Hiya, we love this plugin and were wondering if it was going to be updated to be compatible with WordPress 6.2?
Many thanks
]]>De plug-in works almost perfect. But it seems that it changes te color of the renders somehow. In the URL I added you can see the render and that a part of it is very yellow, this is not the case in the original file. Can you help us resolve this?
]]>Hi there,
Is there any way with your pluging and WP ALL Import to generate 360s views automatically? Like in a car listing products.
Thank you in advance.
]]>hi, I know almost nothing about how this technical part of wordpress works and not even how to upload files through this plugin, I have an .obj file that I would like to show in a product of your choice on my site, is it possible to understand where to upload it? Why is there the short code that I think I understand you have to put it on the product page (?) But where do I load it am the .obj file? They told me that you can also upload with STFP and I use FileZilla but I also don’t know where to upload it, thanks in advance please help me
]]>Hi there,
Just wanted to ask if it is possible to show the obj in a orthographic projection instead of perspective. IE: I don’t want the model shrink over distance?
Thank you very much,
Stay blessed.
Trying to display KiCAD exported VRML file that has a main PCB WRL file and then references children WRL files for all the PCB parts. The PCB shows fine on my WordPress page, but the children (parts of the PCB) do not show. I’ve tried a ZIP file that has all WRL files in it, but that does not work. Tried to remove path portion of inline children refs, but that does not work. I assume that the WordPress VRML viewer just isn’t able to find/reference the children WRL files. Any suggestions? Below is a snippet of the main WRL file for the PCB:
#VRML V2.0 utf8
# Generated by view3dscene, https://castle-engine.io/view3dscene.php
# Source model: smdnpnrelaymodule.wrl
WorldInfo {
title “C:/Users/laird/Documents/KiCad/smdnpnrelaymodule/3d/smdnpnrelaymodule.wrl – Generated by Pcbnew”
Transform {
scale 0.00254000001586974 0.00254000001586974 0.00254000001586974
children [
Transform {
translation 54.9119987487793 -43.0639991760254 0.314960986375809
children Inline {
url “shapes3D/MMBT2222ALT1G.wrl”
Transform {
translation 54.9179992675781 -41.1730003356934 0.314960986375809
children Inline {
url “shapes3D/MMBT2222ALT1G.wrl”
Transform {
translation 54.9179992675781 -39.2820014953613 0.314960986375809
children Inline {
url “shapes3D/MMBT2222ALT1G.wrl”
Transform {
translation 54.9179992675781 -37.390998840332 0.314960986375809
children Inline {
url “shapes3D/MMBT2222ALT1G.wrl”
Transform {
translation 54.9179992675781 -35.5 0.314960986375809
children Inline {
url “shapes3D/MMBT2222ALT1G.wrl”
Transform {
translation 54.9179992675781 -33.609001159668 0.314960986375809
children Inline {
url “shapes3D/MMBT2222ALT1G.wrl”
Transform {
translation 54.9179992675781 -31.7180004119873 0.314960986375809
children Inline {
url “shapes3D/MMBT2222ALT1G.wrl”
I put this code in the shortcode but the model doesnt show , there is red circling loading.
[vrm360 canvas_name=s1 model_url=https://www.siamhomeland.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/TRevo.obj aspect_ratio=1 hide_cmds=zoom,fullscreen]
I already upload the obj in File Manager: /domains/siamhomeland.com/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2022/04
I’m not sure the url should put (public_html) before the wp-content. But I tried both and doesnt work.
The object is 24 megabytes.
]]>Hello, I have this problem with the plugin. When I open the page then it does not automatically view the model I’ve put on the display. I can see the canvas and the buttons (everything else) but to see the model itself I have to first click or drag the canvas.
We’re a digital association (Cyberun) and we need your help about our map.
We have a problem about the background of our map, we already use the tip ”backgcolor” but it doesn’t change. Do you have another advice about the color. Thank you for your help.
When I load the page then the 3d model does not show up at first. I need to click on the box for the model to show up. Is there any way to make it appear when the page has loaded? And I do not wish to make it circle around automatically, because it goes out of frame and you still can’t see it.
