I installed the extension and I am still unable to import products. I need you to check my account, if any issues.
]]>При попытке синхронизации товаров, появляется вот такая ошибка HSFTimeOutException-FutureTimeout ERR-CODE: [HSF-0002], Type: [BIZ], More: [https://console.taobao.net/help/HSF-0002] error message : timeout is 8000 что делать?
I have one question.
When we receive order from aliexpress. there may be few statuses :
New (when buyer place order and it is still unpaid)
Awaiting shipment (when payment success and risk control is passed too)
Awaiting buyer confirmation
Finish (this one is used by aliexpress as cancel status too)
Statuses – https://tida.alicdn.com/oss_1615879444751_null_FqB19kT6.jpg
I have not seen any statuses mapping in settings, so the question is – how these statuses are tracked? By orders CRON or how?
]]>Buenas tardes,
Cuando intento subir los productos me da este error:
#/shipping_template_id: #: 0 subschemas matched instead of one
He creado y asignado una plantilla de envío.
Lo bueno es que más tarde ha subido él solo los productos sin error, pero ahora estoy intentando subir mas productos y me da el mismo error cada vez que le doy al botón “Subir productos”.
Muchas gracias
]]>When I try to use the plugin, it says I must be logged in and have an account as a seller in aliexpress. As I try to do so and enter the email linked to this account, it reports a 404 error and nothing works. Please, I need help
Kind regards
]]>Hola .
No se actualiza stock en productos siempre sale error : The product you would like to operate does not exist.
Segun lo que veo en producto woocommerce indica ID del producto en AliExpress : 1564990879 y en seller de AE tengo otro numero 10000248855967 .
please clarify that this is actual the “official” Aliexpress wordpress plugin
]]>whould be great some integration with the alipay… so, if any customer gets buys from the woocommerce, he will be able to pay by alipay on woocommerce… getting the payment on our aliexpress account.