I have the plugin installed. When I publish a post A in which I link to a previous post B in the same blog, sometimes a mention is sent, but others a comment (always through the webmention protocol). Though there is no clear pattern, it seems to depend mostly on whether post A contains an image. Could that be? Or am I missing something more obvious? And can it be controlled somehow? I’d like all links to be self-notified as mentions, as I don’t feel like linking is “commenting” on anything. Thanks a lot.
I am getting this non fatal error:
[type] => 8192
[message] => mb_convert_encoding(): Handling HTML entities via mbstring is deprecated; use htmlspecialchars, htmlentities, or mb_encode_numericentity/mb_decode_numericentity instead
[file] => /****/wp-content/plugins/webmention/includes/class-response.php
[line] => 187
should be an easy fix, can this please be done?
]]>The plugin crashes any site link after update and below is the error log
thrown in /home/mollysda/public_html/wp-content/plugins/webmention/includes/class-comment-walker.php on line 307
[13-May-2024 14:19:18 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Attempt to modify property “query_vars” on string in /home/mollysda/public_html/wp-content/plugins/webmention/includes/class-comment-walker.php:307
Stack trace: 0 /home/mollysda/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): Webmention\Comment_Walker::comment_query(‘AND’) 1 /home/mollysda/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array) 2 /home/mollysda/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(565): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) 3 /home/mollysda/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-comment-query.php(394): do_action_ref_array(‘pre_get_comment…’, Array) 4 /home/mollysda/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-comment-query.php(366): WP_Comment_Query->get_comments() 5 /home/mollysda/public_html/wp-includes/comment.php(250): WP_Comment_Query->query(Array) 6 /home/mollysda/public_html/wp-content/plugins/activitypub/includes/class-comment.php(393): get_comments(Array) 7 /home/mollysda/public_html/wp-content/plugins/activitypub/includes/class-comment.php(433): Activitypub\Comment::post_has_remote_comments(35790) 8 /home/mollysda/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): Activitypub\Comment::enqueue_scripts(”) 9 /home/mollysda/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) 10 /home/mollysda/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) 11 /home/mollysda/public_html/wp-includes/script-loader.php(2265): do_action(‘wp_enqueue_scri…’) 12 /home/mollysda/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): wp_enqueue_scripts(”) 13 /home/mollysda/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) 14 /home/mollysda/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) 15 /home/mollysda/public_html/wp-includes/general-template.php(3050): do_action(‘wp_head’) 16 /home/mollysda/public_html/wp-content/themes/soledad/header.php(28): wp_head() 17 /home/mollysda/public_html/wp-includes/template.php(810): require_once(‘/home/mollysda/…’) 18 /home/mollysda/public_html/wp-includes/template.php(745): load_template(‘/home/mollysda/…’, true, Array) 19 /home/mollysda/public_html/wp-includes/general-template.php(48): locate_template(Array, true, true, Array) 20 /home/mollysda/public_html/wp-content/themes/soledad/single.php(8): get_header() 21 /home/mollysda/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(106): include(‘/home/mollysda/…’) 22 /home/mollysda/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once(‘/home/mollysda/…’) 23 /home/mollysda/public_html/index.php(17): require(‘/home
Steps to reproduce: on a WordPress install running a non-block theme (eg Twenty Twenty-One), install and activate the plugin.
Expected outcome: markup of non-webmention comments is unchanged.
Actual outcome: native comments lose the <footer class="comment-meta">
wrapper around the author card and comment metadata and the <div class="comment-content">
wrapper around the comment body, mangling the layout if any CSS has been written to target those elements.
I’m not sure what the intended or desired behavior here is, but I noticed that if I’m separating out webmentions from comments, the avatars in the facepile link to things like the blog front page or a user about page, and not to the the actual, say, like or repost. I’d like to be able to have them link to the actual mention, if possible.
]]>Wondering if there’s a way in a future release to hook into Jetpack’s CDN if we’re using it, and have user avatars served that way instead of the varying degrees of responsiveness you get from each avatar coming from a different source.
I’d like to change this to something else. Is there anything I could hook into with a custom function to do that?
After a long time I was using Brid.gy again but gut a strange failure:
D 2023-12-27 12:13:36.529423+00:00 Params: [('response_key', 'agdicmlk...')]