Pouvez vous m’aider pour intégrer le lien URL d’un .obj dans le SHORT code
I have tried all possible files but all of them keep loading. The demo.obj file does show, but after uploading my own files to the media library and copying the url from the attachment details in the library to a page it keeps loading. My shortcode is:
[vrm360 canvas_name=s1 model_url=https://cpgroup17.nl/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/mount2.wrl aspect_ratio=1.8 initial_offset=0.9]
can someone help me to center the 3D-Modell on my Website. I have tested it in some other online viewers, and it is always be centered.
So i tried to add a Color-Picker to Vrm 360 3D Model Viewer, so the user (client) can change the color of the model any time. Although the developer says, that its not included right now.
So i thought why can’t i just change the HEX-Color Code (#dd3377) with a form and PHP. Is it possible? And the answer is YES !!!
So here is the workaround:
1. You need a plugin to use PHP-Shortcode (Snippets) in WordPress.
I used the plugin “Insert PHP Code Snippet”
2. Create a new PHP-Snippet and give it a name.
In my example i named the snippet “PHP-Color-Picker-Snippet”.
3. Copy the following code into that snippet
$_POST["color-picker"] = "#adadad";
echo "<form method='post' action=''>";
echo "HEX-COLOR<br>";
echo "<input type='color' name='color-picker' value='".$_POST["color-picker"]."' onchange='this.form.submit()'>";
echo do_shortcode( "[vrm360 canvas_name=s1 model_url=https://wptestrotaform.aricon.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Kuehlbox-Kopie-1.stl aspect_ratio=1.33333 hide_cmds=zoom,fit,run initial_offset=2 grid=false back_image_url=https://wptestrotaform.aricon.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/istockphoto-155013511-1024x1024-1.jpg mesh_color=".$_POST['color-picker']."]" );
echo "</form>";
4. Change model_url, hide_cmds, aspect_ratio, back_image_url, e.t.c
5. Add the shortcode of the PHP-Snippet to any page you want
In my example the shortcode looks like this
[xyz-ips snippet=”PHP-Color-Picker-Snippet”]
6. You can change the style of the color-picker via CSS to match your page.
7. ???
8. Profit
9. Enjoy
Here is the Demo-Page iam working on right now:
If you have questions feel free to ask and i try to help, if i have the time ??
]]>To be honest the plugin is just ok, but it need more features to be great.
1. Multiple canvas on one page. (Resizable)
2. Implementation for Woocommerce.
3. Transparent background.
4. Most important is to encrypt the model_url – without it everyone can steal your models. So at the moment i can’t use it.
If you add this features i can use the plugin and would even recommend it.
Hope to see the some new features in the future.
I am using this plug-in and creating the short code and everything, however the textures do not work. I read everything existing here, export from blender, upload obj, mtl and png but still not success. Any ideas? Thank you
]]>I can not setup vrm360 Plugin. I tried different ways but can’t work
such as: [vrm360 canvas_name=s1 https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/109596737-cc68f0c3356242338b5d00cea36286d2 aspect_ratio=1.8 initial_offset=0.9]
[vrm360 canvas_name=s1 model_url=https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/109596737-cc68f0c3356242338b5d00cea36286d2
aspect_ratio=1.33333 hide_cmds=zoom,fullscreen]
[vrm360 canvas_name=3d-models/109596737-db670a7cf8ee480d9fc1852191c321c3]
please help me: I want to setup it this link: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/109596737-cc68f0c3356242338b5d00cea36286d2
and: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/115411428-94c667559fba4d19bb82b402d105b46b
Please anyone do the solve.
I’m setting up a website with several 3D Models. Some of those have multiple parts. In the description of each model I would like to set an interactive 3D view of each of its parts.
Whem using more than 1 3D Model Viewer it messes things up mixing all the information into 1 single place, overlaping the first “show” and showing only the last one.
