I have recently taken the update and the number of votes earned are no longer displayed. V1.2.4. I am using WP V 4.0.1. I have tested this by pressing the vote button. It replies “Thanks”.
See http;//blog.davelevy.info
I have a child theme and have checked that the php insert is as documented in the plugin settings page.
Any ideas?
]]>Is it possible to sort posts on category and sub category pages by number of votes?
What I was thinking was creating a website that featured the top ten of something and letting the public decide the order of the top ten by voting on the posts.
]]>hello, I want to present the percentage of positive vote,
with a youtube style bar,
that I can do?,
and thanks for the help.
I am experiencing trouble with the plugin when using custom images for two-way voting and another custom image to display once voted. That last image displays correctly but now links to Upvote or Downvote are broken due to incorrect javascript code. Here’s the source code:
<span class="votelink" id="voteid1374"><a href="javascript:vote('votecount1374','voteid1374','<img src="https://post.gradus.org/wp-content/plugins/vote-it-up/voted.jpg" />',1374,2,'https://post.gradus.org/wp-content/plugins/vote-it-up');"><img src="https://post.gradus.org/wp-content/plugins/vote-it-up/voteup.jpg" /></a><a href="javascript:sink('votecount1374','voteid1374','<img src="https://post.gradus.org/wp-content/plugins/vote-it-up/voted.jpg" />',1374,2,'https://post.gradus.org/wp-content/plugins/vote-it-up');"><img src="https://post.gradus.org/wp-content/plugins/vote-it-up/votedown.jpg" /></a></span>
voteup and votedown.jpg are up – down vote buttons and voted.jpg is the image displayed once voted. I am guessing there should not be an img src code within the javascript bracket but not sure how to fix this as I am not a coder. Please help. Thanks!
]]>It’s a great en complete plugin but unfortunately is it possible to vote multiple times with proxy websites like adminsucks.com.
Is there a way how I can ban guests with proxy sites?
]]>Hi, i am using vote it up and if i use the MostVotedAllTime() function the site will be slow.
To speed it up (inspired by https://www.sitepoint.com/create-a-voting-plugin-for-wordpress/) i save the count value in the metas.
votingfunctions.php (only a part)
To get the value i stop using GetVotes($postID) and start using
$votes = get_post_meta($postID, ‘_votemecount’, true) != ” ? get_post_meta($postID, ‘_votemecount’, true) : ‘0’;
To delete votings i modified the ResetVote Function
Additionaly i don’t need guest votings and delete all SQL Statements about that
I use it on https://www.gwinnr.de and reduce the cpu load about 90% and save 300 querries on some pages
]]>Hi, I hope you are well.
The problem:
Web server administrators, set up a squid (proxy) to speed up the web server.
After this, the voting system recorded the IPs of the Squid, but not the users IPs.
The solution:
Add the following code in the file “compat.php” …
$ip = explode(‘,’, $ip);
$ip = array_pop($ip);
$ip = trim($ip);
If you add this code, it will work, even if not using Squid or Proxy…
Best regards,
Hugo Velez
I want to show the percentage for the votes on another page, without voting opportunity.
I found these peace of code that displays the number of votes:
$votes = GetVotes(get_the_ID());
echo $votes;
But I want the percentage. Anybody know how to fix this?
Thanks in advance
If a post gets deleted that has been voted it will still show up in the admin and in the most voted widget. Clicking on the post title gives a 404 missing page (as it should).
The only way I have found to remove them is to delete them from the database.
Hi I currently have the MostVotedAllTime chart showing the top 10 posts on my website. Is it possible to display a custom taxonomy here alongside the post title?
Eg it is an Album voting site and the post title is set to the album name. I have a custom taxonomy called artist which i would like to display in the mostd voted chart
]]>The Vote-it-up widget works great, but would be even better if it was possible to throw in a thumbnail that corresponded to the most popular posts.
Has anyone gotten a thumbnail image to work with the widget?
]]>Hey all,
On the Vote-It-Up widget sidebar the links are showing the standard URL’s and not my permalinks. What can I change to make it show the correct path?
should be
Thanks for the help
I’ve recently integrated the Vote it Up plugin with my site, I’m trying to find a way to display all posts that have been voted in DESC order, but limiting for a specific category. Does anyone have any idea how I could do this?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi. I am trying to use Vote It up for single up votes and would like to use an image. I got the image in correctly but there’s a grey box with the word Vote thats hovering around the image. Is there anyway to make this go away either with style sheet or plugin hack? Simply put I would like my VOTE image to show up before someone votes and my I Voted image to show up once they’ve clicked & votes. Thanks
]]>Hey there lovely Vote It Up people.
Having seemingly followed the instructions to the letter – my up/down option only appears once, at the foot of my posts page, bottom left corner:
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
I’m using version 1.2.2 so I’m not sure this code applies. Any insight?