I 2023-12-27 12:13:36.610124+00:00 Source: @[email protected] (Mastodon) @[email protected], https://brid.gy/mastodon/@[email protected]
I 2023-12-27 12:13:36.703219+00:00 Created by this poll: https://brid.gy/log?start_time=1703678932&key=agdicmlkLWd5ciELEghNYXN0b2RvbiITQGphc2NoYUBvaGFpLnNvY2lhbAw
I 2023-12-27 12:13:36.703737+00:00 Starting Response comment tag:ohai.social,2013:111652299436411974 https://eldritch.cafe/@Teskariel/111652299410121118
I 2023-12-27 12:13:36.705048+00:00 Webmention from https://brid.gy/comment/mastodon/@[email protected]/111652244867288902/111652299436411974 to https://jascha.wtf/jascha-wrapped-2023/
I 2023-12-27 12:13:36.705232+00:00 Webmention discovery: using cached endpoint https jascha.wtf: https://jascha.wtf/wp-json/webmention/1.0/endpoint
I 2023-12-27 12:13:36.705326+00:00 Sending...
D 2023-12-27 12:13:36.705437+00:00 webmention send: https://brid.gy/comment/mastodon/@[email protected]/111652244867288902/111652299436411974 -> https://jascha.wtf/jascha-wrapped-2023/
I 2023-12-27 12:13:36.705548+00:00 requests.post https://jascha.wtf/wp-json/webmention/1.0/endpoint {'data': {'source': 'https://brid.gy/comment/mastodon/@[email protected]/111652244867288902/111652299436411974', 'target': 'https://jascha.wtf/jascha-wrapped-2023/'}, 'headers': {'Accept': '...'}}
I 2023-12-27 12:13:37.979360+00:00 Received 500
D 2023-12-27 12:13:37.979658+00:00 webmention send: got HTTP 500
I 2023-12-27 12:13:37.979799+00:00
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/workspace/tasks.py", line 601, in do_send_webmentions
resp = webmention.send(endpoint, source_url, target, timeout=999,
File "/layers/google.python.pip/pip/lib/python3.11/site-packages/oauth_dropins/webutil/webmention.py", line 123, in send
File "/layers/google.python.pip/pip/lib/python3.11/site-packages/requests/models.py", line 1021, in raise_for_status
raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url: https://jascha.wtf/wp-json/webmention/1.0/endpoint
W 2023-12-27 12:13:37.980688+00:00 Error 500, response body: '{"code":"...","message":"Unknown Webmention Type","data":{"content_type":"text\\/html; charset=utf-8","remote_source_original":"<!DOCTYPE html>\\n<html>\\n<head>\\n<meta charset=\\"utf-8\\">\\n<meta http-equiv=\\"refresh\\" content=\\"0;url=https:\\/\\/eldritch.cafe\\/@Teskariel\\/111652299410121118\\">\\n<title><p><span class=\\"h-card\\" translate=\\"no\\"><a href=\\"https:\\/\\/ohai.social\\/@jascha\\" class=\\"u-url mention\\" rel=\\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\\" target=\\"_blank\\">@<span>jascha<\\/span><\\/a><\\/span> Oh, ist der Sammelband ein Unikat oder gibt es den auch kommerziell?<\\/p><\\/title>\\n<style type=\\"text\\/css\\">\\nbody {\\n display: none;\\n font-family: \'Helvetica Neue\', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;\\n}\\n.p-uid {\\n display: none;\\n}\\n.u-photo {\\n max-width: 50px;\\n border-radius: 4px;\\n}\\n.e-content {\\n margin-top: 10px;\\n font-size: 1.3em;\\n}\\n<\\/style>\\n<\\/head>\\n<article class=\\"h-entry\\">\\n <span class=\\"p-uid\\">tag:ohai.social,2013:111652299436411974<\\/span>\\n \\n <time class=\\"dt-published\\" datetime=\\"2023-12-27T12:08:05+00:00\\">2023-12-27T12:08:05+00:00<\\/time>\\n \\n <span class=\\"p-author h-card\\">\\n <data class=\\"p-uid\\" value=\\"tag:eldritch.cafe,2013:Teskariel\\"><\\/data>\\n<data class=\\"p-numeric-id\\" value=\\"109324922578075664\\"><\\/data>\\n <a class=\\"p-name u-url\\" href=\\"https:\\/\\/eldritch.cafe\\/@Teskariel\\">Cifer<\\/a>\\n<a class=\\"u-url\\" href=\\"https:\\/\\/ohai.social\\/@Teskariel\\"><\\/a>\\n <span class=\\"p-nickname\\">Teskariel<\\/span>\\n <img class=\\"u-photo\\" src=\\"https:\\/\\/files.ohai.social\\/cache\\/accounts\\/avatars\\/109\\/324\\/922\\/578\\/075\\/664\\/original\\/790acf865114ea3d.jpg\\" alt=\\"\\" \\/>\\n <\\/span>\\n\\n <a title=\\"eldritch.cafe\\/@Teskariel\\/111652299410121118\\" class=\\"u-url\\" href=\\"https:\\/\\/eldritch.cafe\\/@Teskariel\\/111652299410121118\\">eldritch.cafe\\/@Teskariel\\/111...<\\/a>\\n <div class=\\"e-content p-name\\">\\n \\n <p><span class=\\"h-card\\" translate=\\"no\\"><a href=\\"https:\\/\\/ohai.social\\/@jascha\\" class=\\"u-url mention\\" rel=\\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\\" target=\\"_blank\\">@<span>jascha<\\/span><\\/a><\\/span> Oh, ist der Sammelband ein Unikat oder gibt es den auch kommerziell?<\\/p>\\n <\\/div>\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n <span class=\\"u-category h-card\\">\\n <data class=\\"p-uid\\" value=\\"tag:ohai.social,2013:111483681997902875\\"><\\/data>\\n <a class=\\"p-name u-url\\" href=\\"https:\\/\\/ohai.social\\/@jascha\\">jascha<\\/a>\\n \\n \\n <\\/span>\\n\\n <a class=\\"u-in-reply-to\\" href=\\"https:\\/\\/jascha.wtf\\/jascha-wrapped-2023\\/\\"><\\/a>\\n <a class=\\"u-in-reply-to\\" href=\\"https:\\/\\/ohai.social\\/web\\/statuses\\/111652244867288902\\"><\\/a>\\n\\n\\n<\\/article>\\n\\n<\\/html>\\n","remote_source":"<p><span><a href=\\"https:\\/\\/ohai.social\\/@jascha\\" rel=\\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\\">@<span>jascha<\\/span><\\/a><\\/span> Oh, ist der Sammelband ein Unikat oder gibt es den auch kommerziell?<\\/p>\\n\\nbody {\\n display: none;\\n font-family: \'Helvetica Neue\', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;\\n}\\n.p-uid {\\n display: none;\\n}\\n.u-photo {\\n max-width: 50px;\\n border-radius: 4px;\\n}\\n.e-content {\\n margin-top: 10px;\\n font-size: 1.3em;\\n}\\n\\n\\n\\n <span>tag:ohai.social,2013:111652299436411974<\\/span>\\n \\n <time>2023-12-27T12:08:05+00:00<\\/time>\\n \\n <span>\\n \\n\\n <a href=\\"https:\\/\\/eldritch.cafe\\/@Teskariel\\">Cifer<\\/a>\\n<a href=\\"https:\\/\\/ohai.social\\/@Teskariel\\"><\\/a>\\n <span>Teskariel<\\/span>\\n <img src=\\"https:\\/\\/files.ohai.social\\/cache\\/accounts\\/avatars\\/109\\/324\\/922\\/578\\/075\\/664\\/original\\/790acf865114ea3d.jpg\\" alt=\\"\\" \\/>\\n <\\/span>\\n\\n <a href=\\"https:\\/\\/eldritch.cafe\\/@Teskariel\\/111652299410121118\\">eldritch.cafe\\/@Teskariel\\/111...<\\/a>\\n \\n \\n <p><span><a href=\\"https:\\/\\/ohai.social\\/@jascha\\" rel=\\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\\">@<span>jascha<\\/span><\\/a><\\/span> Oh, ist der Sammelband ein Unikat oder gibt es den auch kommerziell?