Hi! Can I use more than 10 emails?
]]>As in the title, after 5 minutes I installed this plugin, I have received an e-mail from [email protected]
They took my e-mail from my user information, and used it to send me their SPAM e-mails suddenly after, without asking for permission.
This is a very unfair, illegal, misrespectful behaviour and that makes impossible for me to trust this plugin anymore.
I think that, in some way, it’s even in contrast with www.ads-software.com Guidelines in plugin development so it shouldn’t be hosted here.
Sincerely upset,
Pages calling to https://www.webmailprotector.com/emo.js are coming up with a broken lock stating some elements are insecure. Do you have plans to soon obtain a certificate for your own webemailprotector.com domain name or is there an alternate bizland.com/~user style URL that can be used ?
https://www.webemailprotector.com uses an invalid security certificate.
The certificate is only valid for the following names:
*.bizland.com, bizland.com
I have installed WebMailProtector and signed up. The email is validated and the link is displayed properly on the site. But when i click on it nothing hapens. I tried with Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari – on Windows 7.