With WooCommerce 2.6 the shipping system changed. Now the user can no longer change the order of shipping methods. It would be really helpful if there was a way for webshipr to be shown above the shipping methods from WooCommerce.
Right now I have a client where the default shipping is pickup at company – and then customers end up not actively selecting shipping.
If a shipping method which requires a pickup point to be selected is selected by default the first click after filling out the address fields will most often be on #wspup_show_btn. update_checkout is triggered on blur on the address fields in webshipr.js which of course forces the #order_review html to be regenerated, #wspup_show_btn included and thus this click on the button is not registered.
]]>This happens all the time on the checkout page… Horrible for usability.
]]>This is most optimal performance wise. I also see a few inline scripts which is bad practice. If you need PHP generated data use wp_localize_script() which I see you’ve even used other places in the code.
I also see that you enqueue jQuery directly (wp_enqueue_script("jquery");
). wp_register_script() has a dependency argument.
wp_register_script( 'ws_js', plugins_url( 'js/webshipr.js', __FILE__ ), array( 'jquery' ), $ver, true );
The above would be optimal. The version parameter really is also needed for cache busting.
]]>Please. This plugin is full of notices.