<\\/p>\\n \\n\\n\\n\\n\\n <span>\\n \\n <a href=\\"https:\\/\\/ohai.social\\/@jascha\\">jascha<\\/a>\\n \\n \\n <\\/span>\\n\\n <a href=\\"https:\\/\\/jascha.wtf\\/jascha-wrapped-2023\\/\\"><\\/a>\\n <a href=\\"https:\\/\\/ohai.social\\/web\\/statuses\\/111652244867288902\\"><\\/a>","comment_type":"comment","comment_agent":"Bridgy (https:\\/\\/brid.gy\\/about)","comment_date":"2023-12-27 13:08:05","comment_date_gmt":"2023-12-27 12:08:05","comment_meta":{"protocol":"webmention","webmention_source_url":"https:\\/\\/brid.gy\\/comment\\/mastodon\\/@[email protected]\\/111652244867288902\\/111652299436411974","webmention_target_url":"https:\\/\\/jascha.wtf\\/jascha-wrapped-2023\\/","webmention_last_modified":"2023-12-27 12:13:37","avatar":"https:\\/\\/files.ohai.social\\/cache\\/accounts\\/avatars\\/109\\/324\\/922\\/578\\/075\\/664\\/original\\/790acf865114ea3d.jpg","url":"https:\\/\\/eldritch.cafe\\/@Teskariel\\/111652299410121118"},"source":"https:\\/\\/brid.gy\\/comment\\/mastodon\\/@[email protected]\\/111652244867288902\\/111652299436411974","target":"https:\\/\\/jascha.wtf\\/jascha-wrapped-2023\\/","vouch":null,"comment_post_ID":"2010","comment_author_IP":"2600:1900:2000:ea::1:1000","comment_author_url":"https:\\/\\/eldritch.cafe\\/@Teskariel","comment_parent":"","comment_author_email":"","comment_author":"Cifer","comment_content":"<p><span><a href=\\"https:\\/\\/ohai.social\\/@jascha\\" rel=\\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\\">@<span>jascha<\\/span><\\/a><\\/span> Oh, ist der Sammelband ein Unikat oder gibt es den auch kommerziell?<\\/p>","remote_source_raw":{"type":["h-entry"],"properties":{"uid":["tag:ohai.social,2013:111652299436411974"],"name":["@jascha Oh, ist der Sammelband ein Unikat oder gibt es den auch kommerziell?"],"url":["https:\\/\\/eldritch.cafe\\/@Teskariel\\/111652299410121118"],"in-reply-to":["https:\\/\\/jascha.wtf\\/jascha-wrapped-2023\\/","https:\\/\\/ohai.social\\/web\\/statuses\\/111652244867288902"],"published":["2023-12-27T12:08:05+00:00"],"content":[{"html":"<p><span class=\\"h-card\\" translate=\\"no\\"><a href=\\"https:\\/\\/ohai.social\\/@jascha\\" class=\\"u-url mention\\" rel=\\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\\" target=\\"_blank\\">@<span>jascha<\\/span><\\/a><\\/span> Oh, ist der Sammelband ein Unikat oder gibt es den auch kommerziell?<\\/p>","value":"@jascha Oh, ist der Sammelband ein Unikat oder gibt es den auch kommerziell?"}],"author":[{"type":["h-card"],"properties":{"uid":["tag:eldritch.cafe,2013:Teskariel"],"numeric-id":["109324922578075664"],"name":["Cifer"],"nickname":["Teskariel"],"url":["https:\\/\\/eldritch.cafe\\/@Teskariel","https:\\/\\/ohai.social\\/@Teskariel"],"photo":["https:\\/\\/files.ohai.social\\/cache\\/accounts\\/avatars\\/109\\/324\\/922\\/578\\/075\\/664\\/original\\/790acf865114ea3d.jpg"]},"value":"Cifer"}],"category":[{"type":["h-card"],"properties":{"uid":["tag:ohai.social,2013:111483681997902875"],"name":["jascha"],"url":["https:\\/\\/ohai.social\\/@jascha"]},"value":"https:\\/\\/ohai.social\\/@jascha"}]},"children":[{"type":["h-card"],"properties":{"url":["https:\\/\\/ohai.social\\/@jascha"],"name":["@jascha"]}}]}}}'
I 2023-12-27 12:13:37.980943+00:00 Converting code ... to 502
W 2023-12-27 12:13:37.981058+00:00 Error sending to endpoint: None
I 2023-12-27 12:13:37.983247+00:00 Some targets failed
In the past there were no problems with this.
