I have 126 members. Unchecked Users are 73. Verified members are 53. I want to change unchecked use
]]>when i added api key it show this error “The key below was previously validated but a connection to wangguard.com can not be established at this time. Please check your server configuration. Try to deactivate secure connection to WangGuard API. Go to WangGuard Settings and Disable secure connection to WangGuard server using SSL / TLS. After that Save Options, and save the API Key again.”
I deactivate the secure connection to wangGuard server and also deactivated all security plugins but still facing this error please help me out
]]>I am looking for a plugin to detect and remove spam registratons. Are you still offering your plugin?
]]>Many people have been wondering why WangGuard closed for good. It is a question that I have come across more or less frequently in the WordPress forums, the official www.ads-software.com Slack, Twitter, and so on.
I have never answered, but I feel that now the time has come to explain, since thousands of sites worldwide were using this plugin and there are conjectures everywhere.
From what I’ve seen, those conjectures can be anything from the economic ones, the professional ones, or the “he closed it just because” ones.
None of the above fits in the least with reality. Yes, WangGuard had a high server cost for me, but SiteGround had started to sponsor WangGuard, and hence that cost was gone. The only “cost” left was the time that I dedicated to the plugin. As to the professional one, that I had started to work for a company and had no time left, of course not. I still feel very comfortable working for myself, even though I can work more or less regularly for important companies, who know that I am a free agent. The “just because” conjecture is the most absurd of all: WangGuard was created to help people with a very big problem on the internet, particularly in WordPress (and various registration plugins). WangGuard made me known worldwide (at least to those interested in the developer), and opened doors which allowed me to meet great people. I’ve noticed this at WordCamp Europe, where, when introduced as the developer of WangGuard, people always had a big exclamation of gratitude for what I’d created.
My purpose with WangGuard was never money. I could have made WangGuard a paid plugin at anytime, and had actually a plan for that for years, but didn’t do it because there is something inside me that would never let that happen. It was never, I repeat, never my plan to get rich with WangGuard, and I assure you that I could have done it easily: simply charging each of my users 24€/year, would have meant an income of more than 2 million euros per year. I just had to distribute a version of WangGuard I had collecting dust, with a checkbox on WangGuard’s server administration options but I never got it done. No matter other reasons, which only people very close to me know: I simply didn’t want to, nor did I want to be a millionaire.
Now, without further introductions, let’s move on to what you really care about, which is the actual reason for WangGuard’s closure.
WangGuard, without a doubt (and I say it with total tranquility and totally convinced), was the best anti-splog system to date. It was not intrusive, was transparent to the users, eliminated sploggers, and completely blocked the unwanted users. Apart from this, it offered super useful tools like total and absolute control of any type of activity that was carried out in a network or a multisite. It was European, not an absurd fact considering how the situation is right now, and the absolute protection of privacy that I always applied, the database, was registered with the proper data protection authorities. In short, there was no legal problem in using WangGuard.
WangGuard worked in two different ways: as an algorithm that I had been refining for 7 years, and which was getting better as the sploggers evolved, so that it was always one step ahead of them, and also as human curation, in which I reviewed many factors, among them sites of sploggers to see if their content, could improve the algorithm and make sure that it worked correctly both when it was blocking or not blocking a site. The great secret of WangGuard was this second part. Without it WangGuard would not ever have become what it was.
This human component is what I have been doing for 7 years, and also what has led me to close WangGuard (along with other considerations that are not relevant).
Maybe you’ll be thinking that, of course, a significant amount of time was devoted to this, but if it is true that I did in fact spend a lot of time, this was still not the reason. As I said, a very important part of the development of WangGuard were my continued visits to sites: the problem was what I found, not the time I spent doing it. For 7 years, I have visited places where I saw pederasty, pictures and videos of murders (by razor blades, by gutting live people, by beheadings, dismemberments, to name a few), real videos of rape of all kinds (children, women, boys), photos of accidents in which people were totally disfigured, bizarre actions that I did not even know existed, and a very long “and so on”, which I do not want to expand on.
