Since the laste 6.7 WP update, the plugin is get back in english. I tried to force or change words with Loco translate, but it dos not work. I see the translation in french, but it is in english on the site. The admin is in french. Any idea ? Was the same with Woo and after update of Woo, it is OK.
Where can I shorten the time for displaying a pop-up message? it appears and hangs for 2 seconds, which is a lot, I need to reduce the display time by 2 times. Thank you.
I use Perfmatters to delay javascript. It’s delaying the popup. I’d like to exclude it from the delay, but don’t know the script to delay. Thank you!
]]>From what I have read and have been able to check with the free version of the pluging, the pop up does not appear in the variable products, is that so? or does it work with the premium version?
Thx in advance.
]]>As the title says the plugin and the Popup does not support the custom add to cart button in elementor!
]]>Hey, i’m using your plugin and i’m actually very satisfied, unfortunately one thing doesn’t work quite so well: the individual products have an add to cart button, but you can only add a single item of a product to the shopping basket at a time. I have installed your plugin WPC Added To Cart Notification for WooCommerce, so that you are asked if you want to continue shopping after adding to the cart. if you do this, however, you cannot add the same product to the cart again, because the product (where the others say “add to cart”) now says “show cart”. If you take a different route and click on the product itself, the product page is displayed and you can select the quantity. But if you want to go back to the overview, all filters are gone and you have to search for the products in the shop again. In a nutshell: is there a way to be asked how many products you want to add to the shopping basket after you have clicked the add to cart button? best regards, Manuel
]]>Hi there,
The cart is not opening automatically when a product is added to cart.
]]>Beautiful Day Sir,
If you go here— https://www.laviye.com —– and go to the cart, You will see a Pop up like this—- https://prnt.sc/CGW0pI_6dexN
— telling you about your country, and what payment options are available for you.
How can we achieve something like that in WordPress using WooCommerce and your plugin?
I would like the popup to appear immediately with no animation when the Add to Cart button is clicked.
Can you please tell me what should I do?
]]>The notification with notiny does not work when I am in the product sheet and I click on add to cart. It works instead when they are in other pages such as the general one of the shop or that of the home.
How can I solve?
Hi there,
after added the product in the cart I don’t see the icon check netxt to to botton ADD TO CART like I see on your demo.
See screen
Best regards
]]>After installation & activation, there’s no sign of this popup anywhere on my site. What am I missing?
]]>I tried to translate “was added to the cart.” but i do not find any working solution.
I read this page
But i can not translate “was added to the cart”
Can you help me please ?
Image: https://i.imgur.com/VzGFwzh.png
]]>hello wpc team.. the plugin is working for normal product type but popup is not showing on “bookable product” type (woocommerce booking)
There seems to be a major flaw with this plugin, in that it isn’t able to process the addition of multiple products in a single action – Instead, when more than one item is added to the basket it simply shows the last product that was added out of that batch of products. For an eCommerce website this is highly misleading to customers using the site as they are subsequently never correctly informed of what they are adding to their basket when they add more than 1 product at a time.
This isn’t just bad because it means the plugin doesn’t always work as it was designed to be used, but it also means that it doesn’t work with many of the other plugins that your company offer which all seem to encourage up-selling/bundles etc which all result in multiple product additions to the basket in a single click. Based on this, it makes no sense to me that you would allow for such a giant and potentially detrimental flaw to exist in one of your core plugins?!
I see there was a similar question on this forum asking when this would be fixed so that the plugin works correctly (over a year ago), and the response given seemed to suggest you didn’t care that your plugin doesn’t work correctly. I personally emailed your support team addressing this issue last month and was given an equally frustrating response with no hope of a fix.
Could you please answer the following questions:
– Is this issue something you are ever planning to fix?
– If yes, then can you give me (and everyone else that is waiting) an ETA for the updates release?
– If no, are you able to recommend any similar plugins that do work correctly with your other plugins when adding more than one product to your basket so that people can work around this issue?
Kind regards,
Sam Speed
]]>After updating to 1.3.4 the popup notification doesn’t work from the product page. Worked fine before.
]]>Hi, thanks for a great plugin. What if I wanted to add some content to the popup, do you have a hook or is there some way to do this without editing the source files? I’ve edited wpc-added-to-cart-notification.php to test but don’t really want to be changing this file if possible. Thanks ??
]]>i need to change the text of this pop up buttons to spanish, Is this possible?
]]>Hi, First as all, Thanks for developing useful plugin!
Plugin is working well but i have small problem with flatsome theme.
If i turned on this plugin, The close button of the image displayed as Lightbox is displayed in duplicate. (Screenshot)
I tested all plugins are turend off, but same problem occur.
Please let me know how do i fix this.
Thank you.
]]>Sometimes we have such logs:
[09-Jun-2020 17:59:59 UTC] PHP Warning: array_multisort(): Array sizes are inconsistent in /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/woo-added-to-cart-notification/index.php on line 326
It happens there:
function wooac_get_product() {
$items = WC()->cart->get_cart();
$return_html = '<div class="wooac-popup mfp-with-anim">';
if ( count( $items ) > 0 ) {
array_multisort( array_column( $items, 'wooac_time' ), SORT_ASC, $items );
$wooac_product = end( $items )['data'];
Could you look at it?
There is no space between the ‘view cart’ and ‘continue shopping’ buttons i.e it is just one grey area. any ideas please and also is it possible to change the colours of the buttons and the font inside the buttons?
]]>Hello Team,
I have big issue with this plugin, when I’m trying to add product second product after already one product added previously, it’s shows previous product’s notification message when i click on quantity increment button. So i think the popup event is triggered when add to cart form submitted. but it should obviously not shown when quantity increment/decrement clicked. Please check and fix as soon as possible.
That’s bad practice
This can be integrated into the html to improve web optimization or if an external sheet is used unless it is minified
Minify please
Is it possible to add a third button to take you directly to the checkout?
I installed your plugin and I see an error message.
Do you have any clue what does it means?
Is there a way to have this display the bundled or composite product instead of th e name of the last product bundled?
]]>FYI – This error popped up after the upgrade to woocommerce 3.7.0
Warning: array_multisort(): Array sizes are inconsistent in …/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-added-to-cart-notification/index.php on line 321
]]>The ajax add to cart and popup works everywhere else except the product page. How can I add ajax function to product single page
]]>Hello, when you add a product to the cart always add this name. Because it can be?
Hello guys,
which is the differences between the free and the premium version of this plugin?