Currently, there is a general sales campaign on the website since February (it is londer, than 30 days) and the plugin shows wrong details in case of new products, however it works properly in case of older products.
I tried a lot of setup, but is vain.
I can use only the shortcode version, since I use Divi template builder for porducts. The plugin is inactive momentan, because of the wrong details.
Please be so kind and help to fix the issue.
Thank you very much.
The plugin shows wrong details in case of new products, however it works properly in case of older products. Currently, there is a general sales campaign on the website since February (it is londer, than 30 days).
I tried a lot of settup, but is vain.
I can use only the shortcode version, since I use Divi template builder for porducts. The plugin is inactive momentan, because of the wrong details.
Please be so kind and help to fox the issue.
Thank you very much.
Thank you for the plugin.
I’m using the discount plugin WooCommerce Discounts from Studio Wombat.
woocommerce-discount-pricing is the folder name.
I tested WC Price History and it doesn’t seem to work with discounts created using the WooCommerce Discounts.
Is it possible to add integration for this discount plugin?
Hi, Your plugin is very useful but I have a problem….
This notice:
WC Price History
WC Price History plugin is scanning products to set their initial price history.
While this process is going on, please refrain from editing products.
We will notify you when the scan is finished.
..doesn’t disappear from my backend. It’s now more than a month that I’ve installed the plugin and the notice remains. But the plugin works as expected with no problems in frontend.
How can I make the notification disappear? I had tried uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin before, but nothing changed.
Dzień dobry, mam produkt z wariantami gdzie niektóre warianty maj? obecnie promocje (dwie ró?ne ceny).
Obecnie wtyczka pokazuje informacj? o najni?szej cenie przy cenie produktu. Ja mam tak? sytuacj?, ?e standardowa cena b?dzie na stronie produktu ukryta a w?a?ciwa cena b?dzie pojawia? si? po wyborze konkretnego wariantu. Jeden produkt b?dzie posiada? kilka wariantów i kilka ró?nych cen od nich zale?nych. Czy jest mo?liwo?? przerobienia wtyczki tak aby pokazywa?a si? informacji o historii ceny po wyborze konkretnego wariantu i aby pokazywa?a histori? ceny z danego wariantu?
]]>Hello everyone!
I am happy to announce I’ve released a new version. The only fix is to make this plugin working on multisite installations!
Please let me know if you see any troubles.
]]>Hi, in variable product (single product page), there is a way to show the Lowest Price only when a variation is selected.
The plugin seems to show the lowest price of all variation before a variation is selected…in my opinion, this makes no sense, and also risks confusing the customer.
Thanks for this tool as open source.
I am running different price groups based on user role, is this possible to achive with this plugin?
I do not want to display the lowest prise to all users role since this prices only are available for that user role.
Love you plugin, but I think I have found a problem.
If you change the price twice in one day, than “Day before product went on sale (excludes promotional price)” is not working since you are in the same day.
Also ”?Day when product went on sale (includes promotional price)” have a problem with changing “on sale” price multiple times in one day. E.g. Original price is 100, discounted price is 90, then you save the product and adjust discounted price to 80. 30-day price is not 80 and not 90.
]]>Hi! I′ve noticed when I entered sale dates on existing sale product, “lowest price in 30 days” is deleted.
Do you know maybe why is that?
Thank you!
I have a problem.
When opening product page, it shows correctly lowest price in 30. days. But when selecting variable (eg. size in my case), lowest price is showing 0,00€
Please help
]]>Hello everyone! I am happy to inform I just released you belowed WC Price History plugin in the version 2.1!
The main new thing is fixed long-waited full compatibility with variable products. Now when user selects the variant in the front-end the displayed lowest price is automatically updated.
Have fun using it!
Hello, would it be possible to make the plugin work with the “Discount Rules and Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce” plugin?
Nie odbierz tego jako atak – w ?adnym wypadku. To przyjacielski post ?? Chcia?bym zapyta? dlaczego zdecydowa?e? si? na przechowywanie danych w tabeli “wp_postmeta”, zamiast stworzy? now??
Przy wi?kszej liczbie produktów, tabelawp_postmeta
mo?e szybko urosn??, co spowolni dzia?anie sklepu (co w sumie ju? si? dzieje, na etapie analizy cen produktów, która jest uruchamiana po aktywacji wtyczki). Wyszukiwanie i operacje na tak du?ej tabeli staj? si? wolniejsze, a dane s? rozproszone, co nie u?atwia ich przeszukiwania.
Je?li dane o cenach by?yby przechowywane w osobnej tabeli, zapytania mog?yby by? szybsze i bardziej efektywne. Dodatkowo, ?atwiej by?oby zarz?dza? tymi danymi, bo mogliby?my je przejrzy?cie zorganizowa? w kolumnach. Obecnie wszystkie dane s? w postaci serializownego ci?gu, który jest ma?o czytelny.
Dodatkowo osobna tabela to ?atwiejsza analiza danych, debugowanie, wi?ksza elastyczno??, mniejsze ryzyko potencjalnych konfliktów z innymi pluginam (meta_key “_wc_price_history” nie jest nazw? nie do powtórzenia).
Swego czasu w repozytorium by?a wtyczka “perfectwp-wc-omnibus”, która niestety zosta?a usuni?ta. W mojej opinii korzysta?a ona z dobrze przemy?lanej logiki i rozwi?zań, które warto by by?o zaimplementowa?.
Your plugin is great, thank you! I also found a previous question who wanted to make smaller text.