I used the following code (except for the modified URL):
<div style="width: 50%; float: left;">
[vrm360 canvas_name=s1 model_url=myurlhere/firstmodel.stl aspect_ratio=1 hide_cmds=false autostart=true rx=45 mesh_color=#D4AF37]
<div style="width: 50%; float: right;">
[vrm360 canvas_name=s2 model_url=myurlhere/secondmodel.stl aspect_ratio=1 hide_cmds=false autostart=true rx=45 mesh_color=#D4AF37]
How can I use several show in the same page?
As you can see, I’ve already used different names for it.
Excellent plugin. Very easy to use with WP. I noticed that when I load different STL models the initial position on the page changes. Is this inherent in the creation of the STL file?
If so, is there a recommended size and position so each model starts in the center?
How about to change the background color?
I WP we can change templates, colors everywhere, why not in the viewer?
It breaks completely my dark theme…
Thank you
]]>I’m attempting to use a .obj file, but I’m just getting a continuous loading screen when doing so. I know the shortcode is set up properly as I’ve used it with a zip file and it worked perfectly. Any suggestions?
I use this plugin so that the customer can see the products in 3D before purchasing them.
The problem is, I can’t reduce the width of my 3D display frame. The products I want to see 3D are variable products. So I placed the shortcode in the description of each product variation so that the 3D is loaded according to the user’s choices. I tried to change the values ??of “aspect ratio” and “initial offset” but it doesn’t work. Looking at the support, I saw that some were saying that you have to put the shortcode in a table for the 3D to fit into a cell. But that doesn’t work either.
Can you help me please ?
I cannot give you the link to my site because it is private. If you want I can send you a screenshot of my problem.
]]>Hello Maurice,
hello all who have contributed to this fabulous plugin.
Thanks for your great work!! I am very happy with the plugin so far, but now I plan to set up a kiosk system and want to show one page with a 3D model right in full screen mode. Hitting the button works fine but how to get there without any interaction?
Thanks for any ideas to resolve my problem
]]>Hello, I’ve embeded a .stl file correctly into my site (it’s in Spanish) but it’s not showing textures. The original files were downloaded from NASA website and they’re based on a single .stl and a .zip file containing all the textures.
I’ve uploaded all expanded files from .zip file using ftp manager into the wp-content/uploads root trying to put the .stl beside to .blend file but it still not showing. Is there any way to solve this problem? Thanks!
When i enter the shortcode as directed for the demo, everything works.
[vrm360 canvas_name=s1 model_url=full_3d_model_url aspect_ratio=1.33333 hide_cmds=zoom,fullscreen]
I’ve tried entering the shortcode for my STL model 2 different ways, both result in the spinning wheel of death.
[vrm360 canvas_name=s1 model_url=https://thelandupnorth.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/16×28.stl aspect_ratio=1.33333 hide_cmds=zoom,fullscreen]
[vrm360 canvas_name=s1 model_url=16×28.stl aspect_ratio=1.33333 hide_cmds=zoom,fullscreen]
What am i doing wrong? My CAD program doesn’t output any of the specified formats exacept STL.
]]>I uploaded this as obj and mtl but it appears that several portions of this item become transparent. This does not make any sense too me and I can not figure out a resolution on my own.
I’ve upload a file fbx file.
The problem is that I have the texture folder and I don’t know how to upload it so that it can be displayed. I have tried several forms and various formats, such as obj and mtl and in all of them I don’t know how to display colors. How to upload the folder to wordpress and indicate it with the shortcode?
Thanks a lot
I would like to know, if it is possible to change color of the background and also of the widgets and how to do it. Thank You for response.
Hello! I created a wysiwyg editor on one of my pages, and tried using the shortcode to link the 3D Model. While it’s sort of working, it only displays one of the few models I have uploaded even though in the shortcode it is pointing to a different one. When I inspect the page in the script it keeps showing the unwanted model. Any idea how this could be fixed?
]]>Unfortunately I have a problem with the plugin. When I open a page with the shortcode it comes to a freeze (about 10sec) of the browser (Chrome). I think it is because the 3d model is loaded. Is there a possibility to load the 3d model only after a click for example ?
Thanks a lot