During these seven years, my family knew that when I told them that I was going to work on WangGuard, they should not go where I was, the only reason being to protect them from the FILTH (with capital letters) that I had to see every day. Very few people can imagine what it’s like to see all that garbage every day. At first, it affected me to see all that but, over time, I tried to minimize it. Over time, however, instead of “getting used to” seeing all that shit, I started to be afraid (yes, afraid) of visiting those pages, despite the fact that I would come up for air once in a while and kept on doing it. Finally, a few months ago, I broke down. I disappeared from everywhere and fell into a depression. The 7 years of working at WangGuard finally took a toll on me. I had nightmares because of all the maccabre deaths I had seen, an obsession with protecting my children from pederasty, OCD, depression and many other symptoms. It took me about 6 months to recover (and honestly, I may be deceiving myself, since I do not think I completely recovered my life), after which I started going back on the internet. Now I am almost fully integrated back into the community, although I am missing things, such as collaborating fully in WordPress Barcelona again.
And lastly, as I said WangGuard was the most effective tool to stop unwanted users, and for this reason I constantly received death threats. Yes, for 4 years I have had to suffer almost daily death threats from mafias for making them lose millions of dollars.
All this and and only this is the real reason for WangGuard’s closure.
I hope that my effort was helpful while it lasted, so that you do not have to worry about sploggers.
]]>Well pretty much as the title says:
Websites has been taken down and nothing seems to work anymore..
So Wangguard is now officially dead?
Any alternatives for a software like this that also has to user reporting of bad user activity out there for bbpress, blog and bpgroups?
Thanks! ??
Kind regards
Well, the alternatives would seem to be
I missed any?
What alternative(s) would you prefer and why?
What would you be willing to pay for this service per site?
Would you be willing to develop something like this yourself?
Hey guys,
Today I discovered that over LTE as well as a local Starbucks wifi, on separate devices, I cannot access your website.
I discovered this after the past week or so of being unable to use WangGuard on a site it’s been installed on for a couple years because of this error message:
“The key below was previously validated but a connection to wangguard.com can not be established at this time. Please check your server configuration. Try to deactivate secure connection to WangGuard API. Go to WangGuard Settings and Disable secure connection to WangGuard server using SSL / TLS. After that Save Options, and save the API Key again.”
My site is getting fake registrations left and right since it’s been deactivated. Please help!
]]>When I go to wangguard.com from the plugin or if I type in wangguard.com in my browser I get https://www.wangguard.com/cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi
Why is that?
]]>Hi. First of all, thanks for this great plugin.
I found this line in the error_log, and I can see in the code of the plugin that table never creates, but my installation keeps calling it
Error Table ‘mysite.wp_wangguardoptions’ doesn’t exist de la base de datos de WordPress para la consulta INSERT INTO wp_wangguardoptions
, option_value
) VALUES ( ‘wangguard_stats’ , ‘a:2:{s:5:\”check\”;i:4140;s:8:\”detected\”;i:3876;}’ ) realizada por require_once(‘wp-admin/admin.php’), do_action(‘admin_init’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, call_user_func_array, wangguard_admin_init, wangguard_install, wangguard_update_option
what I have to do to fix the error?
]]>I just read all the posts about Wangguard going away and needing donors. I think that the lack of donors is really unfortunate, but I doubt it’s driven by anything more than a total lack of knowledge of the problem….followed by an immediate fear that there will be no long-term return on the investment. Saying the plugin will be shut down without donors is a big turn off to donors, IMHO.
@jconti, I love your plugin and you’ve always been great at support. I do not think that you should try to support the plugin with an indiegogo campaign. It’s too risky, and Wangguard is worth much more than that.
The problem with a donation campaign is that donors are reluctant to send in big money, as there is no promise that they will get anything in return for their money. T-shirts are nice, but what users want is for the product to be supported.
Furthermore, how does anyone know about it? I found it through Michael Visser’s post, but I have been using WangGuard for years and did not know you had posted about a need for support several months ago. It has been working fine for me as always.
If you go to a paid model, MANY people will continue using Wangguard for a fee, you will have an income, and users will be happy because they will get ongoing support. It’s a win-win!
@visser — What do you think?
i’ve just turned on my wp_debug to True
and see this error.