Well, I’m not programmer so I didn’t understand what class selector is and etc.
I just wanna suggest, maybe you should code some appearance editor to the plugin. Like, to have some tool to design the text, smaller font size, or maybe put it bold, or etc.
For me, the text is as big as description of the product itself, and basically it is not separated from it, so right after the next line the product short description is coming. It looks ugly and distracting this way. But with my skills, I cannot make smaller text, and have a gap, and put the text right below the price without an empty line ??
]]>hi, i installed the plugin on a wpmu network-plugins and activated it for all instances In first Instance i can see config in WooCommerce > Price History, but all other sub-pages/instances the plugin gives a message “WooCommerce Price History plugin requires WooCommerce to be installed and active.” and i cant set config in WooCommerce > Price History. But for sure, Woocommerce is installed. – Can u give me a hint to activate that plugin on all other instances too?
thx in advance – alex
]]>Cze??. Niestety wtyczka Woo Product Bundles nie wspó?pracuje z Twoim narz?dziem. Czy by?by? zainteresowany dostosowaniem jej? Je?li tak, to daj zna? – prze?l??Ci pliki wtyczki.
]]>It seems like it is not compatibile with WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency becuase after changing currency price is not correct:
In main currency it looks alright:
Hey there,
Would it be possible to track the modifications made with the popular woo discount rules plugin? They are doing the price modifications with javascript so it doesn’t get tracked with this plugin. They have released a feature that shows the 30 days before sale price also but with this plugin and that it essentially shows the same texts. The one from woo discount rules comes to the top and your at just before the add to cart.
Would it be possible to do this somehow like. If there is a rule and sale set by the woo discount rules then your plugin wouldn’t add the text for those products. So it would essentially check if there already is a sale rule for that inside the woo discount rules?
Or is there a better way to do this? The folks at Woo discount rules created a way earlier to get the discount that could help on this? The documentation is available here: https://docs.flycart.org/en/articles/7907342-developer-documentation
]]>Czy shortcode w ogóle dzia?a?
Testuj? jego wywo?anie na milion sposób i nie zwraca w ogóle danych.
how can i reduce the font size of the text the lowest price in the last 30 days is…
because it displays it in the same size of the current price and it is way too big
w chwili obecnej dla produktów z wariantami pokazywane s? dwie ceny “omnibusowe”.
Najni?sza cena z 30 dni dla wszystkich wariantów (w momencie jak ?aden wariant nie zosta? wybrany), oraz najni?sza cena dla wybranego ju? wariantu.
Czy jest opcja, ?eby po wyborze wariantu pokazywa? t? minimaln? cen? z 30 dni, ale w tym samym miejscu, w którym by?a pokazywana cena przed wyborem? Teraz mamy wy?wietlane to w dwóch miejscach i wprowadza to zamieszanie.
Mam pytanie natury technicznej – czy plugin ma jakikolwiek wp?yw na baz? danych samego wordpressa czy woocommerce? Czy istnieje ryzyko potencjalnych problemów w bazie po instalacji tej wtyczki?
Czy podczas usuni?cia pluginu, usuwaj? si? wszystkie mo?liwe “pozosta?o?ci” z bazy i serwera?
Pytam z perspektywy cz?owieka, który unika wtyczek jak ognia, bo w przesz?o?ci takowe wysypa?y mi stron?.
]]>Cze??, mam problem ??
To ju? druga wtyczka z któr? próbuj? “wywalczy?” dzia?anie w breakdance builder. no wszystko z nim spoko, ale tu ma ewidentnie pi?t? achillesow?, bo wtyczki nie dzia?aj?. ucieszy?am si? na shortcode, ale próby jego dodania te? wywalaj? b??d i nijak nie mam jak tego wstawi?. mia?e? ju? z tym do czynienia?
dobra, cofam! dzia?a!
Drodzy u?ytkownicy breakdance’a – bierzcie z tej wtyczki ?
]]>Hej, mam zaznaczone pola:
– “Day before product went on sale (excludes promotional price)”
– “Number of days to use when counting minimal price: 30”
Ustawiaj?c cen? promocyjn? przy pomocy “Woocommerce Advanced Bulk Edit” na stronie produktów wy?wietla mi, ?e najni?sza cena to jest aktualna cena promocyjna.
Co mo?e by? przyczyn??
Witam, jest szansa na dodanie wsparcia do WPML? obecnie ceny sa pokazywane w walucie innej od domyslna b??dnie.
]]>You didn’t answered in the previous thread so im opening this one.
I have the same issue. I started promotion few days after the plugin was installed but anyway the lowest price is the same as promo price.
Dates of promotion are set. I have the option to select the price from the day before the sale started. Promo is ended now, but here is information that you asked me for.
Not sure if this is the right info – but that’s the result i got:
]]>Przy kilku walutach wtyczka zmienia tylko symbol waluty, nie zmieniaj?c samej nominalnej warto?ci. Dochodzi wi?c do sytuacji, kiedy mamy np.
w PLN: cena produktu 10000 z? – cena omnibus 10000 z?
a po prze??czeniu na USD
cena produktu 2500 USD – cena omnibus 10000 USD
Wtyczka powinna albo przelicza? wy?wietlan? cen? po zadanym kursie lub nie zmienia? waluty ceny minimalnej
I installed the plugin, set everything correctly, then put the products on sale, but the price shown is not that of the previous 30 days, but rather the current discounted one (I also set “Sale price dates”). How can I solve it?
Thank you