He instalado el plugin VR-Visitas esta ma?ana, de ido a ver cómo quedaba en el sitio, y cuando he ido a cerrar sesión, he tenido que intentarlo varias veces, y cada vez que lo intentaba, veía como disminuía el tama?o de la letra de toda la pantalla. Ahora, cuando entro en el blog, el tama?o del header ha disminuido (antes las fotos ocupaban eran más grandes), ver https://www.sinlunesenlamochila.com
Y lo peor es que cuando intento entrar al panel de control, en la página de login me dice esto:
“Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/27/d579635094/htdocs/app579635552/wp-content/plugins/vr-visitas/includes/vr-visitas-functions.php:1) in /homepages/27/d579635094/htdocs/app579635552/wp-login.php on line 425
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/27/d579635094/htdocs/app579635552/wp-content/plugins/vr-visitas/includes/vr-visitas-functions.php:1) in /homepages/27/d579635094/htdocs/app579635552/wp-login.php on line 438″
y por mucho que intento entrar, no me deja.
Cómo puedo entrar al panel de control otra vez y desactivar el plug in?
Rather than display the counter, it throws this error on the home page:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 32 bytes) in /home/elaine15/public_html/wp-content/plugins/vr-visitas/lib/php-local-browscap.php on line 75
Tried deactivate/activate, then delete/ reisntall of the plugin, same results in each case. This WP page has a small footprint so not sure why memory allocation would be an issue.
Interesting that I tried out the plugin on a different WP page I manage – hosted by JustHost – and that seems to work fine.
]]>Since I installed the new version of this plugin, my photo galleries don’t show correctly when I’m writting a post.
If I want to add a picture to one of my posts, The media gallery is loading all the time but doesn’t show anything. If I deactivate the plugin, it seems to work fine again.
I didn’t have any problems with the previous version. I have tried to uninstall the plugin and reinstall again but the problem is still there.
]]>wp 3.5.1 – plugin version 3.0.3. i have installed plugin days ago and works well until today. On my top page i receive this error on my wp site.
erroe message:
PHP has encountered an Access Violation
deactivating the plugin error disappear.
]]>Why the default browser is considered as trashed data when i can need this data?
When I clean the database default browser entries was deleted…seems not correct for me because i lost all stats about my site…seems bad…
I started to get this error after the weekend.
PHP was upgraded to 5.4.
Fatal error: Cannot re-assign auto-global variable _POST in /home/*****/public_html/wp-content/plugins/vr-visitas/includes/vr-visitas-admin.php on line 364
version is 3.0.3 and wordpress is latest version. it worked just fine on friday but now its kablooey ??
]]>How can I change the text color? My page template is dark + text in black = fail. I dont see any css or somewhere that I can edit this