]]>Anyone know of a way, akin to plugins to generate posts and comments for theme development purposes, to generate test webmention data for a local WordPress install on my MacBook? Obviously services that send test mentions won’t work in this circumstance. Thanks.
(Can someone at Automattic please also fix this timeout bug in the support forums? This is now my third attempt posting this.)
]]>When this plugin is enabled, clicking on the date-stamp link against any ordinary (i.e. non-webmentions) comment under a post takes me to my site’s homepage, rather than to the permalink for the comment in question. The same happens on the comments admin page if I click one of the ‘submitted on’ date-stamp permalink-links.
If I disable the plugin, the expected functionality is restored.
I am “reviving” old posts (from around 2020 – see example) and noticed this:
Tested with the “Webmention Parsing Debugger” and everything looks fine (and indeed, syndication works fine)
IMHO, it’s possible that the field that shows this information is not properly populated and shown for “old” posts, as it seems this doesn’t happen with new ones.
PS: tested with a second post, even republished it with a date set to “now”, and it’s the same.
]]>There is a pretty fundamental error that needs to be fixed here. webmentions_open is called without an argument when one is mandatory in the latest version
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function webmentions_open(), 0 passed in /***/wp-content/plugins/webmention/includes/class-discovery.php on line 126 and exactly 1 expected in /***/wp-content/plugins/webmention/includes/functions.php:535
I am using IndieWeb Webmention plug-ins Version 5.1.4 on self-hosted WordPress Version 6.3.2. I am using brid.gy to backfeed likes from social media (Mastodon, X, etc.) Webmention likes from Mastodon, Twitter, etc., are not displaying correctly.
Other examples:
Other plug-ins installed:
Syndication Links 4.4.13
Post Kinds 3.6.5
IndieAuth 4.3.0
While reviewing my latest PHP error log, it’s filled with this error (every 1-2 minute or so):
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string in /srv/data/web/vhosts/www.didiermary.fr/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/webmention/includes/Handler/class-mf2.php:403
Stack trace:
0 /srv/data/web/vhosts/www.didiermary.fr/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/webmention/includes/Handler/class-mf2.php(442): Webmention\Handler\MF2->find_representative_item()
1 /srv/data/web/vhosts/www.didiermary.fr/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/webmention/includes/Handler/class-mf2.php(46): Webmention\Handler\MF2->get_representative_item()
2 /srv/data/web/vhosts/www.didiermary.fr/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/webmention/includes/class-handler.php(84): Webmention\Handler\MF2->parse()
3 /srv/data/web/vhosts/www.didiermary.fr/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/webmention/includes/class-receiver.php(619): Webmention\Handler->parse_aggregated()
4 /srv/data/web/vhosts/www.didiermary.fr/htdocs/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): Webmention\Receiver::default_commentdata()
5 /srv/data/web/vhosts/www.didiermary.fr/htdocs/wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
6 /srv/data/web/vhosts/www.didiermary.fr/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/webmention/includes/class-receiver.php(329): apply_filters()
7 /srv/data/web/vhosts/www.didiermary.fr/htdocs/wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php(1194): Webmention\Receiver::post()
8 /srv/data/web/vhosts/www.didiermary.fr/htdocs/wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php(1041): WP_REST_Server->respond_to_request()
9 /srv/data/web/vhosts/www.didiermary.fr/htdocs/wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php(431): WP_REST_Server->dispatch()
10 /srv/data/web/vhosts/www.didiermary.fr/htdocs/wp-includes/rest-api.php(418): WP_REST_Server->serve_request()
11 /srv/data/web/vhosts/www.didiermary.fr/htdocs/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): rest_api_loaded()
12 /srv/data/web/vhosts/www.didiermary.fr/htdocs/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(334): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
13 /srv/data/web/vhosts/www.didiermary.fr/htdocs/wp-includes/plugin.php(565): WP_Hook->do_action()
14 /srv/data/web/vhosts/www.didiermary.fr/htdocs/wp-includes/class-wp.php(398): do_action_ref_array()
15 /srv/data/web/vhosts/www.didiermary.fr/htdocs/wp-includes/class-wp.php(779): WP->parse_request()
16 /srv/data/web/vhosts/www.didiermary.fr/htdocs/wp-includes/functions.php(1335): WP->main()
17 /srv/data/web/vhosts/www.didiermary.fr/htdocs/wp-blog-header.php(16): wp()
18 /srv/data/web/vhosts/www.didiermary.fr/htdocs/index.php(17): require(‘…’)
19 {main}
thrown in /srv/data/web/vhosts/www.didiermary.fr/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/webmention/includes/Handler/class-mf2.php on line 403
Have latest versions of Webmention + IndieWeb + Syndicate Links
You can see an example here. It’s happened elsewhere too so I assume this somehow is a problem on my end, the sending end. Ideas?
