Is there a way to include the date the invoice was created on the invoice?
When I change the status of the delivery note, the screen throws me four error messages, in each of the invoices.
This is the messages and I can′t find de messages and the solutions.
Strict Standards: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator in /homepages/26/d429402413/htdocs/E-Shop/wp-includes/post.php on line 390
Strict Standards: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator in /homepages/26/d429402413/htdocs/E-Shop/wp-includes/post.php on line 390
Strict Standards: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator in /homepages/26/d429402413/htdocs/E-Shop/wp-includes/post.php on line 390
Strict Standards: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator in /homepages/26/d429402413/htdocs/E-Shop/wp-includes/capabilities.php on line 486
I hope an answer
Thanks and congratulions for your plugin !!
]]>The plugin is incompatible with WordPress v3.5. It breaks the ability to insert media into a post. When you click on the Add Media button, the popup that displays the media available in the media library is “frozon” — you can’t pick any media, you can X-off the screen. To get off the screen you have to use the browser back button. Broken broken broken!
]]>This plugin seems to have broken the “add Media” button the the page edit window.
]]>I want to ask that there are so many payment options in your plugin, but it is allowing me to select just one option at one time. Is it possible to send customer an email with different options. so that he can decide by which option he will pay.
Moreover I want to ask cant we set it directly in web just like pay now kind of button.
]]>I weeded out two plugins I’ve been using for a year that caused problems with the new “Elvin” media upload/insert process.
Web Invoice was one of them. Unfortunately. The media insert modal will pop up but i can’t use any of the buttons or links on that modal while Web Invoice is “Activated”.
]]>I installed it knowing it had not been tested on my version; it says so on the description page. So, I’m testing with hopes of using the plug-in.
Here’s what happened: Plug-in installed and had directed me to the setup page; I made some changes and clicked “Update” button. The plugin then said I didn’t have permission to access the page (hmmm, the same account/user installed it). The “Web-Invoice” tab (on the left-side navigation WP-admin area) disappeared after that.
I’ve since deactivated the plug-in and tried again with same result.
]]>Hi everyone,
In the Templates section, I modified the custom code underneath the tab “PDF”. Apparently I did something wrong, because it resulted in crashing the whole Templates section of my admin (it now loads undefinitely). Since it crashed, I can’t erase my changes in the admin : I would like to modify them through my FTP.
My problem is : I have trouble locating where the aforementioned custom data is stored with my FTP.
I would appreciate any help on this matter a lot.
Thank you very much,
I’ve notice that alot of people have this problem. Everything works, and you create invoice. But when you click “Email to Client“, it says “There was a problem sending the invoice.” And nothing more!
If I try send it agin it says “Successfully sent 0 Web Invoices(s).“
This plugin worked for me for several hour yesterday, but then i stopt working, after hours and hours of searching this error I cant get it to work again!
I cant remember changing anything special when it broke down. I have deletet the files, deleted the database, AND deleted ALL the options remaning and reinstalled. Nothing.
Installed the plugin in another site, works perfekt again! (?)
Whats wrong?
Actually my WP version is bleeding-edge nightlies. Plugin will not accept changes in settings, claiming no-admin privileges. Not a problem with other plugin installs.
Appreciate any help.
]]>So much great functionality, but things like the below make it just not work…too bad.
One-time credit card payment is processed successfully. However, recurring billing setup failed.The ‘AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd:startDate’ element is invalid – The value ‘September 1, 2012’ is invalid according to its datatype ‘’ – The string ‘September 1, 2012’ is not a valid XsdDateTime value.
]]>Can I use this plugin to show a blank “Invoice Amount” and “Invoice Number” as the default?
This would require the client to enter in the invoice # and amount and pay with PayPal.
]]>I just wanted to know if the plugin when used also accepts credit card payment from australian credit cards?what are the banks based in Australia and I’m not sure things like Sage Pay, Merchants Plus, Google Checkout etc are available there.
Some Australian payment gateways include:
Payment Express
Just to inform that the plugin isn’t compatible with the tribulant newsletter plugin.
PDFs couldn’t generate while newsletter plugin is activated.
Offcourse I could deactivate the newsletter plugin and continue with your great web invoice plugin.
Would be great if the issue could get resolved.
Instead of using the built-in function to make invoices, is it possible that I can upload my own PDF invoices? I typically make my own invoices in my accounting software and produce a PDF file – then just email it to my client(s).
I love this plug-in, but I don’t know how (if possible) that can I upload my own PDF invoices for clients in my system.
Thanks in advance for your reply.
]]>Add another item – doesn’t work properly in Chrome. You can add one item and then “add” link drops below “Add another item – doesn’t work properly in Chrome” and is unclickable.
Is there any way to create a list of lines and select them/ insert them? Or ideas/ pointers on how to integrate this/ hack the invoice page to work with Custom Content types e.g. Reed Write and I can create my own item lines/ prices/ descriptions?
I have no experience whatsover with programming but if the developer of this plugin would like to help me translate and show me what to translate it to dutch I would be gratefull.
