I’m very interested in this plugin, but I wonder if there is a way of getting Amazons ASIN or EAN product code or any kind of Product ID number into the posts custom field?
I would be more that happy if anybody could assist me to achieve this.
]]>No matter what I do the wrong Amazon is inputed in the link! Tried all diff combos of keys and still gives wrong id (steam07-20). Creates nice posts but I wish to get $ for sales not someone else. Has anyone got this to work with the right id?
]]>I wrote this more out of curiosity and as an academic exercise rather than with a clear intention of what I wanted to do. But I think the final outcome is productive and could be used by almost any user (with or without the knowledge of Amazon product advertising API).
There’s only a limited number of options. If you go through the code, you’ll find that there’s room for a lot more flexibility. I’ll try to work on these if time permits. But since this is being done more out of personal interest, I might stop work if I get bored ;).
Please feel free to report any bugs you find and ask for features that you’d like to see. I’ll definitely take more interest in the work if I see that it’s serving a purpose.
This is my first WordPress plugin. So be a bit patient with it.