]]>Hi, this post is for @pfefferle …
Pingbacks/trackbacks are not active for posts created with the “undisclosed” RSS-Club plugin.
On posts, the “Discussion” panel on the right only allows to enable comments, where the same panel for “normal” posts allows to enable both comments AND pingbacks & trackbacks.
Confirmed on my 2 blogs.
Have 2 blogs.
The one using Twenty-Twenty theme works as expected: “likes” appear in their own area, and the “comment” received is not shown.
But, the one using Twenty-Twenty-Three, with the new 100% customizable comment section, shows both the “likes” in their own area AND the “comments” as comments… (see example provided above).
Tried to check if there was an option when customizing the whole template block, but didn’t find one…
PS: Pixelfed seems to not play nice with Webmentions. “Likes” work fine, but comments are a little “messy”… ??
]]>I was looking at webmention.io and noticed you can subscribe to an Atom feed, and I was wondering if this plugin means webmentions show up in the site comments RSS feed, or if they have their own? I’d like to be able to just see incoming webmentions in my RSS reader instead of having to login to my WP admin.
]]>I’m not normally this opaque but someone walk me through this: I want to enable webmention not for display but just for my own notification purposes, and the easiest way to not have things display is to disallow comments. If I disallow comments, does that basically also disable webmention?
]]>I’m trying to track down an odd error. I’m not sure if it is a WebMention error but it does trigger for WebMention.
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in [snip]/wp-content/plugins/webmention/includes/Handler/class-wp.php on line 164
Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: DateTimeZone::__construct(): Unknown or bad timezone () in [snip]/wp-content/plugins/webmention/includes/Handler/class-wp.php:164
Any ideas greatly received.
]]>Hi there,
I created my page, spieltagsgedichte.de to have my own web presence, in accordance with my understanding of the Indie Web. Now I would like to use POSSE to post from my site to Twitter and Mastodon. I want to use brid.gy for that.
However, brid.gy keeps saying that I need “webmention support”. I installed and activated the latest IndieWeb plugin and its extensions. I believe I have all the settings right, still no joy.
Please can you help.
Many thanks
]]>I have found the oddest bug. I have webmention and comments enabled for all pages. (I hide the comment box so it should rarely get used). The webmention form and button appear on every page except one.
I’ve tried disabling and re-enabling comments. Nope.
I’m scratching my head on this one.
]]>Is there a way to modify the Webmention form that appears under comments to use Bootstrap classes?
]]>This plugin attempts to run on posts where the content is empty, thus creating errors eg:
Uncaught ValueError: DOMDocument::loadHTML(): Argument #1 ($source) must not be empty in /*******/wp-content/plugins/webmention/includes/functions.php:364
It is now big deal but can the logic be improved for situations where the post_cintent will be empty? beter to account for this and not run the process and not create errors I think?
]]>I used to get webmentions from Twitter via brid.gy until last Sunday (May 2), e.g. – – [02/May/2021:11:33:56 +0200] “POST /wp-json/webmention/1.0/endpoint HTTP/1.1” 200 3670 “-” “Bridgy (https://brid.gy/about)” – – [02/May/2021:11:38:18 +0200] “POST /wp-json/webmention/1.0/endpoint HTTP/1.1” 200 3673 “-” “Bridgy (https://brid.gy/about)”
This broke down on Monday. brid.gy shows an unspecific “failed” for posts on my site (which are still detected). When I force a retry, this results in “bad request” on my site, e.g. – – [03/May/2021:17:32:59 +0200] “POST /wp-json/webmention/1.0/endpoint HTTP/1.1” 400 3022 “-” “Bridgy (https://brid.gy/about)” – – [03/May/2021:18:39:15 +0200] “POST /wp-json/webmention/1.0/endpoint HTTP/1.1” 400 3022 “-” “Bridgy (https://brid.gy/about)”
I see that brid.gy’s IPs seem to be different, but that might be a coincidence. Is anyone else affected? Anay ideas?