Just send me the files and i’ll translate them so we have another language.
And I would like to suggest to add ideal. Ideal is a dutch payment provider which supports all dutch banks.
This will certainly help dutch people use this plugin. I would also like to add that maybe somewhat more customizable pdf invoiceand the webpage where they can download it would be convenient.
Hope you’ll help.
Thanks for your time!
When trying to add a link to text on a page I was unable to get the cursor to place in the link box (using the lightbox link pop-up in WP 3.3.1) until I disabled the plugin. Also got erroneous code when producing an invoice. Shame as its a great plugin but I also need the ability to edit pages properly.
]]>There are some formatting errors where in my case it broke the page.. mainly html form display.
It was all over the page really.
It appears the templating engine for WordPress relies on spaces between tags to determine how it should format the page.
I easily fixed it by putting spaces between the <input> tags.
top line is unchanged so you can easily find the location
<?php } ?>
<form action="<?php print $_url; ?>" method="post" class="clearfix">
<input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="<?php echo $invoice->display('currency'); ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="upload" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="business" value="<?php echo get_option('web_invoice_paypal_address'); ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="return" value="<?php echo web_invoice_build_invoice_link($invoice_id); ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="rm" value="2" />
<input type="hidden" name="invoice" id="invoice_num" value="<?php echo $invoice->display('display_id'); ?>" />
if (web_invoice_recurring($invoice_id)) {
if (web_invoice_recurring($invoice_id)) { ?>
<label for="submit"> </label>
<input type="image" src="<?php print (get_option('web_invoice_paypal_subscribe_button','') == '')? "": get_option('web_invoice_paypal_subscribe_button',''); ?>" name="submit" class="pay_button paypal_subscription" alt="Subscribe with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!" />
} else { ?>
<label for="submit"> </label> <input type="image" src="<?php print (get_option('web_invoice_paypal_button','') == '')? "": get_option('web_invoice_paypal_button',''); ?>" name="submit" class="pay_button paypal" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!" />
} ?>
Hope this helps. Thanks for a great plugin.
]]>I have reported to him at least three times during the past six months that there is a bug that changes the date on invoices every time I open the admin panel.
I think you will find there is a similar pattern of negklect in this forum.
]]>This is just what i was looking for, highly customizable and works perfectly. Just installed this plugin on 3.2.1, selected an invoice page and was up and running so really don’t understand all reported issues. Many thanx to the developer who has just saved me tons of time.
]]>This plugins is not sending to client after the invoice was created, is there any solution we can fix this problem?
This plugins is definitely what i looking for sending invoice and billing notice to my client and give links to there invoice via website
]]>I’ve installed Web Invoice and it is working great. Thanks. I have a few questions. I’m not a coder so if you are able to help, please be specific in what I should do.
How can I change the default text on the invoices? For example, rather than “Welcome, Mr. User!” I would prefer “Attention: Mr. User”
How can I move the PDF information from the top of the Invoice to the bottom?
How can I remove the entire “Billing Information” section from the Invoice?
How can I insert my company logo at the top of the Invoice?
Thank you.
]]>My invoices suddenly just stopped being sent and the pdf cannot be viewed as it gives a ‘file is corrupted’ message.
]]>I activated the Plugin and instantly got the message below
Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_multisite() in /home/HIDDEN USER ID/public_html/wp-content/plugins/web-invoice/web-invoice.php on line 354
(I hid the user ID for this post)
NOW can’t even Login to the WP Admin!
There is PHP Warning occurred when trying to create invoice from template:
Warning: join() [function.join]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/smth/public_html/smth/wp-content/plugins/web-invoice/Functions.php on line 2290
web_invoice_payment_methods meta value, that plugin gets from DB, is stored as string. But plugin use join when trying to convert them to array:
$web_invoice_payment_methods = join(',', $_REQUEST['web_invoice_payment_methods']);
You are wrong. You need to use explode, not join :).
Hello Mohanjith,
WP: 3.2.1
WI: 2.1.0
It has been a long time, hope you can put some more time into this plugin again soon.
Just wanted to let you know that the footer on the new version of WP from 3.2 moves up into the middle of the invoice. I have had a quick look as to why it is happening, but was unable to find where or why.
Would be great to see some updates soon.
Kinda disappointed… This is just a modified version of WP-Invoice. It is pretty obvious, especially since I am seeing a lot of the same errors and UI issues in the admin area…I mean the exact same things.
Really wish these things were kept up to date and actually would work as needed.
I’m setting up web invoice to send recurring payment invoices through PayPal. When I click on the Subscribe button, I get this error:
“The link you have used to enter the PayPal system is invalid. Please review the link and try again.”
However, if it is NOT a recurring invoice, and just a regular 1-time invoice, it works just fine. Any thoughts?
I have found a conflict when I have this plugin and Gravity Forms activated at the same time. I contacted them and it seems it is outputting Javascript on the Gravity Forms admin pages. I would really like to use this plugin alongside since they offer different functionality. Is there a way this can be fixed?