I was using this tool and it stopped working. I’m getting an error on a line that is doing an eval. Does anyone have a fix for this plug in?
The line that is having an issue: eval($out . ‘;’);
Let me know anyone has any help here.
Thank you,
]]>One of best tagger made, so I would like to share an suggestion with you:
For “add tag” option where user can add list of tags he want’s to be added to every post, to be possible to insert template tags like:
{post type}
Maybe even:
Hope this can be done and developers will implement it, but if not, I would appreciate If anybody would be so kind and help me achieve this…
Is there a way to limit the number of tags to be displayed?
Also can the displayed tags be RANDOMIZED?
If I can choose only 5 to 10 tags to display, can I have different tags display every time?
This may be a new feature but this would certainly help in SEO – since the new random tags that show will result in a “newly” revised post every time the search engine spiders come to visit and index.
]]>Il very beautifull and powerfool plugin for the posts, but there are a way for use it for tag pages?
]]>Plugin is generating the following message on my site:
Notice: Use of undefined constant wbats_version – assumed ‘wbats_version’ in /wp-content/plugins/web-ninja-tagging-system/webninja_ats.php on line 313
]]>as topic says, please update the plugin so it can support spanish characters. Thank you!
]]>In this function wbats_check_updates
there is such code:
$crlf = "\r\n";
$host = 'josh-fowler.com';
$handle = fsockopen($host, 80, $error, $err_message, 3);
if (!$handle) {
if ($echo) {
echo __('Unable to get latest version', 'wbats')." ($err_message)";
} else {
$req = 'GET https://'.$host.'/version/wbats.php?v='.urlencode(wbatsversion)
. '&site='.urlencode(get_option('siteurl')).'&email='.urlencode(get_option('admin_email')).' HTTP/1.0' . $crlf
. 'Host: '.$host. $crlf
. $crlf;
fwrite($handle, $req);
$response .= fread($handle, 1024);
It checks updates but also it sends your admin email to the author. In some days or weeks after installing this plugin you will get a spam email from the author, where he will promote his article rewriting service. And who knows what else he can do with your email. Sell to spammers?
Please do not install this plugin unless you are completely sure in what you are doing.
]]>excellent plugin, which does exactly what it’s supposed to do –
A few findings:
If you have a larger # of posts with no tags (>500), you need to increase your ‘script timeout’ in your php.ini file from (standard) 300 secs to evtl. 500+ secs.
Do not ‘tag’ a large # of posts with more than 5 keywords unless you can split them into batches of ~200.
If you don’t need the plugin on a consistent base you should deactivate it. It will slow down your ‘save post’ and ‘update post’ cycles significantly.
Overall an excellent plugin, just needs some active supervision
]]>First, I apologize for my bad English.
I said that I installed this plugin on a wordpress maintained and secure.
First, the functionality to tag old posts does not complete successfully (PHP errors) if not enough about certain words or phrases in the content.
Then I found that if this process (explained above) does not end there may be some items automatically post themselves: a sort of revision you do not decide.
Anyway, I can not find the cron (or whatever) to solve this problem.
I do not thank the developer who has not taken the time to properly test his plugin on different configurations before you make available to users.