Notice: Undefined variable: countSpan in public_html/wp-content/plugins/wangguard/wangguard-admin.php on line 2280
can this harm my website? what should i do?
thanks a lot.
this is the errors I get
[06-Feb-2017 10:53:43 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; WGGXML has a deprecated constructor in /home/XXXXXX/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wangguard/wangguard-xml.php on line 51
[06-Feb-2017 10:53:43 UTC] PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/XXXXXX/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wangguard/wangguard-xml.php:51) in /home/XXXXXX/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/wp-cache-phase2.php on line 60
Have tried to activate mulitple times and it gives me an error. it was also causing an issue with our shoutbox, wisechat.
have sent support ticket with no response.
After updating the plugin to latest version 1.7.3, my WordPress dashboard has gone into redirection loop.
The site is hosted on WPEngine – https://www.systemcentercentral.com/
Could you please look into it.
hey there!
i blocked the domain mail.ru, which accounts for 95% of my sploggers. they do however still get through very frequently. is there something i can do to prevent that?
i use buddypress right now, my website is https://www.wolkify.com
]]>So that I understand…
We tell the SPAMMER that it has been blocked by ..’ WANGUARD’
Anybody using this plugin with Woocommerce ? No problem with your customers ?
Thank you for your feedback.
<b>Deprecated</b>: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; WGGXML has a deprecated constructor in <b>/home/di1vekiy/public_html/preprod/wp-content/plugins/wangguard/wangguard-xml.php</b> on line <b>51</b><br />
with debug mode on true of course.
]]>Hi developers,
Thank you very much for that wonderful plugin. I need it as an air. I have first problem – can’t get my API KEY.
I tried to register in your web-site for getting API KEY.
I’ve got the email for the activetion. All the time when I press the link I’ve get ”
Error when attempting to active your account The information received does not match your account information. If you copied and pasted the link, please make sure it is complete, or click here to get your activation email resent.”
I’ve tried some of resending e-mails and the result was the same.
Help me pls! I need to clean up my users list!
Thank you
Hi Jose,
Multiple 404 errors are visible when the Plugin directory ‘wangguard’ is renamed to ‘_wangguard’, this is due to the fixed Plugin directory name being used throughout the Plugin for JS and CSS assets. This is limited to use of wp_enqueue_script() and wp_register_style().
Changing the fixed directory from:
wp_register_style( ‘wangguard_dashicons’, ‘/’ . PLUGINDIR . ‘/wangguard/css/menu.css’, false, WANGGUARD_VERSION );
to using a dynamic directory CONSTANT, using plugins_url() or a combination of both resolves this:
wp_register_style( ‘wangguard_dashicons’, plugins_url( ‘/css/menu.css’, basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) ), false, WANGGUARD_VERSION );
]]>How can i clean my database from WangGuard base and settings?
Can you add this feature?
I mean “Delete all WangGuard data and settings on uninstall”
I searched on the web but found nothing, so what is the meaning of an user on to red field?
]]>Hi Guys
Just want to check if Wanguard will run Ok using PHP 7.
I added two cronjobs in WangGuard, the first one ran successful, but the second one generate a lot of error message in my error.log.
First cronjob: Flag detected Sploggers as Sploggers and Spam users
Second cronjob: Delete detected Sploggers
This is a little part of my error.log:
[Sat Oct 15 00:35:17.531130 2016] [:error] [pid 14811] [client] FastCGI: server "/var/www/cgi-bin/php5-fcgi-
blogginger.com" stderr: PHP message: WordPress database error Table 'database_global.wp_79_postmeta' doesn't exist for query DELETE pm FROM wp_79_postmeta pm LEFT JOIN w
p_79_posts wp ON wp.ID = pm.post_id WHERE wp.ID IS NULL made by do_action_ref_array, call_user_func_array, aDBc_clean_all_elements, aDBc_clean_elements, SharDB->query,
referer: https://blogginger.com/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1476506117.0955300331115722656250
[Sat Oct 15 00:35:17.531139 2016] [:error] [pid 14811] [client] FastCGI: server "/var/www/cgi-bin/php5-fcgi-
blogginger.com" stderr: PHP message: WordPress database error Table 'database_global.wp_80_postmeta' doesn't exist for query DELETE pm FROM wp_80_postmeta pm LEFT JOIN w
p_80_posts wp ON wp.ID = pm.post_id WHERE wp.ID IS NULL made by do_action_ref_array, call_user_func_array, aDBc_clean_all_elements, aDBc_clean_elements, SharDB->query,
referer: https://blogginger.com/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1476506117.0955300331115722656250
[Sat Oct 15 00:35:17.531146 2016] [:error] [pid 14811] [client] FastCGI: server "/var/www/cgi-bin/php5-fcgi-
blogginger.com" stderr: PHP message: WordPress database error Table 'database_global.wp_81_postmeta' doesn't exist for query DELETE pm FROM wp_81_postmeta pm LEFT JOIN w
p_81_posts wp ON wp.ID = pm.post_id WHERE wp.ID IS NULL made by do_action_ref_array, call_user_func_array, aDBc_clean_all_elements, aDBc_clean_elements, SharDB->query,
referer: https://blogginger.com/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1476506117.0955300331115722656250
database_global is my main MySQL DB and there is doesn’t exists these mentioned tables:
How can I fix this issue?