]]>The problematic string: “This %1$s was mentioned…”
It seems %1$s expands to “Article” for posts with standard format. Why “Article” and why uppercased?
Main problem: “This” translates to different words (articles, actually) depending on what %1$s becomes (word gender and such).
Suggestions, either:
1. Make a translatable string for each post format. These are limited, not extendable. Use lowercase.
2. Use post type label singular name for %1$s, but make separate strings for the special cases post, page and attachment (no placeholder). Include a %1$s only for CPTs.
3. Remove “This ” and start the string with the post type label singular_name, like “Book was mentioned…”
]]>After recent WordPress updates, I’m seeing this error on my site. It stops the page displaying below each post with a webmention.
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function Emoji\\mb_internal_encoding() in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/semantic-linkbacks/vendor/p3k/emoji-detector/src/Emoji.php:67
WordPress 5.7, WebMentions 4.0.5, Semantic Linkbacks 3.10.4
Have deactivated both plugins for the moment. Is there a fix for this?
]]>I’m trying to set-up webmentions. When I try to manually send a webmention from /wp-json/webmention/1.0/endpoint, I get an error: “Cannot find target link.” Brid.gy also gives an error: “Propagate task failed”
I turned on debug mode and got this error: “Notice: Undefined variable: response in /home3/restlew6/public_html/wp-content/plugins/webmention/includes/class-webmention-request.php on line 229”
I am copying the target url right from a post permalink, so the page definitely exists. As far as I can tell, I have webmentions activated and comments and pingbacks enabled for the post. Am I missing something else that needs to be enabled?
]]>Over the past few days I’ve had people report that Webmentions are failing with an error.
Example failure can be seen here – https://fosstodon.b-cdn.net/media_attachments/files/104/903/315/098/013/266/original/8ee32f4966e435c8.png
I then got reports from people trying to leave regular comments on my site that they were getting a critical WordPress error when trying to add a comment.
Strangely though, the comments always come through to the WP backend, but the user gets an error and I don’t get a notification that the comment was added.
I’ve been digging into the issue on my staging site, and have confirmed the root of the problem with the Webmentions plugin. Here’s what happens:
1) I attempt to leave a comment as a user that isn’t logged in and get an error saying “There has been a critical error on your website.” when I hit the “comment” button (when logged in commenting works fine). This is repeatable.
2) I login to WP and see the test comment in the moderation queue – I haven’t received an email notification.
3) I disable the Webmention plugin and try step 1 again. Everything is fine. I see the comment is awaiting moderation on the front end, and I (as the admin) get an email notification to say that a comment has been added. Again, this is repeatable.
I enabled debug mode, but see nothing additional on the error screen. I also enabled debug logging, but nothing is being added to the log, so I’m in the dark here.
Happy to give you admin access to my staging site so you can test yourself.
]]>I am experiencing some weirdness with the Webmentions plugin.
This page is set up to receive WebMentions – https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2020/09/a-floppy-disk-mp3-player-using-a-raspberry-pi/
Works sending a manual Webmention from https://hackaday.com/2020/09/07/the-floppy-disk-as-a-portable-music-format/ appeared correctly in my dashboard.
Broken sending a manual Webmention from https://www.hackster.io/news/terence-eden-s-techno-walkman-uses-a-raspberry-pi-the-opus-codec-and-floppy-disks-for-lo-fi-beats-9ee593685f75 shows “Webmention was successful” but in my Dashboard I see a blank comment from “Anonymous”. If I go to edit the comment, it is completely blank. I can see my IP address, but that’s it.
Not detected sending a manual Webmention from https://www.tomshardware.com/news/retro-raspberry-pi-floppy-disk-walkman gives the error “Source URL not found”. I can see the correct URL in the body of that page.
I experience broken Webmentions fairly regularly. I get completely blank “anonymous” comments.
Is there any way to debug what’s actually happening?