Czesc, czy jest mozliwosc przerobienia wtyczki tak by uzyskac wyswietlenia z ostatniego miesiaca? Ktory plik jest odpowiedzialny za wyswietlanie widgetu? Bo chcialbym tam dodac shortcode zeby moc wyswietlac jeszcze ilosc posow i komentarzy.
Przydalaby sie obsluga shortcode w twojej wtyczce – wtedy bylaby genialna. Pozdrawiam.
How would you add the code to one template PAGE (not post), that has many different users?
Can’t explain my site easily, so think of it as a dating site… how would you add the counter to each members page, so they can see how many visitors they had looking at them.
How would the counter recognize the page if it were FOR EXAMPLE:
]]>I am moving a client’s site from an old server and would like to adjust the Overall Visitors count to include visitors from the previous server – rather than starting over. How may I do this?
Thanks for your help!
]]>Fatal error: Class ‘visits_counter’ not found in /[…]/wordpress/wp-content/themes/tl/functions.php on line 4
How could this happening? It’s the activated theme and the plugin is active too!
]]>After three months of normal operation of the counter, the total number of full stops moving
]]>Can not synch start time with enters time. My local time is set. the enters time is 7 hours off.
What does disconnect time do?
Total newbie to WordPress. I’ve downloaded, activated and customised the counter. Please could you tell me (as simply as possible!) where to put the bit of code that you provide?
Thank you,
Ally Morris