user account from what I can see. It’s pulling all videos from my account instead. So it essentially does not work.
]]>I am using the plugin on this page: https://terracelakecc.org/wordpress/videos/ it originally worked fine, but is now somehow displaying 2 of each thumbnail. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
]]>Two different sites with varied sets of plugins- in widget and shortcode form, the plugin crashes the php processor. I would pay to see it work, however!!!!
]]>Hi There,
Thanks for a great plugin. However I am having an issue with the thumbnails under the main video. Everything looks great when I “PREVIEW” the page. However as soon as update and post it all of the thumbnails dissapear and turn into a dot (or bullet)
You can see it live here:
Any help would be great. Thanks!
[email protected]
]]>Hi there,
I’m getting this error when using the shortcode for the vimeo gallery:
“Fatal error: Call to undefined method WP_Error::get_items() in my-blog-url\wp-content\plugins\vimeo-channel-gallery\vimeo-channel-gallery.php on line 190”
I might be missing something small, but all settings seem fine.
Could you please advise?
I’ve tried using the shortcode and the widget, both giving the same error.
Thanks in advance!