Hello, I am using wc-confirm-payment and I would like to change the trigger of New confirm payment email. I understand this emails is sent to admin when the order is “on-hold” and the client fill the Confirm payment form. I would like to change the triggering status from “on-hold” to a different one.
I can’t find exaclty the lines of code I should change. Could you help me with this?
Thank you in advance!
]]>Hi, the bank receipts of payments are stored in the media library and are accessible from outside. This is very dangerous, how to block it?
]]>how to auto confime payment
??????????????????????????????? upload slip ????????????????????
]]>??????????????? Plugin WooCommerce Confirm Payment ?????????????? sitemap ???
]]>Hi Developers,
This plugin’s slug is wc-confirm-payment, but your Text Domain is woocommerce-confirm-payment. Change your Text-Domain, so it is equal to your slug, and modify the text domain in all your source files. This change is needed because your “Requires at least” is below 4.6. (see https://developer.www.ads-software.com/plugins/internationalization/how-to-internationalize-your-plugin/#text-domains)
I made a modified version for your reference; you could download this version for comparison.
Modified version: https://app.box.com/s/1sfoiwxxpxxnrdogn4g5eom5fxr2jxnt, based on version 1.0.
When necessary modifications are done, I think this action will complete this plugin’s GlotPress project automatically.
GlotPress: https://translate.www.ads-software.com/projects/wp-plugins/wc-confirm-payment/
Completed GlotPress is very useful for users and developers, local translates just complete locale sub-project, then this locale language pack will be pushed to users’ WordPress sites automatically. Besides, the developers don’t need to package language files to ZIP installation files anymore.
Hope to see the new L10N version soon. This is an awesome plugin. Thanks for your work.
Alex Lion
?????? version ?????????????????? memory ??????????
????????? order ??? confirm ??????? ???????? error ?????? Hosting ??????? ?? suspend account ????????????? mem ???? 256MB ??????????????????????????
?? set ?????????? 512 ?????????????????? ??? Hosting ???????????? suspend account ??????
define( ‘WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT’ , ‘512M’ );
This is the great plugin. Anyway, once I click to add in Thank you page, it also shows in promptpay channel thank you page. We cannot attach the slip there. It shows “????????????????????????????????????”.
It works very well with “direct bank transfer”, but not promptpay. Is it possible to apply it for promptpay?
thank you very much.
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??????????????????? wordpress ??????????? 5.6 ????????????? confirm payment ?????? ???????????????? error 404
]]>Issue with an amount value if has decimal.
Example : $ 10.10 message show “enter a valid value”
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]]>When the customer has attached the bank slip and be confirmed that the receipt is correct. The website will confirms the payment and sends an email to the customer. But in terms of the back system, there is no thank you page to be able to track in google analytics or is there any way to track that the order has been fulfilled?
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??????? plugin ??????????? server ????????????????????
when install plugin , the confirm payment page will be automatically created and have the confirm payment form or not?
Or i have to update any short code into Confirm Payment Page?
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]]>cannot get line notify token
]]>Is there a way to show the uploaded file to the customers before they submit?
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?????????? ??????????? 24 ?? ?????????? ??? AM, PM ???? 15:30
??????????????????? plugin ?????? date time picker ?????????????????????????????????????????
???????????? Plugin ????????????
Hello dev, nice job btw with woocommerce confirm payment plugin.
I just have an issue with this plugin, of course I’ve trying it as dummy customer already purchased one of my products. So this problem begin when I’m trying to input an order ID (with on-hold status) to Order input field i.e. 1015, then I got an error said “This order does not require an informed your payment.”. Maybe you can help me to figuring this out and solves it.
Thanks in advance Surakrai.