//Checks if the user voted
function UserVoted($post_ID, $user_ID) {
global $wpdb;
//prevents SQL injection
$p_ID = $wpdb->escape($post_ID);
$u_ID = $wpdb->escape($user_ID);
//Create entry if not existant
//Gets the votes
$votes_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT votes FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");
$sinks_raw = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT usersinks FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."votes WHERE post='".$p_ID."'");
//Put it in array form
$votes = explode(",", $votes_raw);
$sinks = explode(",", $sinks_raw);
$voted = FALSE;
$votekey = array_search($u_ID, $votes);
$sinkkey = array_search($u_ID, $sinks);
if ($votekey != '' | $sinkkey != '') {
$voted = TRUE;
return $voted;
Is it also possible to allow users to vote for multiple posts but disallow multiple voting on a single post?
]]>i have this voting system on my website but i think there is a bug with it as the votes have now been placed into the 1000’s but the page views are less than 200….something is right! just want to know if there is a bug with this plugin or something??
]]>I have been using this plugin successfully, but for a while now (I’m not sure but I suspect that it started after updating to WordPress version 3.1) it doesn’t work properly: after voting up or down, the AJAX request which sends the vote to the server returns the content of the home page (HTML) and not the number of actual votes.
This results in the home page being displayed instead of the number of votes.
Does anyone know a fix for this ?
]]>Vote it Up is no longer displaying properly. It seems as though the CSS is messed up but cannot seem to find any issue. You can see the issue I am having at https://www.awkwardboners.com
]]>anyone have the vote-it-up shortcode?
or know how to make it?
]]>The sample screenshot on the plug page shows the vote theme aligned right of the copy. How do I do this?
]]>How i can show the total value of the all posts votes?
I whant show the percent value of the post votes in relation the other posts.
I want to use a voting plug-in to do online voting for our Board of Directors. It needs to show each member and how they voted Yes, NO or Abstain (of if they were absent and did not cast a vote.)
It should also allow them to comment on their reason for voting the way they did.
Is it possible to use two identic plugins at same time?
I would like to make that vot-it-up shows both voting results – one window with “+” second with “-“.
I tried use 2 vote-it-up plugins in same time, second folder named “vote-it-up2”, but there were problems.
Maybe it’s possible to remake original plugin, that it shows both + and -?
Can someone please help?
]]>Let me explain. I’m having a small video contest on my website: indiespot.tv
one of the video someone submitted went viral and has been getting a lot of votes over the past couple of days, everything was going fine, but today it seems the vote counter got stuck at 1992
I did a couple of tests and noticed that if I voted while I was signed in to the website, as an admin or reader, I could vote and it keeps track fine, but when I’m not logged in, and I’m only a guest to the website, then those votes don’t get counted. I looked into it further, and of course, most votes submitted where from guests, so it was working for a long while, but it seems like now it has stopped accepting guests votes, for this particular entry: https://j35.us/suvad-veletanlic
I read in the plugin page that it has a technical limit of about 8000 votes from guests, which we are far from getting there, so I don’t see why I’m having this issue. Apparently a lot of people at the moment are trying to cast their vote for this one entry and they are not able to do it, so needless to say, we are getting a lot of angry people asking what the problem is. We’re gonna start getting death threats soon.
If anyone has had a problem like this before and has a solutions, please help us out here, we would really appreciate it. Is there a way to refresh this, will re-installing the plug-in erase all our current votes? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Some Tech Specs:
URL: https://indiespot.tv
PHP Version: 5.2.17
WP Version: 3.2.1
Active Theme: Video Flick 2.4
URLOpen Method: curl
Plugin Version: 2.66
AdRotate 3.6.4
Akismet 2.5.3
Disqus Comment System 2.66
Requirements Check 0.6
Simple Post Thumbnails 1.5
Simple Video Embedder 2.2
Vote It Up 1.2.2
I changed the color of the orange ticker button graphic and most of the text. I changed the button by making a new image based off the original and I changed the text via the votestyles.css.
The one piece of text that I can’t seem to change is the “vote” text before a user clicks to vote. Does anyone know know where or how I can change that?
I am using voting plugin “vote it up” and as I am building a blog for a not English speaking community I want to change the word “vote”, but I cant find where to do this. Anybody knows? Thanks in advance!
]]>Could it be possible to add more than one thumbs element in each post?
I have various posts with lists of elements and would like to vote each of those elements separately, instead of voting the post. Thanks!
]]>I have a author page (author.php) which lists posts made by the authors, like many themes have. Now, when author himself goes to his own author page, he can vote for his own posts eventhough that functionality has beem disabled.
Is this a common problem/bug, or is it just me?
]]>There is a big AJAX bug in your ticker theme. It makes the skin useless for IE.
I was able to use some of the code from the orange ticker to replace the php file and the AJAX file to get it to work.
(I am applying custom styles so the look of the button isn’t an issue for me)
This ticker skin should be removed from the plugin until it is fixed if ever.