Thank you!
]]>Hi Jose,
Thank you for all the hard work you’ve put into WangGuard. It’s a great plugin, and I do hope you’re able to continue supporting it. It’s saved our clients countless hours of work and continues to serve as a great barrier to unwanted spam and registrations.
To everyone else… please help to support this plugin if you’ve found it useful by making a small donation to the IndieGoGo campaign. It takes so much time and dedication for a development team to continue to support a mass market plugin, and it would be such a shame if this stopped being supported.
Best wishes,
Tim @ Scholary
Just as of 2 days ago or so, I’ve noticed that I’m not able to connect to the WangGuard servers. I realized this was the case when I began seeing a lot of splogger registrations on my website. I’ve tried accessing the WangGuard servers from my desktop (which is connected to a new wifi as of Oct 6), but this wifi shouldn’t have anything to do w/ the inability to connect, as I also tried connecting from a laptop to a different wifi today. Either way, the issue appears to have begun Oct 8, 2 days after the setup of a new home wifi (to which my desktop connects).
You have a fantastic product which was working perfectly before otherwise.
Thanks in advance!
How do I get rid of the “the selected user couldn’t be found” dialog? I’m already in Ninja mode and I’m cleaning the signups with role “waiting”. About 130 000+. I don’t care why it’s happening, and I don’t want to be informed. I just want Wangguard to delete these users from wherever else they’re stored, as evidently they’re stored somewhere in the db WordPress is using, and move on without any info dialogs like this one. Surely this can be done?
I just installed WangGuard on my website running Woocommerce with “My Account”-enabled registration. Checks OK users in backend, but does not check user registering through “My Account” registration page.
I found this can be resolved by adding
add_action( 'woocommerce_register_post', 'wangguard_signup_validate', 100, 3 );
into functions.php of the theme.
I guess (?) it may be a bug in WangGuard, which hooks wangguard_signup_validate to register_post, but not to woocommerce_register_post.
Planning to upgrade to latest WP and PHP7.
But PHP Compatibility Checker says:
FILE: /homepages/30/d556882726/htdocs/wp/live/wp-content/plugins/wangguard/wangguard-class-wp-queue.php
7 | ERROR | Deprecated PHP4 style constructor are not supported since PHP7
FILE: /homepages/30/d556882726/htdocs/wp/live/wp-content/plugins/wangguard/wangguard-help.php
371 | ERROR | Extension ‘mysql_’ is deprecated since PHP 5.5 and removed since PHP 7.0 – use mysqli instead.
FILE: /homepages/30/d556882726/htdocs/wp/live/wp-content/plugins/wangguard/wangguard-class-wp-users.php
8 | ERROR | Deprecated PHP4 style constructor are not supported since PHP7
FILE: /homepages/30/d556882726/htdocs/wp/live/wp-content/plugins/wangguard/wangguard-xml.php
57 | ERROR | Deprecated PHP4 style constructor are not supported since PHP7
Any chance of a fix?
]]>I am managing a site with over 12,000 users that uses WangGuard to enforce security. Occasionally I will have users falsely reported as Sploggers and they will confirm their legitimacy. I can find these users easily enough, but would like to manually check any other “Reported” users, without using the “Bulk Check” button.
I’m having difficulties trying to make the WangGuard Status column sortable so that I can quickly get to these users.
Any help would be much appreciated.