12-Sep-2024 01:53:03 UTC] PHP Fatal error:? Declaration of WCFM_Elementor_Widget_StoreBanner::get_style_depends() must be compatible with Elementor\Widget_Image::get_style_depends(): array in /home/nginx/domains/melodypayne.com/public/wp-content/plugins/wc-frontend-manager-elementor/includes/widgets/class-wcfmem-widget-storebanner.php?on line 64
[12-Sep-2024 01:53:06 UTC] PHP Fatal error:? Declaration of WCFM_Elementor_Widget_StoreBanner::get_style_depends() must be compatible with Elementor\Widget_Image::get_style_depends(): array in /home/nginx/domains/melodypayne.com/public/wp-content/plugins/wc-frontend-manager-elementor/includes/widgets/class-wcfmem-widget-storebanner.php?on line 64
[12-Sep-2024 01:53:17 UTC] PHP Fatal error:? Declaration of WCFM_Elementor_Widget_StoreBanner::get_style_depends() must be compatible with Elementor\Widget_Image::get_style_depends(): array in /home/nginx/domains/melodypayne.com/public/wp-content/plugins/wc-frontend-manager-elementor/includes/widgets/class-wcfmem-widget-storebanner.php?on line 64
Where I can found it?
accidentally posted on wrong support page.
moved to – > https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/change-header-footer-2/
I am trying to obtain the default store page template for Elementor and wcfm Integrater.
I have installed wcfm + Elementor + integrator plugin but this store page template is not in the Elementor library
Any ideas please?
I use free WCFM marketplace system in my page..
Today I saw very big issue – I connect as Vendor to store and I am able to edit another vendors store and items.
hi i am trying to customize the font of price in wcfm store, do I have to use elementor or store manager to edit
I wanted to know how can I add the custom vendor related products shortcode into elementor custom queries, to get vendor’s products through elementor posts widget. I’m not sure which of your forums should I use, sorry for the slight spam.
Thank you very Much
]]>Using Elementors Theme Builder I’m trying to create a Store Page template that will dynamically update it’s content such as the store address. When using the following shortcode:
[wcfm_store_info id="" data="store_address"]
Nothing appears on the frontend (nor backend). When I populate the id=’5′ it does show, but that’s not going to work as more vendors are added to the site.
I’ve read similar topics where others are also having issues with this. Have you got a solution?
]]>Hola necesito ayuda pues mi marketplace en wcfm no permite comprar productos de diferentes tiendas a la vez por un mismo comprador, sale mensaje que se debe finalizar la compra con una tienda para hacer otra compra con otro vendedor.
]]>After updating plugin and Elementor, Store page no longer displays!! all store pages are now broken! Even in edit mode, when WCFM are added in Elementor template, it seems that this plugin no longer is connected to WCFM (shows generic content)
Elementor Version 3.6.4
Elementor Pro Version 3.6.5
this plugin 2.0.2
please help as all store pages are not broken!!
Hi, After updating Elementor, and WCFMelementor I received a critical error with this message :
“Détails de l’erreur
Une erreur de type E_COMPILE_ERROR a été causée dans la ligne 57 du fichier /home/maboutk/www/wp-content/plugins/wc-frontend-manager-elementor/core/class-wcfmem-documents-manager.php. Message d’erreur : require_once(): Failed opening required ‘/home/maboutk/www/wp-content/plugins/wc-frontend-manager-elementor//includes/documents/class-wcfmem-document-wcfmem-store.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/local/php7.4/lib/php’)”
All plugin are updated, did I missed something ?
Thanks and have a good day,
I’ve opened a ticket for this issue december 10th but it’s been no help at all so I hope this forum can do better !!! I created a staging site for them : staging.alsaceco.fr
So here’s the issue : on the ‘products’ page, I’d like to have a map with pins that show where the products are located. But the map isn’t showing up.
Before it disappeared (I can’t remember what I did to make it stop showing up… sry), it would show the vendors, even though I specifically set it up to only show products AND for the map to automatically add the products’ location according to the vendors’ location, in case a vendor forgot to add an address. That never worked !
I’m stuck, and don’t know what to do
]]>I keep getting this error when installing:
There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.
Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress.
]]>all add on activated, not shop page in elementor pro theme builder section
how can i edit dynamic shop page, like if i want to add restaurant menu in shop page for multi vendor, how can i do that?
Sir can we edit the store page with wpbackery page builder
]]>I need to add a verification badge to the seller page. currently, even when the seller is verified the verification badge is not visible on the seller page
]]>Hello team,
1:-In Vendor login page, the register now option also appears however, if someone register using this, they became wordpress default subscribe and not vendor.
there is of course the become a vendor link but 90% of people think filling up the registration form will make them vendor and ignore the become an vendor button. This is bad user experience and i received complaint about this
2:- After login there should be vendor employment form, This form includes name ,aadhar card, and bank details,phone ,profile photo ,social profile etc
however right now after login they directly redirect to multivendor workspaces but we dont need this we need when vendor will login it will redirect to vendor employment/profile form
kindly let us know how we can solve this
]]>Hi, I don’t want to show the gift products in the vendor stores. How can I hide them?
]]>Hi, I would like to display a list of all vendors on the side of the shop page, either in a widget or in the right section in elementor. I would like to show the round logo image and the name.
Can you let me know how to do it? Is there a shortcode for that?
Hi I’m using WCFM but on my vendor’s store page admin and other vendors products are also showing… Can you please tell me how can I solve it?
i followed the steps of your video but after I refreshed the template dashboard the “Store Page” tab never showed up. I’m using the free version of elementor. Can you please tell how can I fix it?
Hi There,
I’m a WCFM ultimate user and generally happy with your plugin, I also use elementor to style my site pages.
A couple of problems though – your plugins, including this one, will prevent other elementor addons from working as expected. I use elementor essential adons (https://essential-addons.com/elementor/) to style my pages, and your plugin prevents their CSS & JS from loading, which is very frustrating.
Also, this plugin hasn’t been updated in 10 months, are you planning on releasing an update any time soon? I’d really like to be able to use elementor essential add ons to style my vendor’s store pages – please let me know what I can do.
]]>Hello, I would like to know how can I do to be able to display the products on the seller’s store in a customized way thanks to plugins such as JetEngine / Dynamic Content.
Does it have a specific query that I can use?
If so, can you tell me?
Thank you in advance.
I have tried to style the store elements using an Elementor template for store page, however most of the WCFM widgets can’t be redesigned as the Elementor’s widget style tab is blank!! And I can’t change the “Add to cart” button, for example. or the font size, space between lines, etc.
Any idea how to make it work, either with the Elementor template or another way?
Thank you
WCFM has stopped working and I can’t see any functions in either front manager or shop manager. I have installed elementor recently but that should not affect it. I’ve disabled all plugins and only had woocommerce and wcfm front manager abled and none of the functions have returned. I’ve uninstalled it and reinstalled it and it’s just the same. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>Hi, the store badge is not showing on the store page that i created,what can i do?
]]>Hey guys? any update coming for this plugin? the widgets are not pulling the data…
]]>Our vendors can not upload any product image ,if image add in media then error occurred massage shown in side bar and *undefined error and automatically vendor dashboard has been logout again and again
]]>After installing the plugin elementor template section is not allowing me to customize the store page. Check this screen shot https://tinyurl.com/yxeuo956