Rating: 1 star
The author of the Newsletter plugin has completely modified it so the options that the author of this plugins indicates have disapeared.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Great functionality!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Just installed and tested and it worked faultlessly.
At the moment it just captures the email address, but if you edit the plugin and change line 52
$_REQUEST['ne'] = $_POST['billing_email'];
$_REQUEST['ne'] = $_POST['billing_email'];
$_REQUEST['nn'] = $_POST['billing_first_name'];
$_REQUEST['ns'] = $_POST['billing_last_name'];
$_REQUEST['nl'] = array(2, 3);
Then it also captures the billing First name and billing Last name and sets the subscription for list 2 and list 3.
Note: In Newsletter => Subscription Form => Preferences => When/Where, both Preference 2 and 3 would have to be set to “Even on Subscription Forms”.
Thanks Wakker Media.
(and Stefano Lissa)
(and woothemes)